(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 6 Feeling Fun-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:30efd).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Feeling Fun_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:30efd)
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Unit Six Feeling Fun Last Sunday, I was happyLast Sunday, I was happy First, I went toFirst, I went to ChimelongChimelong Ocean Ocean KingdomKingdom Then, I ate Then, I ate I lost my wallet!I lost my wallet! Next, I found Next, I found my wallet!my wallet! Happy!Happy! At last, I saw a 5D At last, I saw a 5D feel funfeel fun (not bored)(not bored) moviemovie What can What can make youmake you feel funfeel fun? ? see a see a moviemovie play with play with a doga dog read a read a bookbook . . put on a playput on a play hall Gogo, Tony, Jenny and Ben put on a play in the school ___________. hall Which story are they playing? Which story are they playing? JourneyJourney to theto the WestWest. . SandySandy MasterMaster Monkey Monkey KingKing Who are they? bad man Which roleWhich role(角色)(角色) did they play did they play(演绎)(演绎) ? ? Watch and answer: Watch and answer: Which roleWhich role(角色)(角色) did they play did they play(演绎)(演绎)? ? Which roleWhich role(角色)(角色) did they play did they play(演绎)(演绎) ? ? Journey to the WestJourney to the West -an adapted play-an adapted play (改编剧)(改编剧) Read the story Read the story together!together! Master, Monkey and Sandy went to the _________.desert It was 6 oclock in the afternoon. It was time for __________. Monkey went to ______ dinner. dinner find Monkey didnt come back. Master and Sandy felt _______. Monkey must come back _____. After 2 hours, After 2 hours, hungry soon soon: __________ fast, quickly It was ____________. They must be ______________. It was _______________. Sandy was not _____________. dark careful dangerous scared You say! I do! Sandy: Master, when will Monkey come back? Im hungry. Master: Im hungry, too. He will come back soon. Master: Its dark. We must be careful. Its dangerous. Sandy: Im not scared, Master. I say! You do! Sandy: Master, when will Monkey come back? Im hungry. Master: Im hungry, too. He will come back soon. Master: Its dark. We must be careful. Its dangerous. Sandy: Im not scared, Master. You say! You do! What do you think(认为) of Sandy? A. honest (诚实的) B. diligent (勤奋的) C. brave (勇敢的) A bad man came! He wanted __________ and the ___________. Sandy wanted him to drop the __________. Master wanted them not to ____________. Stop! Give me money and the horse! money horse club fight No way! Drop your club! Dont fight! Question: Question: If you are Sandy, what will you do? Why? If you are Sandy, what will you do? Why? A. Fight! B. Give the money and the horse. And then call the police(报警). Life is the most important!Life is the most important! 生命最重要!生命最重要! The bad man felt ___________. Because Monkey King came back. He must ______! scared go You say! I do! The bad man: Stop! Give me money and the horse! Sandy : No way! Drop your club! Master: Dont fight! Monkey: Master! Im back. Are you OK? The bad man: Oh no! Its Monkey King! I must go. I say! You do! Lets put on a play now! Rule(规则规则 ):in group of four! One is Master, one is Monkey, one is Sandy, one is the bad man. 1 2 3 4 Lets put on a play now! Rule(规则规则 ):in group of four! One is Master, one is Monkey, one is Sandy, one is the bad man. Monkey didnt find the _______. Sandy found a nice ________. Im afraid I forgot it. dinner club Our play is over. Goodbye! The play is ________. over Game over! Class is over! Lets put on a play now! Rule: find your friends! In group of four! 1. ( ) Master and Sandy felt hungry. 2. ( )It was bright. I wasnt dangerous. 3. ( )The bad man wanted the money and the horse. 4. ( )Monkey king found some dinner for everyone. 5. ( )Master found a nice club. Task 2. Read and Judge. (对的写T,错的写F) 1. ( ) Master and Sandy felt hungry. 2. ( )It was bright. I wasnt dangerous. 3. ( )The bad man wanted the money and the horse. 4. ( )Monkey king found some dinner for everyone. 5. ( )Master found a nice club. Task 2. Read and Judge. (对的写T,错的写F) T T F F T T F F F F dark was Sandy didnt find Journey to the West is one of the Four Great Classical Novels(四大名著). the Romance of the Three Kingdoms Water MarginA Dream of Red Mansions We are Chinese people, and we are _______ of them! the Romance of the Three Kingdoms Water MarginA Dream of Red Mansions proud some foreigners(外国人) liked Chinese culture(文化) too. But they are not good in Chinese. Can you retell the story for them? Example : (例子) Task 3: Retell(复述) the story based on key words(关键词). Task 2: Retell(复述) the story. desert dinner find After 2 hours, After 2 hours, hungry soon dark careful dangerous scared money horse club fight scared go dinner club over Know more about the story!Know more about the story! HomeworkHomework 1. Write down what you retell. 2. Preview the text on P70. Thanks!Thanks!1 六年级下册六年级下册 Unit Six Feeling Fun (story) 学案学案 Class: _______ Name:_______ Task 1. Role play.(角色扮演)(角色扮演) Task 2. Read and Judge. (对的写(对的写 T, 错的写错的写 F) 2 Task 3. Retell the story based on the key words.(根据关键词,复述故事)(根据关键词,复述故事) 8 7 65 4 3 2 1 31 课题:课题: 广东版小学英语第八册广东版小学英语第八册 UnitUnit SixSix FeelingFeeling FunFun (storystory) 一、教材分析:一、教材分析: (一)地位与作用: 1. 本单元是广东版小学英语第八册最后一个单元,承接前面的话题, 继续讨论“过去发生的事” ,也为初中多时态综合语言学习奠定基础。 2. 本单元共包含三篇主题为西游记的文本,本课时围绕第一篇文 本开展。该文本具有剧本性质,而作为一篇剧本文本,教师可以让学生边 演边学,从中帮助学生感受学习英语的乐趣,为接下来两篇叙事文本的学 习奠定话题与情感基础。 (二)内容: 本课时的素材主要描写了唐僧师徒去西天取经,途中遇到坏人的故事。 二、学情分析:二、学情分析: (一)兴趣和爱好:六年级学生仍然是孩子,本性活泼,对较多的事 物都比较好奇。他们对西游记有一定的认识和较高的兴趣。他们喜欢 表演,也善于表演。 (二)认知与思维方式:逐渐从具体形象思维过渡到抽象逻辑思维, 2 能完成简单的发散思维活动。 (三)知识储备:他们对“过去时”的意义与用法掌握得较为熟练, 经过第一课时的学习,也能初步理解和运用本单元的重点词汇与句型。 三、教学目标:三、教学目标: (一)语言技能: 1. 听:学生能够借助图片,听懂故事。 2. 说:学生能够结合关键词,复述故事。 3. 读:学生能够读懂简单的故事。 4. 玩演试听:能在老师的帮助下,结合图片,演绎小故事。 (二)语言知识: 学生能够初步掌握以下新词的音、形、义和用: put on a play, hall, soon, dark, dangerous, club, fight, afraid (三)情感态度 1. 能体会到英语学习的乐趣。 2. 在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作。 (四)学习策略 积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 3 (五)文化意识 通过演绎西游记 ,更加认识与热爱中华民族优秀传统文化,能增 强向世界展现中华优秀传统文化的意识。 4、教学重点:教学重点: 词汇的发音、文本的理解、故事的演绎与复述。 5、教学难点:教学难点: 根据关键词,复述故事。 六、教法、学法:六、教法、学法: 结合多方思考,我采取以下两种教法: (一)情景教学法。我将剧本分为 3 个小场景,学生边演边学。 (二)启发性教学法,我以 How do you feel? What must you do? 推进 故事进程,并帮助学生发散思维。 而在学法上,学生通过合作学习和探究学习等方法,完成小组表演和 复述的活动。 七、教学过程:七、教学过程: (一)热身:(一)热身: 1. 引入课堂评价方式:引入课堂评价方式:20 教师:How are you? I am happy today. So if you win today, you can get a 4 gift. 指向黑板的小组评价表格,并在表格上方贴出 gift 的小图。 学生: 认真听课堂规则。 设计意图设计意图:引入课堂评价方式。 2. 引入主题引入主题 feel fun:1 教师:讲述自己去长隆的故事,并从中提问 How did I feel? What must I do? 最后观看 5D 电影,提问:How did I feel? 引出 feel fun. (边说边演 绎). 学生:认真听教师的故事,并回答问题。其中,在回答看 5D 电影的 心情时,提及 happy/ excited 等,教师引导:I felt happy, I felt excited, and I also felt fun! 设计意图:设计意图: A. 引入主题 feel fun; B. 通过不断提问,复习旧知识 How did .feel? What must . do? 为接 下来的学习铺垫。 C. 教师的小故事可以作为一个例子,来示范如何利用关键词复述故事, 为本课时中的故事复述任务做好部分准备。 5 3. 讨论讨论 feel fun 的意义:的意义:1 教师:提问 What can make you feel fun? 列举 See a movie, play with a dog, read a book 作为例子,以 what else?引发思考。接着,提问 What about this? What are they doing? 引导学生将目光投向新词汇 put on a show. 接着根据“意义”-“读音”-“形式”教授新单词。 学生:认真思考问题,并积极回答。根据教师的提问与教读等,学习 新词汇。 设计意图:设计意图: A. 深入理解 feel fun 的意义; B. 引出 put on a play. (2)课堂展示:课堂展示: 1. 引入引入 Gogo, Tony, Jenny and Ben 在学校礼堂演出的故事背景。在学校礼堂演出的故事背景。 围绕四个问题: A. Where were they? B. What did they do? C. Which story did they play? D. Which role did they play? 6 (1)(Where and What?) 1 教师:展示 Gogo, Tony, Jenny and Ben 在表演的图片,提出 They put on a play last Sunday. 提问 Where did they put on a play? 继而学习新词 hall。 学生:认真回答问题,并学习新词。 设计意图:设计意图:一边学习新单词 hall,一边将学生代入故事学习。 (2)Which story did they play?1 教师:提问 Which story did they play? 引出 the Journey to the West. 学生:认真回答问题。 设计意图:设计意图:引入故事的主题 Journey to the West. (3)Which role did they play?1 教师:以 Do you like Journey to the West? So, do you know who are they? 来引入西游记人物学习。其中,通过询问 Whats he like?来认识人物 外貌特征。 以 Which role did Gogo, Tony, Jenny and Ben play? 让学生带着问题观看 video. 7 Lets watch the video and answer the question. 学生:认识人物,观看视频,并跟做动作。 设计意图:设计意图:引导学生领会人物的特征,初步学会演绎人物。 2. 通过图片、动作、演绎,理解故事,并学会运用语言知识。通过图片、动作、演绎,理解故事,并学会运用语言知识。 (1)第一个场景(去沙漠,所有人都饿了,第一个场景(去沙漠,所有人都饿了,Monkey 去找晚餐。天黑,去找晚餐。天黑, Sandy 一点也不怕)一点也不怕) 。 A. 教师:展示沙漠的场景,先出现关键词教师:展示沙漠的场景,先出现关键词 desert, 引导或教师示范引导或教师示范 引出引出 Master, Monkey, Sandy went to the desert 的情景。的情景。3 展示时钟和 Monkey 不在场的图片,同样,先出现关键词 dinner, find, hungry 和 soon,然后引导学生根据图片和关键词,补全故事片段。 展示漆黑的图片,呈现关键词 dark, careful, dangerous 和 scared,引导 学生补全故事片段。 学生:补全故事片段。 设计意图:设计意图:通过补全故事片段的活动,为最后根据关键词复述故事的 任务铺垫。 B. 教师:通过教师:通过 You say I do 和和 I say you do 的活动,让学生学会表演。的活动,让学生学会表演。 2 8 学生:说台词,也演绎故事。 设计意图:设计意图:让学生学会说台词,也学会演绎故事。 C. 教师:让学生在四人小组里,教师:让学生在四人小组里,You say you do, 两人演,两人配音。两人演,两人配音。 3 学生:结合图片和教师的引导,学会补全故事片段。 设计意图:设计意图:训练对话,同时采用“配音”的手段,让课堂训练方式不 那么单一。 (2)第二个场景:第二个场景:bad man 出现,想要出现,想要 money and the horse, Sandy 和和 Master 不屈服,最后不屈服,最后 Monkey 回来了,吓跑了回来了,吓跑了 bad man. 8 A. 教师:展示 bad man 出现的图片,以 What did he want? What did Sandy want the bad man to do? What did Master want them to do? 推进故事。 并学习新词 No way, club 和 fight. 以 If you are Sandy, what will you do?进入 情感教育环节。 学生:认真思考问题,并补全故事片段。 设计意图:设计意图:利用提问的手段,推进故事。引导学生思考相关关系。并 且通过讨论人物的做法,自然地进行情感教育。 9 B. 教师:提问 Did Monkey find dinner? 推进 Monkey didnt find dinner,he said .引入 afraid 的学习。 学生:认真思考并回答问题,补全故事片段。 设计意图:设计意图:利用提问推进故事的学习。 (三)活动训练(三)活动训练 8 任务一:任务一: 教师:展示活动:在全班范围内找朋友演绎故事。 学生:找朋友演绎故事。 设计意图:设计意图:第一和二个场景都在四人小组中开展,为了避免机械重复, 使活动变得乏味,于是将活动推广到整个班级,学生们可以找好朋友一起 演绎,增加趣味性。 任务二:任务二: 教师:根据课文,选择 T 或 F. 学生:完成题目。 设计意图:设计意图:检测学生是否理解文本。 (四)拓展活动(四)拓展活动 8 10 教师:从西游记引出四大名著,继而提出 Chinese people are proud of them。指出 some foreigners are interested in it, but they are not good in Chinese,以此提出任务 retell the story. Retell 之前,首先展示一个例子,然后给时间学生酝酿用词。 学生:结合 retelling 的例子,进行 retell 活动。 设计意图:设计意图:让学生更加热爱中国传统文化;让学生学会用关键词复述故事。 (5)小结、作业及展示小组比赛结果小结、作业及展示小组比赛结果 2 1. 小结:查看与朗读板书。 2. 作业:将 retell 的内容写下来,并预习三打白骨精的故事。 3. 展示小组比赛结果:指出最高分的小组,提示课后有奖励。 设计意图:设计意图:回顾本节课的新知;及时奖励,以激励学生热爱英语学习。 8、板书设计:板书设计: May 29th Wednesday rainy Unit Six Feeling Fun 11 Master dark No way afraid soon dangerous drop club 9、教学反思:教学反思: 本课的开展主要沿着以下路线:“引入课题”“故事背景介绍” “边演边学”“分角色演绎”“故事复述” 。 主要通过图片、视频、演绎和提问的方式,推进整节课的学习。 语言训练的方式包括“师生” 、 “生生” 、个人思考活动、四 人小组活动和全班活动。 通过本节课,本人还需在教学设计思路、教学评价语和课堂节奏等改 进。
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