(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Review 1-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:20cdb).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Review 1_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:20cdb)
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复习一般过去时学导案复习一般过去时学导案 Class__________Class__________ Name__________Name__________ No.__________No.__________ 1、用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Cool ! The room (be) clean now but it (be) so dirty last week. 2.They (watch) a football match at 8:00 yesterday. 3.Did she (study) history before?-No,she (study) English. 4.What (happen) this morning? He (drop) the plates. 5.He (lose) his wallet this morning, but he (find) it at last. 2、听录音完成下列短文。听录音完成下列短文。 A Happy Day Last Sunday ______ Mothers day. The weather______ ______ . My families and I______ in the park .First, I ____ ______ ______ . My friend, Tom______ _____ ______ . Next , We ______ volleyball . My father ______and______ .Then ,We ____ ______ ______ . The food ______ tasty. We______ happy. 三、看图完成下列句子。三、看图完成下列句子。 (1).We in last Sunday. (2).The weather was . (3).I liked the food there. The food was . (4).We . (5).We and . 四、小作文。四、小作文。 同学们,相信大家都很期待即将到来的暑假,那你还记得去年暑假做过的事情同学们,相信大家都很期待即将到来的暑假,那你还记得去年暑假做过的事情 吗?请以吗?请以“Last Summer Holiday”为题写一篇小短文跟大家分享一下吧!(最少为题写一篇小短文跟大家分享一下吧!(最少 写写 5 句话)句话) Last Summer Holiday 5、模仿例句写句子。模仿例句写句子。 Model A: What happened? I won the game. (fail the test) Model B: What did Sally do this morning? She made a model plane. (write a letter) Model C: We sometimes have fun with friends. (last Saturday) Model D: Why are you tired? Because I stayed up late last night. (Lisa/ scared/ hear a noise) 6、单项选择题。单项选择题。 ( )1.What did you do last Sunday?-I model planes. A.am making B.made C.make ( )2.Why did you stay up late ?-Because I played games. A.every day B.now C.last night ( )3.Did you have fun at the party last night? Of course. We to music and some juice. A.listened, drank B.listen, drank C.listen, drink ( )4.I at home last night and I a long letter to my father. A.am, write B.was, wrote C.was, write ( )5.Your bedroom messy this morning. tidy now? A.was, is B.is, was C.was, Is ( )6.I had a bad day yesterday. I up late and my homework. A.wake, forget B.woke, forgot C.wakes, forgets ( )7.What did your classmates do yesterday afternoon? They . A.fold the clothes B.cleaned the desks C.wash the dishesReview 1 一般过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或存在的状态, 其动词要用动词过去式。 【过去的时间 】 last Sunday(week, month, night, summer holiday.), yesterday, the day before yesterday, this morning, before, just now, an hour ago(一小时前) 一般过去时 【定义】 【动词过去式的变化规则 】 1.直接加ed; 2.以e结尾的加d; 3.辅音字母加y结尾的,改y为i再加ed; 4.以重读闭音节结尾的,双写末尾的字母, 再加ed; 5.不规则动词过去式。 如如:play-played. 如如:use-used. 如如:study- studied. 如如:drop-dropped. 如如:make-made. run-ran, go-went, eat-ate, write-wrote,read -read , make-made,ride-rode, sing-sang,drink-drank, win-won, have -had,get-got wake-woke, forget -forgot, lose-lost, hurt-hurt,give-gave think-thought , find-found 不规则动不规则动词的词的过去式过去式: 【练习一】用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Cool ! The room (be) clean now but it (be) so dirty last week. 2.They (watch) a football match at 8:00 yesterday. 3.Did she (study) history before?-No, she (study) English. 4.What (happen) this morning? He (drop) the plates. 5.He (lose) his wallet this morning, but he (find) it at last. Q1: Cool ! The room (be) clean now but it (be) so dirty last week. is was 请请你的你的同桌回答同桌回答 Q2: They (watch) a football match at 8:00 yesterday. watched 请请你你自己回答自己回答 Q3: Did she (study) history before? -No, she (study) English. study studied 请请你你左边左边的的同同学学回答回答 Q4: What (happen) this morning? He (drop) the plates. happened dropped 你你可指可指定一人定一人回答回答 Q5: He (lose) his wallet this morning, but he (find) it at last. lost found 请请你你前面前面的的同同学学回答回答 Marry drew a picture to her mother as a gift last Sunday. Marry Tom her father her sister and Jack her mother and cousins What was the weather like last Sunday? It . Where were they last Sunday? They in the park .were wassunny What did Tom do? He the bike . What did Marry do ? She a book. read rode What did her father do? He and . What did her sister and Jack do ? They volleyball(排球). played sangdanced What did her mother and cousins do ? They some food. ate A A HappyHappy DayDay Last Sunday ______ Mothers day. The weather____ ______ . My families and I_____ in the park .First,I ____ ______ ______ . My friend, Tom_____ ______ ______. Next , We ______ volleyball . My father_____ and______ . Then ,We ____ ______ ______. The food ______ tasty. We______ happy. waswas sunnywere readabookrodethe bikeplayedsang dancedatesomefood waswere 看图完成句子 1.We in last Sunday. 2.The weather was . 3.I liked the food there. The food was . 4.We . 5.We and . wereGuangzhou sunny tasty went to the park rode the biketook sme photos 同学们,相信大家都很期待即将到来的暑假,那你还记得 去年暑假做过的事情吗?请以“Last Summer Holiday”为题写 一篇小短文跟大家分享一下吧!(最少写5句话) Last Summer Holiday Thank you!ReviewReview 1 1 第一课时 【学导目标学导目标】 1 1、知识与技能:、知识与技能:复习动词过去式及其规律,从听、说、读、写方面巩固复 习一般过去时的知识。 2 2、过程与方法:、过程与方法:通过小组合作交流等方式,提高学生的语言综合表达能力。 3 3、情感态度与价值观:、情感态度与价值观:培养学生良好的生活习惯,能运用一般过去时陈述 过去所做的事情。 【学情分析学情分析】本课时教学复习 Unit1-3 所学的动词过去式,总结动词过去式 的变化规律。进而复习一般过去时的时态,通过练习,让学生熟练地询问、叙述 某人在过去做什么,并把一般过去时时态运用到实际中。 【教学内容分析教学内容分析】这节课总结规律让学生掌握动词过去式的变化形式,并从 时间状语入手,教学、巩固一般过去时的句型。本节课还设计了形式多样的练习, 从听、说、读、写方面,多维度地训练一般过去时。采用小组合作、游戏等进行 评析、操练。 【学导重难点学导重难点】 1、完成本单元练习 1、2。 2、总结复习一般过去时的知识,并掌握动词过去式的规律。 3、把一般过去时时态运用到实际中。 【学导准备学导准备】自制 ppt 课件、卡片等。 【学导过程学导过程】 一、开课导入一、开课导入 1. Lets chant:I had a lucky day! 2. Free talk: What day is it today? Whats the date today? What did you do?. 二、探索体验二、探索体验 1.完成课本 P38 Activities 1、2. 2.老师评讲校对 P38 Activities 1、2 问题及答案。 三、拓展创新三、拓展创新 1引出一般过去时的定义、过去时间。 2.小组内读 Unit1-Unit3 单词,让学生尝试归纳动词过去式的规律。 3.教师小结,强调不规则形式。 4.用词的适当形式填空。 5.Marry drew a picture to her mother. (1)What did she draw? 看图回答问题。 (2)Marry also wrote a diary last Sunday.听录音完成短文。 A Happy Day Last Sunday ______ Mothers day. The weather____ ____ . My families and I_____ in the park .First,I ____ ____ ____ . My friend, Tom_____ ____ ____ . Next , We ______ volleyball . My father ______and______ .Then ,We ____ ____ ____ . The food ______ tasty. We______ happy. 四、巩固练习四、巩固练习 A.根据图片完成下列句子。 (1).We in last Sunday. (2).The weather was . (3).I liked the food there. The food was . (4).We . (5).We and . B.小作文: 同学们,相信大家都很期待即将到来的暑假,那你还记得去年暑假做 过的事情吗?请以“Last Summer Holiday”为题写一篇小短文跟大家分享一下 吧!(最少写 5 句话) Last Summer Holiday C.模仿例句写句子 Model A: What happened? I won the game. (fail the test) Model B: What did Sally do this morning? She made a model plane. (write a letter) Model C: We sometimes have fun with friends. (last Saturday) Model D: Why are you tired? Because I stayed up late last night. (Lisa/ scared/ hear a noise) 五、学导反思五、学导反思 学的反思: What have you learned in this lesson? 导的反思:采用小组合作、游戏等操练单词和句型,学生学习兴趣浓,学习 积极性比较高。但需注意的是每个教学环节的时间安排,不能前松后紧,要做到 张弛有度。 【教学评价教学评价】 整节课能运用“两先两后”的教学模式进行教与学,做到先学后教,先练后 导,学生学得容易,教师教得轻松。总的来说,这节课教学目的达到了,教学难 点也有了突破,教学效果较好。
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