(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 6 Jobs-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:a0192).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Jobs_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:a0192)
    • 四年下U6Sounds and words
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      • a taxi driver.jpg--点击预览
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      • ~$Unit6第四课时sounds and words.pptx
    • Unit 6 Sounds and words(er).docx--点击预览
    • Unit 6 Sounds and words(er).pptx--点击预览
    • 教案a0192.doc--点击预览


四年级英语下册四年级英语下册 Unit6 Sounds and words 小测试小测试 年级:年级:____________ 姓名:姓名:_____________ 成绩:成绩: _____________ 1、Listen and write. 1.听音,补充单词完整或写单词。听音,补充单词完整或写单词。 (1)teach____ (2)work_____ (3)driv_____ (4)play_____ (5)a _______________ (6)a ________________ (7)a ________________ (8)a ________________ 2.听句子,补充单词完整。听句子,补充单词完整。 (1) I want to be a d__________ . (2) His f_______ is a w________ . (3) My s________ are English t_________ . 二、二、Write about your family .(写一写你的家庭)(写一写你的家庭) My Family This is my family . My father is a __________ . My __________ is a ___________ . My sister is a ___________ . I love my family .Unit6 jobs Sounds and words What does he do? My family Hello. Im David. Im ten. Im a student. I have a happy family. My father is a worker. My mother is a teacher. My uncle is a driver. My aunt is a writer. My sister is a police officer. I love my family very much. Listen and think. 1.What does Davids father do? 2.What does Davids sister do? My family Hello. Im David. Im ten. Im a student. I have a happy family. My father is a worker. My mother is a teacher. My uncle is a driver. My aunt is a writer. My sister is a police officer. I love my family very much. Answer the questions. 1.What does Davids father do? He is a worker. 2.What does Davids sister do? She is a police officer. Read and find . (齐读,并找出含有er音的单词.) My family Hello. Im David. Im ten. Im a student. I have a happy family. My father is a worker. My mother is a teacher. My uncle is a driver. My aunt is a writer. My sister is a police officer. I love my family very much. fatherworkermother teacherdriver officerwritersister worker mother teacher writer officer driver er father sister Listen ,point and say. fathermothersister workerteacherdriver Try to read. Read the words +er. writer 作家 worker 工人 cleaner 清洁工 dancer 舞蹈家 runner 跑步者 reader 读者 Lets find more. Talk, write and stick. (你能找出更多含有er音的单词吗?小组成员 讨论后,把单词写在纸条上,并粘贴到黑 板上。) ruler sweater dinner number letter paper winter water movie theater Can you read? 1.My sister has a ruler. 2.Is your mother cooking dinner? 3.My brother has a sweater, he is going to the movie theater. My family My father is a driver. My mother is a teacher. My sister is a police officer. I love them all. Read and circle. (自读并圈出含有er音的单词) My father is a driver. My mother is a teacher. My sister is a police officer. I love them all. My family Read and clap. (齐读,当读到含有er音的单词时请 拍一次掌。 ) My father is a driver. My mother is a teacher. My sister is a police officer. I love them all. My family Choose the words to make sentences:(造句 ) e.g. father driver My father is a bus driver. Listen and write. 1.teach__ 2.work__ 3.driv__ 4.play__ 5.an ______ 6.a ______ 7.a ______ 8.a ______ erer er er officer worker teacherwriter Listen and write. 1. I want to be a w_______. 2. His f______ is a w_____. 3. My s______ are English t________. riter atherorker isters eachers This is my family. My father is a ________. My _______ is a ________. My sister is a ________. I love my family. Write about your family. 你今天学了什么? My father and mother love me. And I love them too. We love each other. Homework 1.Read the words three times.读三次单词。 2.找出更多含有er 的单词。1 一、 整体设计思路 通过对特定人物 David 的设计,引出含有字母组合 er 发音的 6 个单 词的语篇。然后通过形式多样的学习方式和练习方式,如“动画视 频教学语音、卡通动画学读发音、读词拍掌训练、歌谣说唱、歌曲 演唱、抢读单词游戏等,将含有 er 的单词及句型贯穿在各项活动中, 使学生在愉快的学习氛围中自然习得和巩固了 er的发音。通过本 课学习,学生不仅做到了“见词能读、听音能拼、听音能写” ,而且 还能流利地说句子、正确在语篇中运用词汇。 二、 教材分析 本课时选自“广东人民出版社” 英语四年级上册 Unit6 Jobs 的 Sounds and words。本课时的语音知识是和家庭成员、职业有关的 6 个例词:father,mother,sisters,worker,teacher,driver。这 6 个词在本课 vocabulary 已经学过,因此学生很容易就找出了 er 在 单词中的发音规律,为进一步的学习增强了自信心。 三、 学生分析 四年级的学生只学过一年英语,英语知识的积累量相对来说比较少, 而对语音知识的储备只有 26 个字母的发音和少数字母组合的发音, 因此语音储备量也比较低。但是他们聪明活波,善于观察和发现。 因此,在教学上教师注重引导学生通过对单词结构的观察和发音特 点的归纳来掌握语音知识和规律,激发他们的学习成就感。四年级 的孩子喜好各种活动,因此,教师设计了形式多样的教学活动,如 “抢读单词比赛” 、 “歌谣表演”等,有效地激发了学生的参与热情 2 并提高了学习效果。 四、 教学目标 1. 语言知识目标:学生会拼读含有 er 的新旧单词,会说唱含有 er 的歌谣, 会说含有 er 的句子,会正确朗读含有 er 词汇的语篇。 2. 语言技能目标:学生能根据 er 的发音规律读出新单词,能根据老师读 音拼出新单词、能根据读音写出新单词、能根据语境选择正确的单词。 3. 教学策略目标 (1)采用歌曲和歌谣教学法,调动学生的学习热情,巩固所学知识。 (2)采用 TPR 教学法,营造愉悦的课堂氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣。 (3)采用任务型教学法和小组合作学习,让学生通过合作完成制作单 词卡片任务,强化了知识在语境中的运用,促进了同学间的交流。 4. 情感态度目标 引导学生从小要做一个爱父母,孝顺父母的好孩子。 五、 教学重难点 (1)教学重点:字母组合 er 在例词中的发音规律 (2)教学难点:将含有 er 发音的单词放在适当的语境中。 六、教学过程 Step 1.Warm up (1)Teacher: How are you? Ss:_________________. (2)Teacher:Im a teacher.What does your father /mother do? Ss:____________. (3)Teacher:Your father is a _____. Your mother is a ______.What 3 about him? What does he do ? Lets sing. (设计意图:通过谈话和歌曲热身活动,营造和谐愉快的氛围,并复习已 学的知识。 ) Step 2.Lead in (1)Teacher: Hes a math teacher.What about him? Do you want to know his family? (2)Listen to the tape. The first listen:听完后出示两个问题。 The second listen:带着问题去听,听后回答问题。 (3)Read and find.找出含 er 的单词,并齐读。 (4)Find out the same point of the words.找出相同点,都有 er. (5)找出 er 的发音。 They all have the same part “er” and “er” says (设计意图:通过 David 的一段录音自然引出 Sounds and words 的六个 单词,并让学生找出这几个单词的共同点是都有 er,以及 er 的发音) Step 3.Presentation (1)Learn the sound and know some words including sound by watching a video.Listen,point and say. (设计意图:通过动画视频进行 er 组合的教学,形象有趣,增强记忆。 ) (2)拼读音标词。 (3)Try to read.(小组比赛,看哪组读得最多) 4 (设计意图:通过拼读练习,检测学生是否具有“见词能读”的能力。 ) (4)Lets find more.(先分小组讨论,再在四线三格的单词卡片上写单 词,然后把卡片贴在黑板上)教师检查后,学生齐读一遍。 (设计意图:通过合作完成任务促进小组成员间的合作交流,并从中积累 更多含 er 的单词。 ) (5)Play a game:抢读单词 (6)Can you read:读句子,含 er的单词读重音。 (7)Learn the chant on the book. a. Listen and watch. b. Circle the words with er sound. c. Check the answer together. d.Read and clap.(Ss clap hands while they read the words with “er” sound.)Pair work/Group work/集体 (设计意图:通过“朗读语篇并在读到 er 单词时拍掌”的方式强化了 er 的读音和对 er 例词的记忆。 ) (8)Make sentences.(选 Sounds and words 中的单词说句子) Step 4.Practice (1)Listen and write (设计意图:通过听写练习,检测学生是否具有“听音能写”的能力。 ) (2)Write about your family. 写完后先同位分享,再全班分享。 5 (设计意图:通过填充练习,检测学生对本课时词汇在语境中的运 用能力。通过分享成果,体会成功的感觉,增强学习自信心。 ) Step 5.Summary What did you learn ? Step 6.Extension Good to know: My father and mother love me. And I love them ,too. We love each other. (设计意图:引导学生从小要做一个爱父母,孝顺父母的好孩子。 ) Step 7. Homework 1.模仿朗读 Sounds and words 三次。 2.借助网络资源或英语词典,找出更多含有 er 的单词。 (设计意图:通过作业的布置,既巩固了课本知识,拓展了课外知识,而 且还鼓励了能力更强的孩子向更高的目标挑战。 ) 七、板书设计 UnitUnit 6 6 JobsJobs Father worker mother er teacher Sisters driver
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