(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 4 Feeling Excited-Lesson 6-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:e129d).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Feeling Excited_Lesson 6_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)__(编号:e129d)
    • U4视频.flv
    • Unit4 Feeling Excited.ppt--点击预览
    • Writing.ppt--点击预览
    • 听力1.mp3
    • 听力2.mp3
    • 听力3.mp3
    • 教案e129d.docx--点击预览
    • 熊猫基地宣传视频.wmv


Unit 4 Feeling Excited (More reading and writing) The baby panda was happy. It drank some milk. The giant panda was hungry. It ate some food. The pandas played together. They were happy . The panda hanged on a tree . It was scared. The pandas took a bath in the pool. They were enjoyable. The firemen save people. The doctor save the patients. The scientists save many pandas. 1. Why were they excited? ________________________________________ 2. What do the scientists do in the Pandas Base? ________________________________________ Because they visted the Panda Base. They work there to save the pandas. Steven Jobs started the Apple in 1976. Jack Ma started the Alibaba Group in 1999. Why did dinosaur die out? Because of a volcanic eruption on the earth. These anmals are dying out. In 1987,there were 6 pandas. In 2011,there were 108 pandas. In 2018,there were 129 baby pandas and 196 giant pandas. ? ? The baby pandas were born at the panda base. The scentists and mother panda took care of the baby pandas. They are twins.They are born on the same time. 1.There are many volunteers in the base. 2. 3. panda base volunteers 1.We can. 2. 3. visitors 1.We should wait in line. 2.We shouldnt. 3. Hello! I am Corrine. I had a nice summer holiday. I ate some bamboo in the panda base. There is my home. The scientists took care of me. The volunteers cleaned up the base. I was happy. I like summer holiday. Hello! I am ________. I had a __________ summer holiday. I _______________ in the panda base. There is my home. The scientists _______________________. The volunteers ______________________. I _____________ . I _______ summer holiday. ? 1.How to become an volunteer? 2.Join to the special summer camp !Hello! I am Yuanyue. I had a __________ summer holiday. I _______________ in the panda base. There is my home. The scientists _______________________. The volunteers ______________________. I _____________ . I _______ summer holiday. Hello! I am Chuanzai. I had a __________ summer holiday. I _______________ in the panda base. There is my home. The scientists _______________________. The volunteers ______________________. I _____________ . I _______ summer holiday. Hello! I am Qicheng. I had a __________ summer holiday. I _______________ in the panda base. There is my home. The scientists _______________________. The volunteers ______________________. I _____________ . I _______ summer holiday. Hello! I am Qiyi. I had a __________ summer holiday. I _______________ in the panda base. There is my home. The scientists _______________________. The volunteers ______________________. I _____________ . I _______ summer holiday. Hello! I am Jiao Ao. I had a __________ summer holiday. I _______________ in the panda base. There is my home. The scientists _______________________. The volunteers ______________________. I _____________ . I _______ summer holiday. Hello! I am Yunwen. I had a __________ summer holiday. I _______________ in the panda base. There is my home. The scientists _______________________. The volunteers ______________________. I _____________ . I _______ summer holiday. Hello! I am Xingya. I had a __________ summer holiday. I _______________ in the panda base. There is my home. The scientists _______________________. The volunteers ______________________. I _____________ . I _______ summer holiday. Hello! I am Qihang. I had a __________ summer holiday. I _______________ in the panda base. There is my home. The scientists _______________________. The volunteers ______________________. I _____________ . I _______ summer holiday.1 主题The Panda Base 学生分析: 本课教学对象是小学六年级的学生,该年龄段的学生对世界充满了好奇,愿意学习了 解更多世界地理文化。掌握了一些常见的简单词汇和对情绪以及过去的事情描述的句型, 能够简单的进行描述与讨论。课堂上学生能够积极参与小组讨论,能够通过小组合作完 成学习任务。引导学生学会运用工具、活用语言解决实际生活中的问题。 教材分析:本节课教学内容为开心学英语单元是六年级下册第四单元,旨在了解熊 猫基地的情况以及进行描述和讨论,培养学生保护动物的意识,爱护大熊猫,培养学生 的综合语言运用能力和英语交际能力。引导学生运用信息技术工具和语言为中国旅游文 化宣传做好准备。 教学目标: 一、知识目标: 学生在语境中学习、理解、运用词汇、词组和句型 save,dying out, start, born, twins, take care of, there were/was.They were. 二、技能目标:学生能正确运用核心语言学生能够询问和回答关于熊猫基地的问题, 并进行描述。 三、文化目标:通过对中国成都大熊猫基地的阅读学习,学生能够对国家地理知识, 动物保护方面产生兴趣,学生在了解文化差异的同时培养其文化品格。 四、情感目标: a. 实现“趣能”两得,培养爱护动物意识,同时也培养学生保护 环境; b. 通过营造参与志愿者的主线,让学生知道保护动物爱护环境, 保持乐观和积极向上的生活态度。 五、学习策略:学生通过本课的学习活动提高认知策略(听的策略、说的策略、阅 读策略和写作策略)学会合作学习,并且在活动中提升与他人交流的交际策略。 教学重难点: 1, 阅读策略的运用; 2, 掌握生词难词,长句。描述熊猫基地的情况的渗透和运用; 2 3, 在阅读中准备获取信息,运用提示进行写作。 教学准备:不同的熊猫图示、熊猫基地展示、单词卡片、PPT 和 video 多媒体等。 教学策略 教法与学法 1)情景教学法。运用情境的创设,开展小组活动进行教学。 2) 通过听读,问答对话练习,阅读和完成海报等小组活动,帮助学生理解并有效运用 语言。 3)教学媒体及辅助手段:电脑,投影仪,PPT,道具。 通过多媒体、图片、音乐和视频等丰富的素材创设生动自然的语言情境,使学生能够从 多个媒介获取信息,使课堂教学效果达到最优化。 教学过程: Step 1 Lead-in (6 mins) 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk:What did you do on your last summer holiday? 3. Lead in. T:I have some friends. They went to special place last summer holiday.Lets watch the video. (Where did they go?Do you want to go there?-The Panda Base) 4. Present the rules of this class Today youll be divided into two groups to get the leaves of the bamboo in the panda base. 3 (设计意图:从谈论暑假到来,一起回忆上一个暑假的经历延伸到有人在暑假去了一 个特别的地方,利用视频短片介绍四川熊猫基地,让学生对了解熊猫基地感兴趣从而 引出后面播放的基地中不同的熊猫的生活展示。以及通过帮忙熊猫基地捡树叶的模式 进行小组比赛,培养爱护环境的意识。) Step 2 Before reading (4 mins) Look and say: What did the pandas do on their last summer holiday? Ss: They .They were. (设计意图:让学生观察不同熊猫的图片,使用过去时描述它们分别做了什么,以及 情绪是怎样的。从而培养学生对图片的分析以及过去时和情绪表达的描述能力。同时 让学生对基地的熊猫的生活有进一步的了解。) Step 3 While reading. (10mins ) 1. Read the passage. (Listen the passage and circle the new words.) 2. Look and say. (Look at the pictures and read the example sentences. Use the new words to make 4 a sentences) 3. Know more about The Panda Base by asking questions. Group work: Discuss the questions. Discuss the answer in group. (设计意图:引导学生在听读的情况下找出生词,借助更多图片和文本信息手段深入 学习和了解课文文本中的生词并进行造句扩展,同时渗透爱护动物,珍爱生命,为社 会奉献的文化意识以及情感教育。促进学生在解决问题的项目学习中培养语言能力和 学习能力,思考如何保护环境保护动物。从阅读回答问题,到小组共同阅读讨论提出 问题和解决问题。) Step 4 Practice (10 mins) 1 .Show the photos about the panda base .Have students to talk. What can you see in the Panda Base? What did the volunteers do last summer holiday? What should the visitors do?And what shouldnt they do?) 2. Group work:discuss and act in group. As a volunteer, what can you do? As a visitor what should you do?And what shouldnt you do? 5 (设计意图:先让引导学生根据图片资源总结描述能在熊猫基地看到些什么,在分别 引入志愿者和参观者的角色,先让学生根据图片说一说基地中这两类人分别做了些什 么。再让学生进行小组讨论总结,上台进行小组互动展示表演如果你是志愿者或者参 观者你应该做什么。进行语言的输出以及更深刻的社会角色带入进行保护环境保护动 物的情感教育。鼓励学生当一名志愿者和培养学生的文明出游观念。) Step 5. After reading. (8 mins) Have students to write a Weibo passage and draw some emotion to introduce the pandas in the Panda Base. (设计意图:学生根据阅读范文以微博的形式介绍熊猫基地不同的熊猫,写关于熊猫 日记的微博,让更多的外国人可以通过网络了解我们的大熊猫,也让学生换位体验小 动物的一天,让学生能用自己所学的语言知识描述想象不同的熊猫的一天以及它们的 感受,激起学生的同理心,明白要爱护动物,用自己的能力去保护动物。) Step 6 Summary and homework (2 minutes) 1. Summary Have the students to talk about how to protect animals. 2. Homework : Draw and write. Choose 1 or 2 to do. 1. Share and write the passage about panda base 6 to your friend or parents in English. 2. make a poster for the panda base. (设计意图:作业的设计旨在让学生有兴趣有选择的去描写所了解到熊猫基地,画海 报的方式能够拓展学生的写作思维,并且能够培养学生学习能力和思维品质。) 板 书 设 计 家 庭 作 业 Homework: Homework : Draw and write. Choose 1 or 2 to do. 1.Share and write the passage about panda base to your friend or parents in English. 2.make a poster for the panda base. 教学 后记 本节课的学习过程能够充分运用信息技术手段辅助课堂教学,使课堂教学 互动更真实有效,学生的学习反馈更具实效性。比如:教师通过视频短片的导 入与学生互动交流,引导学生思考关于熊猫基地是怎么样的。利用情景教学法。 运用情境的创设,开展小组活动进行教学。 通过听读,问答对话练习,阅读和完成微博小作文等小组活动,帮助学生 理解并有效运用语言。教学媒体及辅助手段:电脑,投影仪,PPT,道具。 通过多媒体、图片、音乐和视频等丰富的素材创设生动自然的语言情境, 使学生能够从多个媒介获取信息,使课堂教学效果达到最优化。 学生通过老师创设的情境,在学习过程中运用目标语言模拟情境一步步攻 克“困难”。学生在阅读学习中通过不同的学习模式进行体验感知渗透爱护动 物保护环境的文化意识,提高学习能力和思维品质。 本节课关于项目学习的小组分工可再细化,对学生项目学习的指导更科学 化,可以巧用信息技术手段如网络资源等适时跟进和反馈学生的学习情况,针 对不同层次的学生及时给予指导和帮助。 7
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