(广东)粤人版六下-Unit 4 Feeling Excited-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:81c7f).zip

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Unit 4 Feeling Excited Story Review:Lets read! I had a bad day and a good day. First,I am tired. Because I stayed up late last night. Next , I am scared. Because I heard a noise. Then, I am sad. Because I got a poor grade. At last, I am excited. Because I got a kitten. magic mirror What did my daughter do last summer holiday? She rode on the ride and swam. She was happy. What are Gogo, Tony and Jenny going to do? They are going to climb the mountain. Lets read! climbmountai n climb the mountain cave climb the treego into the cave Listen to the story,then finish the wooksheet 1. Q1:Is Gogo excited? Yes( )No( ) Q2:Is Jenny scared? Yes( )No( ) Q3:Did Gogo hear a noise? Yes( )No( ) Q4:Did Gogo go into the cave? Yes( )No( ) Listen to the story again,then write down the answers. Wooksheet 2. Q1:Why is Gogo excited? Q2:Why is Jenny scared? Q3:Why did Gogo go into the cave? Because theyre going to climb the mountain. Because Gogo is going into the cave. Because its great. Wooksheet 3:Lets retell the story! PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT背景图片: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: Read and write Gogo is______because theyre going to _______the mountain.Jenny is ______because Gogo is going______that cave.Gogo ______a noise.Why did Gogo go into the _____?Because its _____in here. excited clim b scaredinto heard cavegreat Practice 1! A Why is she sad?B Why is he scared? C Why is she excited? D Why are they tired? Practice 2: Ask and answer ! Why is she excited? Why is she happy? Why is he excited? Why is he sad? Why is he scared? Why is he tired? Why are they excited? Because she got a good grade. Because she ate an ice-cream. Because he got a kitten. Because he missed the bus. Because he heard a noise. Because he stayed up late. Because they won the game. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 一Choose the best answer. ( ) 1._______________ Because I got a good grade. A.Why are you so unhappy? B.Why are you so excited? C.Why are you so tired? ( )2._____________ Because I watched a football game on TV. A.What are you going to do tonight? B.Why did you stay up late last night? C.How did you stay up late last night? B B ( )3.I was _____.Because I stayed up late to do my homework last night. A. scared B. careful C.tired ( )4.Why are you so scared? Because I saw _______. A . my mother B.my teacher C. a snake ( ) 5. We won the football match yesterday,so we were very _____. A.excited B.sad C.tired ( )6.Can you ____ the tall tree? A.swim B.climb C.go C C A B 二、Lets do!(看图完成句子)。 1.Why are they so excited? Because they ___________________. 2.Why is she so happy? Because she _______________________. 3.Why is she so happy? Because she _______________________________. 4.Why is he tired? Because he _____________________________. won the game ate some cotton candy had fun with friends stayed up late 三、Ask and answer. Why is he happy? Because he ate an apple. Why is she excited? Why is he tired? Because she got a good grade. Because he stayed up late last night. Why is she happy? Because she got a gift. 四四、Free writing! For example:I was happy yesterday.Because I had fun with my friends. Homework 1.Read the story three times. 2.Use the BookB to write down the story .Unit 4 Feeling Excited 教学内容:Story 教学目标:本课要求学生继续巩固、熟练掌握并运用上节所学词汇 和句型,学会用 More chicken ? Yes, please.等句子和熟练 运用 because 的句型,谈论 Feeling Excited 的话题。 熟练的运用句型:Im excited. Why. Because 能力目标:1.能根据课本内容正确地回答所给出的表格里的问题, 并能准确地复述故事。 2.学生能运用句型 Why提问,并能用句型 Because熟 练回答问题。 3.能根据所给的图片提出问题并回答问题。 4.能独立完成所给出的练习题。 情感目标:帮助学生能够运用所学的句型询问别人的感觉,并能够 回答出来。让学生把所学知识运用到生活中来。 学情分析:六年级的学生已经有一定的英语学习基础。大部分学生 养成了良好的英语学习习惯,但是也有一部分学生不是很喜欢上英 语课,学习兴趣不是很高,同时,有些学生还是为学习而学习,谈 不上兴趣问题;另一方面,学生有一定的分化,但也不是全部都差, 没基础。两极分化很大又占了很大的比例也不忍心放弃他们,只能 一遍又一遍的重复和练习,而此时那些已经具有大量英语基础知识 的学生面对这样的同学和老师的教学,一开始或许还有一种自豪感, 但很快便会十分无聊而影响课堂。因此,比较准确的确定学习者的 起点能力,可在一定程度上提高教学效率,收到良好的教学效果。 所以我们要充分认识学生,确定教学思路。现在学生的学习渠道越 来越宽了,他们在学习新知识前,已经有了相当丰富的生活经验和 实践积累。关键在于我们教师如何去充分估计和了解学生的这些已 有积累作为学生的学习起点,促进学生的有效学习。 教学重点:能根据课本内容正确地回答所给出的表格里的问题,并 能准确地复述故事。 教学难点:学生能运用句型 Why提问,并能用句型 Because熟 练回答问题。 教学准备:PPT,图片 教学过程: Step 1:Warm up 1. Free talk: Ask and answer For example: T: How do you feel today? S1:I feel happy today. T: Why are you happy today? S1:Because I got a gift. T: Oh, youre really happy. 设计意图设计意图:通过简单的 Free talk 复习上一节课所学习的内容与 句型,为本节课的学习作重要的铺垫。 2. Review 首先出示 ppt,复习上一节课的单词和句子。 (excited,sad,tired,scared,got a kitten,got a poor grade,stayed up late,heard a noise. I had a bad day and a good day. First,I am tired. Because I stayed up late last night. Next , I am scared. Because I heard a noise. Then, I am sad. Because I got a poor grade. At last, I am excited. Because I got a kitten.) T:Boys and girls,please look here.Lets read these as quickly as you can.OK? Ss:OK! T: Lets begin! PPT 出示图片,学生根据图片把单词读出来。 设计意图设计意图:通过这一环节让学生复习旧知识,为学习 Story 作铺垫。 Step2:Presentation 1.出示图片,教师提问学生回答。 T:Last summer holiday, I went to Zhuhai with my family. I bought a magic mirror there. It can tell you about the past and the future. Do you want to know: What did my daughter do last summer holiday? Ss:Yes,I do. T:Now,let me ask the magic mirror. T: Magic mirror! Magic mirror! What did my daughter do last summer holiday? T: Now. Lets look at the pictures. T/Ss: She rode on the ride and swam. She was happy. 设计意图设计意图:利用 Magic mirror 引入,即提高了学生学习的兴趣,又 能在所学的 Magic lamp 的前提下学习新知识和复习旧知。 3. 出示图片,教师提问,学生回答。 T:Do you know, what are Gogo, Jenny and Tony going to do? Ss: No, I dont. T: L ets ask the magic mirror. T/Ss: Magic mirror. Magic mirror. What are Gogo, Jenny and Tony going to do? T: OK. Lets watch the cartoon. Please pay attention to the question. 看完动画片之后,教师提问。 T:So,what are Gogo, Jenny and Tony going to do? Ss:They are going to climb the mountain. 设计意图设计意图:学生对 Magic mirror 很感兴趣,通过看动画片调动了学 生学习的积极性,又对所学知识作出初步了解。 4. 出示图片,学习 Story 的新单词和短语。(climb, mountain, climb the mountain, climb the tree, cave, go into the cave.) T:Please look at the PPT. Lets learn the words together. Read after me. 教师带读,学生齐读,小组开火车读。 设计意图设计意图:学生根据图片能够了解单词和短语的意思,并通过带读 认识单词,为下面所学的知识作铺垫。 5. 学生齐读 Story。 设计意图:设计意图:让学生初步理解故事。 T:Lets read the story together. 6. 听录音,完成表格一。 T:Now,lets listen to the story, then finish the worksheet 1. Wooksheet 1. Q1:Is Gogo excited?Yes( )No( ) Q2:Is Jenny scared?Yes( )No( ) Q3:Did Gogo hear a noise? Yes( )No( ) Q4:Did Gogo go into the cave? Yes( )No( ) 听完录音后,学生独立完成表格的问题。教师提问个别学生,全班 学生一起检查对错。 设计意图设计意图:学生进一步理解故事,并能根据故事情节回答问题。 7. 再听一遍课文录音,完成表格二。 T:Listen to the story again, then answer the questions. Wooksheet 2. Q1:Why is Gogo excited? Q2:Why is Jenny scared? Q3:Why did Gogo go into the cave? 让学生独立完成回答问题,叫个别学生上去黑板写出问题的答案, 全班同学一起检查对错。 设计意图:设计意图:深层次地理解故事,并能回答问题。 8. 全班齐读课文,然后复述课文的故事。 T:Lets retell the story. Wooksheet 3:Lets retell the story! Read and write Gogo is______because theyre going to _______the mountain. Jenny is ______because Gogo is going______that cave. Gogo ______a noise. Why did Gogo go into the _____?Because its _____in here. 个别学生到黑板上写出答案,全班一起检查对错。学生自己读一读 这个故事,小组读一读,全班齐读。 设计意图:设计意图:让学生对故事作出概括,让学生的概括能力得到提升。 并能流利地读出故事。 Step4:Practice1. 播放录音两次,学生选出相应的图片,教师提问个别学生,全班检 查对错。 设计意图:设计意图:通过听力训练学生的听觉判断能力,提高学生的听力能 力。 Step5:Practice 2: Ask and answer ! Why is she excited? Why is she happy? Why is he excited? Why is he sad? Why is he scared? Why is he tired? Why are they excited? 看图回答问题,根据图片回答问题.教师提问,个别学生回答. 设计意图设计意图:根据图片让学生回答问题,提高学生的口语交际能力。 Step 6:Practice3 一Choose the best answer. ( ) 1._______________ Because I got a good grade. A.Why are you so unhappy? B.Why are you so excited? C.Why are you so tired? ( )2._____________ Because I watched a football game on TV. A.What are you going to do tonight? B.Why did you stay up late last night? C.How did you stay up late last night? ( )3.I was _____.Because I stayed up late to do my homework last night. A. scared B. careful C.tired ( )4.Why are you so scared? Because I saw _______. A . my mother B.my teacher C. a snake ( ) 5. We won the football match yesterday,so we were very _____. A.excited B.sad C.tired ( )6.Can you ____ the tall tree? A.swim B.climb C.go 二、Lets do!(看图完成句子) 。 1.Why are they so excited? Because they ___________________. 2.Why is she so happy? Because she _______________________. 3.Why is she so happy? Because she _______________________________. 4.Why is he tired? Because he _____________________________. 三、Ask and answer. For example: Why is he happy? Because he ate an apple 设计意图:设计意图:让学生完成这些习题,巩固和提高了学生的口语能力和 分析判断能力。 四、四、Free writing! For example: I was happy yesterday. Because I had fun with my friends. 设计意图:设计意图:提高了学生的写作能力。 Homework: 1.Read the story three times. 2.Use the BookB to write down the story . 板书板书: Unit4 Feeling Excited Im excited. Why Because
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