(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 4 Feeling Excited-Lesson 6-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:b022b).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Feeling Excited_Lesson 6_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:b022b)
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The panda base Im sleeping. Be quite! Give me my ball! Give me a hug please. the panda base In sichuan Where is? scientisit policedoctor teacher driver Many scientists work there to save the pandas. have 1.Why do many scientists work there to save thepandas ? Because the pandas were dying out. 2.There are _____ pandas in 1987 and _____ in 2011. A. 6;108 B. 108;6 Read part 2 as quickly as you can,then answer. 6 108 Listen and read part 3, then write “T” or “F”. 2. It happens often.( ) 3.The scientists work hard and take care of the mother and the twins.( ) 1.The babies are born at the same time,so they are twins. ( ) T Part 3 Sometimes two babies are born at the same time.They are twins. The scientists are very excited,Because it doesnt happen often. The scientists work hard to take care of the mother and the twins. They hope to have many more giant pandas. 1.The babies are born at the same time,so they are twins . ( ) T baby twins They are panda twins. They are cute. Listen and read part 3, then write “T” or “F”. 3.The scientists work hard and take care of the mother and the twins.( ) 1.The babies are born at the same time,so they are twins. ( ) T 2. It happens often.( )F Part 3 Sometimes two babies are born at the same time.They are twins. The scientists are very excited.Because it doesnt happen often. The scientists work hard to take care of the mother and the twins. They hope to have many more giant pandas. F 2.It happens often ( ) Listen and read part 3, then write “T” or “F”. 3.The scientists work hard and take care of the mother and the twins.(T) 1.The babies are born at the same time,so they are twins. ( ) T 2. It happens often.( )F The scientists take care of pandas. Practise 1 1.Listen to the tape and read the text loudly. 2.Lets read together. Practise 2 Game savethe panda base take care of twins scientists Practise 3 Retell Last Sunday, we visited ______ in Sichuan.Many scientists work there to ______ the pandas. Because pandas were dying out. In 1987 there were only six pandas , but in 2011 there were ______ pandas. Sometimes there are ______ and the scientists ______ the mother and the twins. the panda base save 108 twins take care of the pands base save 108 twins take care of Homework All of you: Listen, point and read the text 3 times. Copy the new words 5 times. Some of you: Listen, read and try to retell the text. . Introduce the panda base to your friends or family.TheThe pandapanda basebase 一、教学目标一、教学目标 知识目标:知识目标: 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会用 the panda base, scientist,save,twins,take care of; 2.能够在文本阅读过程中运用 why 和 because 引导的句子。 能力目标:能力目标: 通过文本培养学生阅读理解能力,掌握阅读策略。 情感目标:情感目标: 关爱大熊猫。 三、教学重点和难点三、教学重点和难点 1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会用 the panda base, scientists,save,twins,take care of; 2. 通过文本培养学生阅读理解能力,掌握阅读策略。 四、教学方法四、教学方法 情境创设法、谈话法、讲授法 五、教学用具五、教学用具 人物图片,单词卡片,多媒体课件。 六、教学过程六、教学过程 StepStep 1.1. LeadLead inin 1.出示大熊猫图片,引出 the panda base. T: Where is the panda base? Listen carefully. 2.通过听录音,引导学生说出 Its in Sichuan.(培养学生听录音提取 关键信息的能力。 ) 3.出示一副图片,学习 new word: scientist. T:Look at this picture? Who is she? Yes,she is a scientist. sc-ien-tist Show some pictures to review words of job. StepStep 2.Presentation2.Presentation 1. Part 2. Show students the sentence: Many scientists work there to save the pandas.learn new word:save, Which lead in part 2. T: Have h-ave save s- ave.Whats meaning? 挽救 Why should save the pandas? There are two questions for you. Please open your book, read part 2 as quickly as you can,and find the answers. Ill give you 1 minutes.(培养学 生速读的能力) 2.Part 3 T:There are more and more pandas in the panda base.And there are also some intresting things.Lets read part 3,then answer these three questions. 1.The babies are born at the same time,so they are twins. ( ) 2.It happens often.( ) 3.The scientists work hard and take care of the mother and the twins.( ) T:Why do you think question 1 is ture? Can you tell me where did you find it in part 3? Show the sentence of this question,then learn the new words: twins Show the picture of baby twins,then let ss make sentences of another pictures. T: Why do you think question 2 is false? Can you tell me where did you find it in part 3? Then finish Q3 and learn new phrases: take care of (通过这样的精读方式,培养学生的阅读能力和阅读策略。) StepStep 3.Consolidation3.Consolidation andand ExtensionExtension 1.Practice 1. Listen to the tape and read the text loudly. Lets read together. 2.Practice 2.制作思维导图,对本课知识点归纳总结。(板书) 3.Practice 3. Retell StepStep 4.Homework4.Homework 1. All of you: Listen, point and read the text 3 times. Copy the new words 5 times. 2.Some of you: Listen, read and try to retell the text. Introduce the panda base to your friends orfamily. StepStep 5 5 板书设计板书设计 Where? In Sichuan The panda base Why? Save What? Twins
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