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1、1.hold v.握住,拿住 eg:He held on tightly to her arm.他紧紧抓住她的手臂。2.hold v.持有,怀有eg:He is prevented by law from holding a license.法律不准他持有执照。一:一:HoldHold1.house n.房屋,住宅 eg:The house came on the market last year.这栋房屋去年就上市了。2.house v.安置,容纳eg:The latest refugees were housed in makeshift dormitories.新来的难民被安置在临时的集

2、体寝室里。二:二:HouseHouse1.inform v.告知,通知 eg:We need time to inform ourselves thoroughly of the problem.我们需要时间对这个问题有个透彻的了解。2.inform v.影响eg:Religion informs every aspect of their lives.宗教影响着他们生活的各个方面。三:三:InformInform1.interest n.兴趣 eg:By that time I had lost interest in the idea.那时我已经对此想法失去兴趣了。2.interest n

3、.利息;好处;利益eg:Each company is fighting to protect its own commercial interests.每家公司都在奋力保护自己的商业利益。四:四:InterestInterest1.immediate adj.立即的 eg:He says the levels do not pose any immediate danger to human health.他还表示,这一水平并不对人体健康构成立即的威胁。2.immediate adj.直接;接近的;紧接的eg:It is designed to make students study,whi

4、ch should be their immediate mission in life.这样做是为了促进学生学习,而学习应当是学生生活中迫切的任务。五:五:ImmediateImmediate1.immune adj.有免疫力eg:I am immune from the disease,for I had it once.我对这病有免疫力,因为我已得过一次。2.immune adj.不受某事物影响 不易感受某事物eg:They were immune to its poison.它们对它的毒素是不受影响的。六:六:ImmuneImmune1.jump n.跳跃;猛涨 eg:I cant j

5、ump any higher.我没法跳得更高了。2.jump vi.突然快速移动eg:Do you want a ride?Jump in.你想搭车吗?快上来吧。七:七:JumpJump1.lame adj.瘸的 eg:The lamb was lame in its lap.羔羊的大腿是跛的。2.lame adj.无说服力的;鳖脚的eg:Im not prepared to listen to all your lame excuses.我不想听你这一套站不住脚的借口。八:八:LameLame1.level n.水平,水准,程度;标准;eg:Can she take the heat of

6、this level of competition?她承受得了这种水平的比赛的压力吗?2.level vt.使平坦,使比分拉平;水平高度eg:If youre laying tiles,the floor will need to be levelled first.你如果要铺瓷砖,得先整平地面。九:九:LevelLevel1.league n.联盟 eg:United were league champions last season.联队是上个赛季的联赛冠军。2.league n.级别,水平eg:Theyre in a different league from us.他们与我们不属同一个

7、级别。十:十:LeagueLeague1.line n.绳,线;路线;排;电线;界线 vt.沿成行(或列、排);加衬eg:Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle.拿出一张纸,在中间画一条线。2.line n.(公开表明的)态度,看法,方法,行业;行当eg:So what was your fathers line of business?那你父亲当时是做什么工作的?十一:十一:LineLine1.lot pron./det.大量,许多 adv.非常,很eg:There are a lot of empty properties

8、 in the area.这个地区有大量的闲置房地产。2.lot n.命运;生活状况eg:She was feeling dissatisfied with her lot.她对自己的命运感到不满。十二:十二:LotLot1.mean vt.表示的意思,意指;打算;怀有特定意义 eg:I mean to say,you should have known how he would react!我的意思是说,你本应料到他会作何反应!2.mean adj.自私的,吝啬的,平均的 n.平均值eg:She has a mean side to her.她性格中有吝啬的一面。十十三三:MeanMean1

9、.modest adj.谦虚eg:He was typically modest about his achievements.他一如既往,对自己的成就很谦虚。2.modest adj.(数量、体积等)不太大的,适度的eg:The research was carried out on a modest scale.这个研究项目开展的规模不算太大。十四:十四:ModestModest1.model n.模型eg:This model was two years in the making.这种型号是用两年时间制成的。2.model v.仿效,模仿eg:The program can model

10、 a typical home page for you.这个程序可以帮你制作一份典型的主页。十五:十五:ModelModel1.move v.移动 eg:Could you move youre in my light.挪动一下好吗?你挡住我的光线了。2.move n.措施;行动eg:The management have made no move to settle the strike.资方没有采取任何措施来解决罢工问题。十六:十六:MoveMove1.monumental adj.丰碑式的;意义深远的eg:Gibbons monumental work The Rise and Fal

11、l of the Roman Empire吉本的不朽著作罗马帝国衰亡史2.monumental adj.巨大的,极大的eg:It had been a monumental blunder to give him the assignment.当时把这项任务给他是大错特错了。十七:十七:MonumentalMonumental1.nature n.大自然 eg:Science can penetrate many of natures mysteries.科学能揭示自然界的许多奥秘。2.nature n.本质,实质eg:There was a darker side to his nature.他本性中还有阴险的一面。十八:十八:N Natureature


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