六年级下册英语教案-Unit 4 A different weekend 辽师大版(三起) (10).docx

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1、 Unit 4 A different weekend教学设计课 题Unit 4 A different weekend章 节第四单元课 时1版 本辽师大版三年级起点六年级下册年 级六年级一、教学目标 Knowledge aims: Through watching PPT ,making sentences,asking and answering,students can listen,read,write understand and use the phrases:watched cartoons,stayed in bed,cleaned the room,washed clothe

2、s,cooked dinner,watered the flowers. By using the PPT,students can listen,speak,read the pattern:Did you play sports?Yes,I did./No,I didnt. Through listening,answering,reading,role play and so on,students can listen,read and act the dialogue,talk about and write their weekend. Ability aims: Accordin

3、g the pictures and situation to say the words and sentences. Emotion aims: Ask students to know:Our family and friends did much for us,we should thank you for them and lean to help them.二、学情分析 小学六年级学生,已经具备一定的英语会话能力,所以我创设很多机会让学生去说,进而激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们主动用英语说的能力,为进一步学习英语打下基础。三、教学重点、难点 Key points: Learn t

4、o listen,say,read and write the sentences:Did you play sports? Yes,I did./No,I didnt. Difficult Point: Use the past tense freely.四、现代信息技术资源 本课使用PPT课件,配有音频、视频、投影。五、教学过程教学过程(环节)合作学习自主学习小组合作小组合作小组合作自主探究与小组合作相结合媒体名称、起止时间(”)及作用 幻灯片中唱读的图片及音乐,(38”-112”),在媒体中起到活跃气氛的作用。 幻灯片图片及动画视频,(331”-345”),起到吸引学生注意力,引入本节重

5、点短语和句子的作用。 幻灯片文本,(1115”-12),帮助学生掌握询问他人周末生活的句型。应用白板填写答案,集中学生注意力。 幻灯片图片及文本,(1515”-1650”),运用电话录音,创设情境,通过给朋友打电话感受学习英语的乐趣。课文录音,21-28,帮助学生掌握标准的发音。此处输入此环节所使用得媒体资源,在视频中所在的时间,此媒体的应用起到怎样的效果和作用 教学活动 Step 1:Warming-up. a.Greetings. b.Lets chant. Step2:Presentation and practice. 1.Introduce my last weekend to le

6、arn the phrases. (1).What did I do last weekend? (2).Paste the phrases,read and do the actions. (3).Play the radio.What cartoons did I watch? (4).How was my weekend?(通过对自己上周末生活的介绍,引出重点短语,并理解其含义。) 2.Ask and answer a.A:How was your weekend? B:I was. A:What did you do? B:I .(通过会话交流,让学生掌握询问他人周末生活的表达方式,为

7、学习语篇打下基础。) 3.Read,write,ask and answer. a.A:Did you do your homework? B:Yes,I did./No,I didnt. b.A:Did you ? B:Yes ./No, (通过留白的形式,学生自由练习、问答、巩固本课重点句型。) 4.Play a game. Ask one student to do the action,the others to guess.(通过做游戏,提高学生学习的兴趣,练习重点句型。)5.Give your friend a call. (1).Help me to call my friend

8、.Let me know what my friend did.(2).Call your friend.(创设情境,复习旧知,巩固新)6.Listen and say.(1).Listen and answer.(2).Listen and imitate.(3).Read the dialogue in pairs. (4).Show time.(Read in roles) (5).Retell the dialogue.(盖住部分内容,学生复述课文,由浅入深,锻炼学生记忆能力和理解能力。)(创设情境,复习旧知,学习新知。) 学生活动学生一边拍手,一边唱读的活动,活跃课堂的教学氛围,使学

9、生快速进入语境,感知句型:Did you .? Yes,I.为下文学习做好铺垫。 Watch the pictures and video then answer the questions. The students ask and answer the questions One minute to practice ,fill in the blanks with their friends. Students do the actions of the phrases. The others guess.Help the teacher give her friend a call.

10、Give their friends a call.First ,the students listen to the tape and answer. Second,the students imitate the tape to read,then read in roles. 自主学习与合作探究相结合自主探究学生更好的掌握发音。 英文歌曲音频,(3138”-3317”)使学生在轻松愉快的氛围中写自己的周末生活 投影,(3351”-3520”)直观的展示学生的写作成果。英文歌曲音频,(3347”-3720”)使学生沉浸在温馨的气氛中,回顾本节内容。此处输入此环节所使用得媒体资源,在视频中所

11、在的时间,此媒体的应用起到怎样的效果和作用 Step 3: Consolidation. a.Look at some character of cartoons. Let students know about their weekend. b.Write down and share your last weekend. c.The teacher gives an assessment on students behaviors.(通过看同学们感兴趣的动画人物,了解它们的周末生活,写下自己的周末生活,完成点-线-面的过程,使学生能将新知进一步运用于简单的实际语言交际和表达,形成语篇的输出

12、,达到教的目的。) Step 4: Summary. a.The students talk about what theyve learned in this class. b.The subliming of emotion.(学生总结本节课教学重点,鼓励学生,在别人有困难情况下,帮助别人,使学生树立正确的情感、态度、价值观。) Step 5: Assignment of homework. a.Read the dialogue 3 times. b.Recite the dialogue. c.Write down your last weekend.(可根据自身能力,有针对性的完成作

13、业。) Look at the PPT,write down your last weekend. The students summarize what they have learned. Listen to the teacher,to feel the education of emotion. Students can choose any one to do it. 六、教学效果 本节课采用了丰富的教学手段,化解难点,采用自主学习及探究式的学习方式,为学生的语言学习创造条件,使其积极的思考、讨论,使学生在寻找答案的过程中实践语言、表达观点,改变英语课教师一言堂的局面,真正的以学生为

14、主体。 学习英语的新思想是创设情景进行学习,我尝试去创设各种与教学相适应的情景去教学,达到较好的效果。学生兴趣很高,达到学以致用的目的。 对不同层次学生布置不同的作业,让学生自主选择作业,可以让各类学生都变为热情的参与者、有能力的参与者,符合小学生的心理特点,使学生不再把作业当成负担,能够比较主动地完成作业。七、板书设计 Unit 4 A different weekend stayed at home Did you.? watered flowers cooked dinner Yes,I did. washed clothes No,I didnt. watched cartoon cleaned the room


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