教科EEC版五下Unit2 What Do You Want to Be -Class 3 Textbook p.16-17-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:b0a07).zip

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What Do You What Do You Want to Be? Want to Be? AdeleAdele singersinger YaoMingYaoMingYaoMingYaoMing baskeball playerbaskeball playerbaskeball playerbaskeball player teacherteacherteacherteacherpolicepolicepolicepolice cookcookcookcookfarmerfarmerfarmerfarmerartistartistartistartist doctordoctordoctordoctor pilotpilotpilotpilotengineerengineerengineerengineerI want to be a . I want to be an . what do you want to be? what do you want to be? I want to be a/an. work in pairswork in pairs Chant togetherChant togetherChant together What do you want to be ? doctor doctor, I want to be a doctor. What do you want to be ? teacher, teacher, I want to be a teacher. What do you want to be ? pilot, pilot, I want to be a pilot. What do you want to be ? engineer, engineer, I want to be an engineer. Q:What do they do? pilotpilotpilot fly planes engineerengineerengineer design a room,design a building,design a bridge,. cook cook cook cook wonderful food farmer farmer farmer plant crops airtist airtist airtist draw pictures. police police police catching the thief teacher teacher teacher teaching knowledge doctor doctor doctor help sick people Dreams come Dreams come ture.ture. Unit 2 What Do You Want to Be? 知识与能力目标 (1)语言知识目标: 1) 学习并掌握以下单词:teacher, cook, doctor, pilot,engineer, artist, 2)学习并掌握以下句型: -What do you want to be ? -I want to be a /an . (2)能力目标: 能用所学新单词、目标语言和 I want to be.句型谈论将来的打算。 (3)情感态度价值观目标: 每个人都有自己的梦想和对未来的打算,对于将来想要从事的职业也充满了 憧憬。因此,应通过学习本课来激发学生们的学习主动性和学习兴趣,让他们 下定决心为实现自己的理想而奋斗。并让学生懂得职业没有贵贱之分各行各业 的人都是平等的,这个社会缺哪一个也不行, 【教学重点教学重点】 1. 在实际情景中运用型 What do you want to be? I want to be an artist/ a cook/ a doctor. I want to . 2. 知道各种职业的说法。 【教学难点教学难点】 重难点句型: (1)- What do you want to be? - I want to be an artist (2)I want to fly planes/design a bridge. 【教具准备教具准备】 (1)各种职业照片 (2)教学 PPT 【教学过程教学过程】 热身复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1. Greetings and free talk T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you? S: Hello, Miss. Im fine, thank you, and you? T: Im fine, too. Thank you very much. (Say hello to the teachers together) T: Before our class, lets enjoy a wonderful song, and we can relax. 通过一首歌曲使本课在轻松愉快的气氛下开始,同时教师通过歌曲提问顺利引 入新课。 呈现新课呈现新课 (Presentation) 1. Lead in. T: What a wonderful song! That sounds great. Do you know who sings the song? Ss: T: Yes, you are right. Adele is a famous singer, and there is another famous person, I think maybe you know him. What do you do after school? Ss: I usually play basketball after school. T: Thats great! Show the picture of Yao Ming. T: He is Yao Ming, he is a basketball player. Singer and basketball player are jobs. Now there are many other jobs, do you want to know what they are? Ss: Yes. T: OK, I will show you. Show many pictures. Let students talk about what they are, then check them. T: Do you know what else jobs? Ss: T: Today I want to show you other two jobs, they are pilot and engineer. 2. New knowledge. Show the pictures of pilot and engineer. Students read the words follow the teacher. Read the words one by one. T: Do you want to be a pilot? Ss: T: Do you want to be an engineer? Ss: T: I want to be a pilot. I want to be an engineer. Write on the blackboard. Students follow the teacher to read the sentences. 3. Ask and answer T: They are both good jobs, but I think maybe in the future, you will be only one of them, so please tell me, what do you want to be? Ss: I want to be a pilot. I want to be an engineer. T: What do you want to be? S1:I want to be a farmer. T: That sounds great. Farmer is an important job.They grow rice and vegetables for us.We need them.Do you think so? (通过对话练习向学生渗透职业没有高低贵贱之分,各行各业的人都是平等的, 这个社会缺哪一个也不行,三百六十五行,行行出状元。) Ask and answer one by one. According to the students answer, the teacher gives a question. T: Good. XXX says he/she wants to be a but do you know what things should do? Ss: T: Yes, you are right. Well I think engineers can do so many things, lets have a look. Show the pictures. T: The engineers can design a room, a building, a bridge, and the three gorges project. They can also design the spaceships, look. Wow, thats fantastic. Students repeat. T: Engineers can design spaceships. Do you want to design spaceships? Ss: T: How about the pilots? If you want to be a pilot, maybe you can say: “I want to fly planes.” Ss: T: OK, now please tell me, what do you want to do? Ss: Write on the blackboard. Read the sentences. Make a dialog. Show some pairs. T: Your dreams are very great. I think everybody has a dream, and I hope your dreams can come true! (通过图片以及多媒体给学生直观的感受,使学生能迅速明白词义和句意,并 通过多种形式进行操练,使学生对新授知识逐渐熟练并能相互交流。) 4. Homework Write a short passage. The topic is “My dream”, give the key words. And talk about it next lesson.
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