人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 5My clothes-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:d09ac).zip

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  • 人教(PEP)2011课标版三年级起点(吴欣主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Unit 5 My clothes_B_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:d09ac)
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My clothes ThisThis isis mymy . . TheseThese areare mymy . . (hat(hat dressdress T-shirtT-shirt shirtshirt skirtskirt pantspants shoesshoes ) ) Unit 5 My clothes Read and write jacket shirt pants skirt dress hat coat shorts shoes hat skirt time pink blue yours shirt red mine pantsthese hat green Pre-reading 1.What colour does she like? A. Pink. B. Red. C. Blue. 2.Can you help her to choose some clothes for summer camp? 你能帮她选一些参加夏令营的衣服吗?你能帮她选一些参加夏令营的衣服吗? hats shoes shirts skirts Pay attention to color matching when you choose clothes. 选择衣服时,请注意颜色搭配。选择衣服时,请注意颜色搭配。 skirts dresses pants Its time to pack her clothes. pack pk 把把打包打包 This is These are While-reading Sarahs summer camp is over. Its time to pack my clothes. What clothes will she pack? What clothes can you hear? Listen and choose T-shirt pants shoeshat 1.What colour is the T-shirt? Listen and choose 2.What colour are the pants? A. Blue. B. Yellow. C. Red. A. Blue. B. White. C. Red. 3.Is the hat Sarahs? 1.Whose red T-shirt is this? Read and say. No, it isnt. 2.Whose blue pants are these? These are Sarahs. This is Sarahs. Its time to sing and dance. Lets read Oh, its time to pack my clothes. This is my red T-shirt. These are my blue pants. And those are my shoes. Wait! Is this my hat? No, this is Amys. Amy! Is this yours? Read and circle. Lets show your clothes cards. Post-reading : Lets make a card Post-reading : Lets make a card Post-reading : Lets talk Talk about your clothes card in your group. 请向小组同学介绍你制作的服装卡片。 Post-reading : Clothes Show Its your clothes show time! Homework: Draw your pants and write a sentence. Thank you ! 新版新版 PEP 四下四下 Unit 5 My clothes Read and write 教学设计教学设计 教学目标:教学目标: 1、知识目标知识目标:能够读懂短文并完成读后活动,能够按照意群和正确 的语音,语调朗读短文,能够完成个性化的书写活动。 2、能力目标能力目标:能够在夏令营的情境中恰当运用服装单词和句型,会用 This is./These are.描述某物品。 3、情感态度与价值观目标:情感态度与价值观目标:在选择衣服时应注意 Dress properly, dress suitably, dress comfortably and dress nicely. 教学重点:教学重点:学生会用核心句型: This is. These are. 描述服装单复 数;能够读懂短文并完成读后活动; 教学难点:教学难点:短文中的新授单词:pack, wait, T-shirt 学情分析:学情分析: 四年级的学生具备了一定的英语基础知识,有了基本的语言表达能力, 也具有一定的自主学习能力。并且在这一单元前面四课时学习中,学 生已经掌握了关于 clothes 的一些内容,为本课做好了铺垫,再加上本 课的夏令营打包衣服与我们的生活息息相关,学生非常感兴趣。本节 课也让学生学会描述以及挑选合适的衣服,很容易激起学生的兴趣,本 节课除了学习打包衣服的用语外,还让学生知道如何准确挑选合适的 衣物以及在真实的情景中灵活运用,阅读后的拓展活动就成了难点, 老师需要逐步引导和示范。因此从学生已有知识入手,创设学生们参 加夏令营的情境,提供交际活动,最终让学生掌握本课知识。 教学设计:教学设计:本课以“summer camp”为主线展开 pre-reading, while- reading and post-reading 的个性化活动。 教学过程:教学过程: 活动一:活动一: 一. Warm-up 1.Greetings 2.Lets enjoy some beautiful pictures about summer camp. 【设计意图:学生听“去郊游”的伴奏,欣赏孩子们参加夏令营活 动的各种图片,为本课时学习创设轻松的氛围;学生欣赏图片后, 能充分激发他们去参加夏令营的兴趣,为后面的学习做铺垫。】 3.After watching the movie: T: Are they happy? S: Yes. T: Are they having PE class or summer camp? S: Summer camp. 师教授:summer camp T: Do you want to go for a summer camp? If youre good in my class, we can all go for a summer camp. 【设计意图:通过此问题引出评价方式:学生每回答一个问题或小 组表现突出就去白板上选择一张衣服卡片;学生获得的衣服卡片是 为后面的小组活动设计“去参加夏令营的服装”做准备。】 活动二:活动二:Pre-readingPre-reading 二Review 通过两轮游戏,复习本单元词汇。 1.Lets read the cards (Golden eye) 学生根据服装卡片快速说单词。 2.Lets read the words quickly 快速找单词并读单词 【设计意图:通过不同的游戏复习单词,活跃课堂气氛;为后面的 阅读课文学习扫清障碍。】 三三Presentation Pre-reading (扫清阅读障碍:扫清阅读障碍: This is. These are.) 1.Lets listen 学生听一段老师的录音回答下列问题: a. Whos the girl? 引出阅读课中人物 Sarah. b. What color does she like? Pink. C. Can you help her to choose some clothes for summer camp? 2.阅读前活动:The students help Sarah to choose some clothes for summer camp. T: What are these? These are. 师在 PPT 中出示各种服装图片,同学们根据 Sarah 的喜好为她选择 参加夏令营的衣服;师把选好的衣服图片贴在黑板上。 Pre-reading (扫清阅读障碍:扫清阅读障碍:pack ) After choosing the clothes: a. T: Its time to pack her clothes. 师用自然拼读法教授 pack, 学生分小组操练单词; b.师做示范把其中一张同学们为 Sarah 选的衣服卡片放在黑板上的行 李箱中,并介绍: This is Sarahs. c.请学生用核心句型:This is. These are. 把其他卡片归类到行李箱 中。 Pre-reading (扫清阅读障碍:扫清阅读障碍:wait ) 当只剩最后一张服装卡片没有放入行李箱时,师提问:Can we go now? 引出: wait, 师教授单词,学生操练 活动三:活动三:While-reading 4 Practice While-reading 1. Listen and choose (听课文回答问题) What clothes can you hear? 2. Listen and choose (再听一遍课文回答问题) a.What color is the T-shirt? A. Blue. B. Yellow. C. Red. b.What color are the pants? A. Blue. B. White. C. Red. 3. Read and say(自读课文,回答问题) a.Whose red T-shirt is this? b.Whose blue pants are these? c.Is the hat Sarahs? 活动三:sing and dance 4. Its time to sing and dance 学生唱一首节奏感很强的律动歌曲 Clothes, 并跟着视频跳律动舞。 【设计意图:这是老师对孩子们前面活动表现好的奖励。这样既能 让孩子们放松心情,活跃课堂气氛,又再一次巩固服装单词。】 5. Lets listen, point and repeat 6. Lets read together 7. Lets read and circle (完成课文中的练习题) 活动四:活动四:Post-reading 5 Consolidation Post-reading 1. Lets make a card: Myclothes This is my . These are my . (hatdressT-shirtshirt skirt pants shoes ) 同学们在卡片空白处贴上自己所获得的服装卡片,并在四线三格中 根据提示单词描述自己的服装卡片。 2.Lets talk Talk about your clothes card in your group. 请向小组同学介绍你制作的服装卡片。 3. Clothes Show 请学生上台介绍自己参加夏令营的衣服(描述卡片) 教师用希沃助手软件拍照上传。(拍图,贴图,读图) 【设计意图:小组活动汇报展示,能让同学们在夏令营这个语境中 自由设计,自由表达,孩子们能享受成功的喜悦,个性的服装展也 是本堂课的亮点。】 6 Homework 请学生自由设计一套参加夏令营的衣服,并写几个句子描述。 7 收课:收课: 同学们再次欣赏夏令营活动图片,师生在去郊游的歌声中学生走出 教室,结束本课。
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