(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 1 A Parade Day-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:d0314).zip

相关 举报
  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 A Parade Day_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:d0314)
    • Unit 1 A Parade Day - Story视频.swf
    • Unit 1 A Parade Day - 情感教育片断.flv
    • Unit 1 A Parade Day - 练习1.mp3
    • Unit 1 A Parade Day - 练习2.mp3
    • Unit 1 A Parade Day - 练习3.mp3
    • Unit 1 A Parade Day - 练习4.mp3
    • Unit 1 A Parade Day - 练习5.mp3
    • Unit 1 A Parade Day - 练习6.mp3
    • Unit 1 A Parade Day -练习7.mp3
    • Unit 1 A Parade Day- Story.dcf
    • Unit 1 A Parade Day-Story.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案d0314.docx--点击预览


Greeting Revision 1.1.如果你想知道今天是几月几日,如果你想知道今天是几月几日, 应该怎样问?应该怎样问? 2.2.如果你想知道今天的星期几,如果你想知道今天的星期几, 应该怎样问?应该怎样问? 3.3.如果你想知道今天的天气如果你想知道今天的天气 怎么样,应该怎样问?怎么样,应该怎样问? Revision 1.1.如果你想问同学你喜欢星期日吗,如果你想问同学你喜欢星期日吗, 应该怎样问?应该怎样问? 2.2.如果你想问同学你上个星期日做什么,如果你想问同学你上个星期日做什么, 应该怎样问?应该怎样问? Lead in Presentation - Learn the story 看视频学习故事看视频学习故事 做练习学习词汇及故事做练习学习词汇及故事 Presentation - Learn the story 分角色朗读课文分角色朗读课文 Presentation - - Read the story Presentation- Learn the story 看图理解故事回答问题看图理解故事回答问题 1. What was on the way on a Sunday? Presentation- Learn the story 看图理解故事回答问题看图理解故事回答问题 Presentation- Learn the story 看图理解故事回答问题看图理解故事回答问题 2. Did Tony, Jenny and Gogo like parades? Presentation- Learn the story 看图理解故事回答问题看图理解故事回答问题 Presentation- Learn the story 看图理解故事回答问题看图理解故事回答问题 3. What did the boys do in the parade? Presentation- Learn the story 看图理解故事回答问题看图理解故事回答问题 Presentation- Learn the story 看图理解故事回答问题看图理解故事回答问题 4. What did the girls do in the parade? Presentation- Learn the story 看图理解故事回答问题看图理解故事回答问题 5. Who ran after the parade and watch? Presentation- Learn the story 看图理解故事回答问题看图理解故事回答问题 Presentation- Learn the story 看图理解故事回答问题看图理解故事回答问题 复述故事复述故事 Practice - - Retell the story 复述故事复述故事 Practice - - Retell the story 巩固练习巩固练习 Consolidation - - Do some exercises Life is colorful, we should love life! 生活多姿多彩,生活多姿多彩, 我们要热爱生活!我们要热爱生活! 情感教育情感教育 Emotional Education Homework 1. Recite the story(背诵故事)(背诵故事). 2. Retell the story to your parents in English(用英语给父母亲讲这个故事)(用英语给父母亲讲这个故事). 3. Finish some exercises on page 2 of the workbook (完成练习册第(完成练习册第2页)页).一、学生分析 本课教学对象为六年级学生,班级人数为 30 人,平均年龄 12 岁。经过四年对 英语的学习,六年级的小学生已经有了一定的英语基础知识。各种形式的游戏 及活动方式能提高他们学习英语的兴趣。他们也有着较强的竞争心理,采取小 组竞争的方式不仅能提高他们的合作能力,还能促进他们的学习效率。 二、教材分析 本教材一共有 6 课(2 课附加课可选),每一课的大致结构分为:story, vocabulary, target, practice, song, activity 和 sounds and words 七个部分。 Story 通过有趣的故事情景和会话学习语言,能帮助学生综合学习、运用语言, 了解地道的英美文化。 三、教学目标 重点单词:parade, the trumpet, the drum, sang, danced, ran, watched 目标语言:理解故事内容,朗读故事对话;学习如何应用故事来进行复述故事。 四、教学策略 本课以“A Parade Day”为主题,结合故事视频,粤教云教室,for class 平板 共享技术等先进教学理念来进行教学实践。在复习旧知识中引入新课,学生通 过先观看故事视频,学生通过做 for class 里的练习进行学习故事中出现的新词 汇,使学生学得轻松、扎实。同时,粤教云的学生平板的使用对于学生来说也 是一种新鲜的体验,同时通过在线设置的不同的练习,学生在答题时集中注意 力,同时也巩固了所学的知识,学生在取得好的成绩增强了学习的自信心。 五、教学过程 1. Greeting Guessing How are you today? Are you happy today? 2. Revision and lead in Let Ss ask and answer the questions on PPT. Ss : Whats the date today? What day is it today? Whats the weather like today? Do you like Sundays? What did you do last Sunday? T: Do you want to know What did Tony, Jenny and Gogo do on a Sunday? What can you see? 3) Lead in the topic: A Parade Day 2. Story 1) Watch the video, learn the story: 2) Do exercises in “for class” to learn the new knowledge. Part 1: Listen and choose the word.(共 3 题) Part 2: According the picture and choose the correct answer.(共 3 题) Part 3: Find out the 3) Watch a micro lesson and finish the exercise after watching it. 4) Teaching “What does he like doing?” “He likes” Read the sentences one by one and show them less and less. 3.Cooperating Board game: Playing in a group, one student throw the dice and ask “What does he/she like doing?”, the next student answers. Do this one by one in a group. 4. Practicing 1) Practice one: Use the plickers cards to answer the questions. 1. What does your father like doing? 2. What do you like ________? I like playing soccer. 3. 以下哪句话是“你喜欢做什么?”的意思? 2) Practice two: Use the students study pads to complete the online practicing game. (http:/ 1. What does he like doing? He _____playing soccer. 2. What does Tony like doing? ____ likes swimming. 3. What do you like doing? 是你喜欢做什么的意思 ( ) 5. Summary What have you learnt today? Read the sentences together 6. Attitude Stay active, stay healthy. Stay away from the junk food and do more outdoor activities. 六、板书设计 What do you like doing? I like ______________. What does he/she like doing? He/ She likes ____________. 123 1 4
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