(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 3 A Lucky Day-Lesson 5-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:104a2).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 A Lucky Day_Lesson 5_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)__(编号:104a2)
    • Unit 4 Feeling Excited素材.mp4
    • Unit 4 Feeling Excited课件.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案104a2.docx--点击预览


Unit 4 Feeling Excited (Reading and writing) Lets watch: What holiday is it about? Christmas What do you know about Christmas? Santa Claus December 25th. Look and say. Reading and writing go- went into进入进入 There were lots of presents ( gifts). 有有许许多多礼礼物物。 Christmas tree圣诞树圣诞树 Santa圣诞老人圣诞老人 Santa Claus圣诞老人圣诞老人 the night before Christmas圣诞前夜(平安夜)圣诞前夜(平安夜) suddenly突然突然 wait等等等等 maybe可能可能 I wasnt scared at all. 我一点也不害怕。我一点也不害怕。 walk-walked to走向走向 wantwanted some 想要一些想要一些 looklooked around四处看看四处看看 There was no one there.那里没有人。那里没有人。 There was a red and white hat. 有有一一顶顶红红白白相相间间的的帽帽子子。 Christmas Eve (圣诞前夕圣诞前夕,12月月24日晚上日晚上) What does “ suddenly” mean? in a short time (忽然,突然) The birds looked around to get some food. looking here and there Reading and writing 限时阅读限时阅读60秒秒 A. at Christmas day B. after Christmas C. at the night before Christmas The story happened_______. C 1. What is the name of Father Christmas? 2 2. Where were the presents? 1 It is Santa Claus. They were under the Christmas tree . 3. Why was the boy scared? 4. What was on the table? Underline the key words (根据问题在文中划出关键词) 3. Why was the boy scared? 4. What was on the table? Ask and answer in pairs. (前后两人问答交流) 3 4 Because he heard a noise. There was a red and white hat. Reading and writing 注意朗读圈出的部分注意朗读圈出的部分 Read and write “T” or “F” (判断对错) T F T T F T Read and choose 5 ( )1. There were lots of presents in the_____. A. living room B. kitchen ( )2. It was the night ____ Christmas. A. before B. after ( )4. The boy wanted some______. A. presents B. milk and cookies. ( )5. There was a red and white hat _____. A. under the Christmas tree. B. on the table A A B B e went to lots of presents excited and hungry walked to milk and cookies a red and white hat Read and choose.3 C A D B My Unforgettable(难忘的难忘的) Day scared sad happy excitedangry tired won the game、got a kitten (dog)、lost my keys、 saw a mouse、 heard a noise、got a good (poor) grade 、had fun with friends、played tennis、missed the bus、 forgot my homework、woke up late 1、Writing :My unforgettable Day. 2、一起作业、一起作业开心学英语开心学英语六年级下册第四单元教学设计六年级下册第四单元教学设计 Unit 4 Feeling Excited Reading and writing 一、教学内容与学情分析: 本单元的主题是 Feeling,本课时是阅读课,是一篇很好的辅助 教学的阅读材料,有助于帮助学生巩固语言知识。学生已经学习了 表达感觉的单词和句型,进行了听说读写的基础训练,学会了表达 感觉和说出引起这些感觉的原因。本课时通过让学生带着任务阅读、 限时阅读、查找信息、跟读等阅读策略,培养学生在阅读材料中捕 捉关键信息、总结阅读材料的主题、梳理阅读材料的脉络的能力。 二、教学目标: 1、语言知识目标: 巩固和拓展学生已学的表示感觉的单词,以及在实际情景中 的应用,并能简单表达引起这些感觉的原因。 2、语言能力目标: 通过阅读的教学,帮助学生理解文章大意,培养学生在阅读 材料中获取和处理信息的能力。 能够提炼文章的关键信息,并能在板书的引导下复述短文。 能够模仿例文仿写。 3、情感态度目标: 培养学生关心他人的感受。 4、文化意识目标: 初步了解西方大型节日圣诞节及平安夜的一些活动,并结合本 土节日春节,了解中西方文化的差异。 5、学习策略目标: 通过让学生带着任务阅读、限时阅读、查找信息、跟读等方式,运 用 学生略读、寻读、跳读和精读等阅读策略,培养学生在阅读材 料中捕捉关键信息、总结阅读材料的主题、梳理阅读材料的脉络的 能力。 三、教学重、难点: 教学重点: 1、动词过去式的使用语境和句式表达。 2、通过阅读从文章中获取和处理阅读材料的信息。 教学难点: 1、理解短文及其脉络。 2、并能够仿写。 四、教学准备: PPT 课件、词卡、学生练习纸、圣诞树、礼物等 五、教学过程: Step 1. Pre-reading 1. Free talk. 2. Talk about the festivals. 3. Brain storm. Have Ss say something about the Christmas. 4. Look at the three pictures, have Ss guess what the text is about. 5. Look at the text and listen to the tape, then choose the answer. When did the story happen? A. Christmas Day B. Christmas Eve Step 2. While-reading 1. The first reading. Look at the four questions of Practice 2 and read the text by heart. 2. The second reading. (Part by part) A. Part One. a. Read the question: Where were the presents? b. Listen, underline the key sentence and answer. c. Read the passage loudly. d. Guide Ss to sum up the feeling and the reason. B. Finish the other parts in the same way. 3. The third reading. A. Ss read the text. B. Group work: Discuss in your group and finish Practice 3.21 世纪教育网版权所有 Step 3. Post-reading. 1. Group work: Fill in the form. 2.Retell the text by the blackboard writing. 3. Talk about the last Spring Festival. 4. Oral composition. 5. Written composition. Step 4. Summary. Step 5. Homework: 1. Read Reading and writing twice. 2、Writing :My unforgettable Day. 3、完成网上一起作业
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