(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 6 Feeling Fun-Lesson 6-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)--(编号:40332).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Feeling Fun_Lesson 6_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)__(编号:40332)
    • Unit6《Feeling Fun》 文本资料.doc--点击预览
    • Unit6《Feeling Fun》.ppt
    • Unit6《Feeling Fun》文本音频.mp3
    • Unit6《Feeling Fun》歌曲音频.mp3
    • Unit6《Feeling Fun》角色扮演文本.doc--点击预览
    • 教案40332.doc--点击预览


Intentive Reading(精读)精读) Group work(小组合作小组合作) 1.Where were they going? 2.Was Tangseng hungry and thirsty ? 3.What did Monkey King draw? 4.Who did White-Bone Monster want to eat? 5.How many times did Monkey King hit White-Bone Monster ? 6.Why was Tangseng very angry ? Post Reading (巩固操练巩固操练) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Intentive Reading(精读)精读) Group work(小组合作小组合作) 1.Where were they going? 2.Was Tangseng hungry and thirsty ? 3.What did Monkey King draw? 4.Who did White-Bone Monster want to eat? 5.How many times did Monkey King hit White-Bone Monster ? 6.Why was Tangseng very angry ? Post Reading(巩固操练)巩固操练) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Retell the story: Fill in the blank 请以书信的格式,小组合作讨论,向外国人介绍这个故事,把文中的填空补充完整。(Five minutes) girl came mother angry fights away father Dear friends: Today I am very happy, because I learned a very interesting story. Its about Monkey King ______ White-Bone Monster. First, the monkey beat down the _______. This made Tangseng ______. Next, monkey hit the girls _______. And then hit the girls ______.But Tangseng so angry that he sent monkey _____. Later. Tangseng was caught by Monster.Luckily, Monkey King _____ back and killed Monster. Do you like this story? Write Soon _________ Retell the story: Fill in the blank 请以书信的格式,小组合作讨论,向外国人介绍这个故事,把文中的填空补充完整。(Five minutes) girl came mother angry fights away father Dear friends: Today I am very happy, because I learned a very interesting story. Its about Monkey King ______ White-Bone Monster. First, the monkey beat down the _______. This made Tangseng ______. Next, monkey hit the girls _______. And then hit the girls ______But Tangseng so angry that he sent monkey _____. Later. Tangseng was caught by Monster.Luckily, Monkey King _____ back and killed Monster. Do you like this story? Write Soon _______Sandy and Pigsy :Master,I am hungry and thirsty. Lets have a rest. Tangseng: Monkey King, Can you go and look for some food? Monkey:OK! (用金箍棒在地上画了一个圆圈) Dont walk out of the circle. Monster(girl): Master, this is for my parents. But I can give you some. Sandy: Master, Dont walk out of this circle. Tangseng: Its OK.(开始走出圆圈) Monkey:Stop, Monster.(一棍打下去) She is a monster. Monster(mother): daughter, my daughter. (一边走出来,一边找) Excuse me ,have you seen my daughter? Tangsengr: I m so sorry, I . Monkey: Stop, Monster. (一棍打下去) Tangsengr: Why did you do that? Monster(father): My daughter, my wife, Where are you ? Monkey: Stop, Monster. (一棍打下去) Tangsengr: Monkey king, Why did you killed them? Go away Pigsy : Dont go away, Monkey King. Sandy: We need you. Monster: Ha ha . you are my food.(用绳子把他们绑起来) Tangseng:I am wrong. Monkey King ,where are you? Monkey: Stop, Monster. (一棍打下去) I am back Master,Are you OK? Tangsengr: I am OK. Thanks! Pigsy and Sandy: Thanks! Monkey King.教材分析 本教材是广东开心版六年级下册的第六单元第 3 课时。这个单元主 要讲解四大名著之一西游记 ,学习一些动词的过去式,学习“三打 白骨精”的主要内容,通过小组合作探究,利用阅读前、阅读中和阅 读后三个环节来教授学生的知识面。 学情分析 六年级的学生虽然经过一段时间的学习,已经有了一定的英语学习 基础,对英语有着较为浓厚的兴趣,有着很强的表现欲,但对英语语 法了解得不多。根据学生这一特点,我在教学的不同环节中都适当地 把句型、练习设计成自主学习,激发学生的兴趣,掌握阅读技巧。 知识目标 1、学生能够读懂阅读文章的大意。 2、学生能够全面了解三打白骨精的依次顺序。 3、学生能够掌握西游记各人物性格特点。 过程与方法 1、熟悉取经故事,能复述经典故事情节,分析人物形象。 2、讲授法,小组合作探究 教 学 目 标 情感与价值观让学生懂得为了完成一件伟大的理想,必定会遇到很多 困难与挫折,所以必须坚持不懈的精神才能获得成功。 教学重点1、学生能够读懂阅读文章的大意。2、学生能够掌握西游记的人物特点。 解决措施首先让学生自主学习,找出相关的关键词再分析文章大意 教学难点学生能够读懂阅读文章的大意并且能够回答相关的问题。 解决措施通过小组合作探讨,来共同解决问题 教学准备全班分成 7 小组、多媒体课件、板书贴图、学生阅读文本和相关练习题 教学依据理 论 通过阅读前、阅读中和阅读后的小组合作,拓展学生的知识面。 教师活动学生活动设计意图 教 学 过 程 Step1. Pre-reading 1、Greetings and warming up: Free talk and guess the song. 2、Ask the questions: A、How many characters of the journey to the west. B、Whos he? C、Brainstorm D、Listen and choose. Step2.While-reading 1、Read and answer the questions.(Group work) 2、Introduce character feature. Step3. Post-reading 1、Memory challenge 2、Read and number the sentences in correct order. 1、课前用 简单句型提 问学生。 2、通过文 本,问题让 学生小组合 作探讨。 3、学生在 角色扮演中 来复述文本 内容。 4、通过写 作来加强回 顾本节课重 点。 1、轻松的 free talk,导 入歌曲。导 入本课的内 容。 2、通过 PPT 呈现阅读问 题,让学生 小组合作探 讨,找出关 键词,共同 回答问题。 3、通过角色 3、Emotional aim. 4、Show time 5、Writing: Retell the story and fill in the blank. Step4. Summary and Homework. 扮演、写作 来巩固学生 阅读能力。 板 书 设 计 Unit 6 Feeling Fun Reading and Writing Monkey King fights White-Bone Monster Tangseng: kind, stubborn 1、pretty girl Monkey King: clever, brave Three times 2、girls mother Pigsy: lazy, humor 3、girls father Sandy: honesty, friendly 教 学 反 思
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