(广东)粤人版六下-Unit 4 Feeling Excited-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:f196f).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Feeling Excited_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:f196f)
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Mission 2 Pair work 1.Read the dialogues and write the feelings. 读对话,写出小朋友的感觉。读对话,写出小朋友的感觉。 (1)Diana: Here is a present for you! Emma:Thank you! Emma is ___________. (2)Karen :Good night, mum. Mum: Good night, Karen. Karen is ___________. (3)Pat: Its raining! Pit:Oh,no.I want to play. Pat and Pit are _______. Mission 3 Chant: We are excited! Scared, scared, I am scared. Sad, sad, you are sad. Angry, angry, she is angry. Tired, tired, he is tired. Excited, excited, we are excited. Mission 4. Read the passage and do exercise.阅读短阅读短 文,完成下列练习。文,完成下列练习。 Hello, Im Mike. Im a student of No.15 primary school. Oh, Yesterday was sports day(运动会运动会). I was very excited. The relay race(接力赛接力赛) was going to begin. I was a little nervous. Oh, no. I fell(摔倒摔倒) on the ground. My knee was painful. We lost(输了输了) the race. We were all very sad. I said sorry to my classmates. But John blamed (责备责备)me. I felt sad and a little angry. The tug-of-war(拔河比赛拔河比赛) began. We tried our best. At last We won. We were very happy and excited. The sports meeting was over. I was a little tired but I was still very happy. (1)Read the passage, guess the meaning and match。 excited 紧张的 nervous 疼痛的 painful 激动的 (2)Fill in the blanks according to passage。 Mike was_________________ when they lost the race. Mike was_________________ when John blamed him. Mike was_________________ when the sports meeting was over. A. sad and a little angry B. sad C. a little tired but still happy粤人2011课标版三年级起点 Lets listen and sing a song If youre happy Did you go to the park last Sunday? Yes, I did. / No, I didt. Did you drink anything this morning? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. What did you do yesterday? I played basketball. What did you eat this morning? I ate some noodles. Did you have a good day yesterday? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. What did they eat? They ate some bread. What did you drink this morning? I drank some water. Where did you go last Saturday? I went to the park. What did Tony do last Friday? He missed the bus last Friday. What do you often do after class? I often play games. Tonys last week It was Monday. Tony said : “Mom, Im excited.” Mother said : “ Why are you excited?” Tony said: “Because I got a kitten. I like it.” Then he danced with his mother. It was Tuesday. Tony said : “Mom, Im sad.” Mother said : “ Why are you sad?” Tony said: “Because I got a poor grade.” Mother said : “Its doesnt matter. Try again next time.” It was Wednesday. Tony said : “Mom, Im tired.” Mother said : “ Why?” Tony said: “Because I watched TV and I stayed up late.” Then mother asked him to wash his face and go to bed. Bang! It was Thursday . Tony said : “Mom, Im scared.” Mother said : “ Why are you scared?” Tony said: “Because I heard a noise.” Then mother gave him a hug(拥抱拥抱). It was Friday. Tony said : “Mom, Im angry.” Mother said : “ Why?” Tony said: “I missed the bus. And I went home on foot. ” Then mother touched Tonys head and said : “You are at home now. Its OK”. Mission1:Mission1: CatchCatch thethe picturespictures . . 1、Read in English. 用英文快速读出用英文快速读出。 2、Hide when you see other objects. 看见炸弹,则马上捂着看见炸弹,则马上捂着 头,小心炸弹头,小心炸弹! Read out in English woke up late You are great! MissionMission 1 1 2.Listen and guess the feelings. 1.Read the dialogues and write the feelings. 读对话,写出小朋友的感觉。读对话,写出小朋友的感觉。 (1)Diana: Here is a present for you! Emma:Thank you! Emma is ___________. (2)Karen :Good night, mum. Mum: Good night, Karen. Karen is ___________. (3)Pat: Its raining! Pit:Oh,no.I want to play. Pat and Pit are _______. Pair work(两人一组学习两人一组学习 ) happy tired sad You are great! MissionMission 2 2 Mission3:Mission3: ReadRead out.out. Read and chant 有节奏地读出有节奏地读出 Excited, excited, we are excited. Sad, sad, you are sad. Angry, angry, she is angry. Tired, tired, he is tired. Scared, scared, I am scared. Chant: We are excited! You are great! MissionMission 3 3 MissionMission 4:4: Writing.Writing. Read the passage, match and fill in the blank. Hello, Im Mike. Im a student of No.15 primary school. Oh, Yesterday was sports day(运运 动会动会). I was very excited. The relay race(接力赛接力赛) was going to begin. I was a little nervous. Oh, no. I fell(摔倒摔倒) on the ground. My knee was painful. We lost(输输 了了) the race. We were all very sad. I said sorry to my classmates. But John blamed (责责 备备)me. I felt sad and a little angry. The tug-of-war(拔河比赛拔河比赛) began. We tried our best. At last We won. We were very happy and excited. The sports meeting was over. I was a little tired but I was still very happy. 3. Read the passage and do exercise.阅读短文,完成下列练习。阅读短文,完成下列练习。 (1)Read the passage, guess the meaning and match。 excited 紧张的紧张的 nervous 疼痛的疼痛的 painful 激动的激动的 (2)Fill in the blanks according to passage。 Mike was_____________________ when they lost the race. Mike was_____________________ when John blamed him. Mike was_____________________ when the sports meeting was over. A. sad and a little angry B. sad C. a little tired but still happy (1) Read the passage, guess the meaning of the word and match。 excited 紧张的紧张的 nervous 疼痛的疼痛的 painful 激动的激动的 (2)根据短文内容,选择合适的选项填空,把句子补充完整。根据短文内容,选择合适的选项填空,把句子补充完整。 Mike was_____________________ when they lost the race. Mike was_____________________ when John blamed him. Mike was__________________________ when the sports meeting was over. A C B B. sad A. sad and a little angry C. a little tired but still happy You are great! MissionMission 4 4 MissionMission 5:5: Thinking.Thinking. what can you learn from it? Men have feelings. Watch the PPT carefully, what can you learn from it? 人类有感觉。仔细观看短片,思考一下从短片人类有感觉。仔细观看短片,思考一下从短片 中你能学到什么?中你能学到什么? Sometimes I am happy. Sometimes I am sad. Sometimes I am angry. Sometimes I am really tired. Sometimes I am worried. Sometimes I am afraid and even scared. Sometimes I am lonely. Sometimes I am so sorry. Sometimes I am excited. I feel different feelings every day. Because different things happen to us. (不同的)(不同的) What can you learn from the PPT? 从短片中你能学到什么?从短片中你能学到什么? You are great! MissionMission 5 5 Homework: Choose A or B A.Enjoy three pieces of music, and write your feelings.欣赏三段音乐,写下你的感觉。欣赏三段音乐,写下你的感觉。 A._______ B._______ C._______ B. Look at others face, and guess his feeling, then make him or her be happy .粤人 2011 课标版三年级起点 B8 Unit 4 Feeling Excited 1.Knowledge aim: master “happy, sad, angry, tired, scared,excited, stayed up late, heard a noise, got a kitten, got a poor grade”, and can use sentence patterns “Im happy, How is he/she feeling? He/she is happy.” 2. Skill aim: can express my feelings. 能力目标能力目标:能表达自己的感觉。能表达自己的感觉。 3. Emotion aim: can read other peoples feelings. 情感目标情感目标:能读懂他人的感觉。能读懂他人的感觉。 第一课时 课时内容 vocabulary 课时分析 本课时是粤人 2011 课标版三年级起点六年级下册第四单元第一课时。围绕“How do you feel?”的话题展开,学习单词 happy, sad, angry, tired, scared,excited, 及句型主语+be+ 表示情绪的形容词表达情绪和心理状态的表达。引导学生关注他人,激发学生学习英语的 兴趣,树立学好英语的信心。第一课时是本单元的基础,本课时的重点是四会单词的掌握、 核心句型的掌握。 本课时通过展示 Tony 在不同生活事件中的状态和情绪,体现了单词的词形和意义。此 情境的设置真实,贴近学生的生活,更能激发学生学习的兴趣。 本课的词汇教学利用教材中的情景展开,遵循以学生为主体的原则,运用情景教学法、 愉快教学法等,调动全体学生的积极参与,引导学生自主学习。 课时目标 (1)能够听、说、读、写单词:happy, sad, angry, tired, scared,excited, stayed up late, heard a noise, got a kitten, got a poor grade (2)能够运用上述单词描述自己、他人或动物的各种情绪和心理状态。 (3)能够运用句型主语+be+表示情绪的形容词,表达人物和动物的情绪和心理状态。 (4)引导学生关注他人,激发学生学习英语的心情,树立学好英语的信心。 课时重难点课时重难点 1.重点 (1)能够听、说、读、写单词:happy, sad, angry, tired, scared,excited, stayed up late, heard a noise, got a kitten, got a poor grade. (2)能够运用上述单词描述自己、他人或动物的各种情绪和心理状态。 (3)能够运用句型主语+be+表示情绪的形容词,表达人物和动物的情绪和心理状态。 2.难点 核心句型的灵活运用。 教学准备 多媒体课件、图片、卡片 教学过程 Step1 Warm up 1.Greeting T: Good morning, everyone. Ss: Goodmorning, teacher. T: How are you today? Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you? T: Im fine, too. Are you ready for English class? Ss: Yes. 2. Enjoy a song. T: I have a song for you. Lets enjoy. (播放歌曲 If youre happy, clap your hands.学生欣赏。 ) 教学资源:课件 设计意图:活跃了课堂气氛,感知本课时的核心词汇。 Step2 Lead in T: Boys and girls, how do you feel? Are you happy? Ss: Yes. T: What did Tony do last Friday? 教学资源:图片故事 设计意图:通过谈话自然的导入正文。 Step3 Presentation 1. Lets learn (1) Look at picture1.(课件呈现第一幅插图) T:Look at the picture. How does he feel now? Ss: She is happy.(引导学生回答,板书单词 happy,带读,拼读) (3)用同样的方法,教学单词 happy, sad, angry, tired, scared,excited, stayed up late, heard a noise, got a kitten, got a poor grade. (4)升降调领读新单词。 (5)听录音跟读单词,一人练读单词,小组读,点人读,男生读,女生读。 教学资源:课件 设计意图:利用教材中的情景展开教学,激发学生学习的兴趣,帮助学生更好的理解和运 用。 2. Write and say. (1)课件呈现教材插图,与学生讨论插图。 (2)独立完成书写活动。 (3)互相交流。 设计意图:巩固和运用所学的词汇和句型。 Step 4 Practice 2. 翻卡片,说句子。 教师把等词卡面朝下贴在黑板上,请一名学生随意翻开其中一张,全体学生问:How do you feel? 如果翻开的是 sad,该生说 Sad,sad, Im sad. 也可以引导学生补充产生这种情绪 或心理状态的原因。 教学资源:词卡 设计意图:训练学生在句子环境中操练核心词汇。 2.“变脸”活动 请一名学生到讲台前,面向全体学生,呈现不同的表情,其他学生用句子描述。如做出生 气的表情,其他学生说:xxx is angry. 设计意图:通过有趣的表演,调动全体学生的积极性,巩固了核心词汇和句型。 Step 5 Summary T: What did you learn about this lesson? 学生归纳。 1. 学习了表示情绪和心理状态的单词 angry, afraid, sad, happy, worried 2. 学习了表达人物或动物的情绪和心理状态的句型: 主语+be+表示情绪、心理状态的形容词 设计意图:引导学生自己归纳,加深对知识的记忆。 Homework: Choose A or B A.Enjoy three pieces of music, and write your feelings.欣赏三段音乐,写下你的感觉。欣赏三段音乐,写下你的感觉。 A._______ B._______ C._______ B. Look at others face, and guess his feeling, then make him or her be happy . 板书设计 Unit 4 Feeling Excited sad, tired, scared, excited, stayed up late, heard a noise, got a kitten, got a poor grade.
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