广东版四年级上册Unit 5 My Body-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)--(编号:d1c68).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级上册(2013年6月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 5 My Body_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)__(编号:d1c68)
    • unit5 Body.ppt--点击预览
    • 前置作业及堂上练习.doc--点击预览
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    • 教案d1c68.doc--点击预览
    • 歌曲.mp3


Unit 5 Body Lets read.(根据发音规律拼读下列单词。根据发音规律拼读下列单词。) mous e no ear and art let footbal l clear feet ears eyes hand arm arms legsleg nose hands head eye mouth foot meetbody tail 尾巴尾巴 paw 爪子爪子 knees 膝盖膝盖 toes 脚趾脚趾 More words: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 Feet, feet, feet, feet, these are my feet. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 Legs, legs, legs, legs, these are my legs. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 Arms, arms, arms, arms, these are my arms. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 Hands, hands, hands, hands, these are my hands! 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 Head, head, head, head, this is my head! Close your eyes! Touch your nose! Touch your ears! Open your mouth! Lets chant! Guess: What is it? It has a big body and a long nose. It has two long ears, it likes carrots. It has a long tail(尾巴尾巴), two big eyes. It likes bananas. It has four feet, it likes sleeping. It can catch(抓抓) the mice. This is These are a cats body Look and say.(说一说它的身体组成部位(说一说它的身体组成部位 ) Hello, everyone. This is a cat. This is its body. Its white. These are two eyes. The eyes are blue. This is a nose. Its pink . This is a mouth. Its small. These are two ears. These are four feet. Look! This is a tail(尾巴)! Thank you. Do a report. How many feet are there? What color is the nose? Observe, write and say.(仔细观察某动物的身体部位(仔细观察某动物的身体部位 ,统计出身体部位的数据。),统计出身体部位的数据。) Name: cat 身体部身体部 位位 How many What color nose 1head How many . are there? There is/are What color is it? Its What color are they? They are 1 white pink Meow! Im here. Dont touch me! Im angry! Go away! Discuss and color.(组内讨论:我们的身体哪些部位可以让人接触,请涂上组内讨论:我们的身体哪些部位可以让人接触,请涂上 绿色;哪些部位不可以让别人触摸,请涂上红色。绿色;哪些部位不可以让别人触摸,请涂上红色。) You can touch my hands. Dont touch my eyes. Dont touch me! Go away! I call 110! I tell my mom! I tell my teacher! Homework 1.Observe an animal and talk about its body( 观察动物并说出它的身体部分观察动物并说出它的身体部分) 2.Remember the following sentences记住记住: Dont touch me! Go away! I call 110! I tell my mom! I tell my teacher! Read and write.(写出下列单词或句子的中文意思,并根据发音规律拼读下列单词) 1. body head eye / eyes touch close open 2. clear ear / ears 3. football foot meet feet 4. let leg / legs 5. art arm / arms 6. no nose 7. mouse mouth 8. toe / toes(脚趾) tail(尾巴) paw(爪子) shoulders(肩膀) knees(膝盖)wing / wings (翅膀) 9. This is a nose. 10.These are four feet. 11.This is his(her/its) head(nose/mouth). 12.These are his(her/its) ears(eyes/arms/legs/feet/hands). 13.How many feet/eyes/arms/ are there? There is one. / There are four. 14.What color is it? It is white(black/green/yellow/blue/pink/red/brown). 15.What color are they? They are white(black/green/yellow/blue/pink/red/brown) Read and write.(写出下列单词或句子的中文意思,并根据发音规律拼读下列单词) 1. body head eye / eyes touch close open 2. clear ear / ears 3. football foot meet feet 4. let leg / legs 5. art arm / arms 6. no nose 7. mouse mouth 8. toe / toes(脚趾) tail(尾巴) paw(爪子) shoulders(肩膀) knees(膝盖)wing / wings (翅膀) 9. This is a nose. 10.These are four feet. 11.This is his(her/its) head(nose/mouth). 12.These are his(her/its) ears(eyes/arms/legs/feet/hands). 13.How many feet/eyes/arms/ are there? There is one. / There are four. 14.What color is it? It is white(black/green/yellow/blue/pink/red/brown). 15.What color are they? They are white(black/green/yellow/blue/pink/red/brown) Read and write.(写出下列单词或句子的中文意思,并根据发音规律拼读下列单词) 1. body head eye / eyes touch close open 2. clear ear / ears 3. football foot meet feet 4. let leg / legs 5. art arm / arms 6. no nose 7. mouse mouth 8. toe / toes(脚趾) tail(尾巴) paw(爪子) shoulders(肩膀) knees(膝盖)wing / wings (翅膀) 9. This is a nose. 10.These are four feet. 11.This is his(her/its) head(nose/mouth). 12.These are his(her/its) ears(eyes/arms/legs/feet/hands). 13.How many feet/eyes/arms/ are there? There is one. / There are four. 14.What color is it? It is white(black/green/yellow/blue/pink/red/brown). 15.What color are they? They are white(black/green/yellow/blue/pink/red/brown) 小组堂上练习。组长_ 组员_ 一、一、Observe and write.小科学家。小科学家。 (组长分好工,要有人观察,有人报数,有人记录) 1.用以下句型,用以下句型,组内一边讨论一边快速完成数据统计,人人都要参与讨论,都要开口。组内一边讨论一边快速完成数据统计,人人都要参与讨论,都要开口。 例:例:1. This is These are his/her/ 2. How manyare there? There is one. / There are 3. What color is it? It is 4. What color are they? They are Name_ 身体部位How manyWhat color身体部位How manyWhat color head1nose 1 mouth1ears eyesarms handsfeet legs 2.组长分好工,要有人问,有人答,组内读熟,准备上台分享。组长分好工,要有人问,有人答,组内读熟,准备上台分享。 Hello! This is a / an _. This is his/her head. This is his/her nose. This is his/her mouth. How many_? There are_ What color is it(are they)? It is(They are)_ Thank you! 二、二、Discuss and color. 讨论并涂色。可以碰的地主涂绿色,不可以碰的地方涂红色。讨论并涂色。可以碰的地主涂绿色,不可以碰的地方涂红色。 用以下句型,用以下句型,组内一边讨论一边涂色,每个人都要开口,都要参与涂色。 例:You can touch my head. Dont touch my eyes. You can touch my_. You can touch my_. You can touch my_. You can touch my_. Dont touch my _. (没学过的地方可以说 here) Dont touch my _. (没学过的地方可以说 here) Unit 5 Body 前置作业: 1.根据发音方法尝试拼读 P39 生词发音; 2.查一查人或动物身体其他部位的单词,如:头,脚趾,膝盖,肩膀,爪子,尾巴; I. 学情分析学情分析 本节课授课内容根据 SB p.39 适当调整。本课学习内容为身体部位的英语表 达。第一课时主要学习单词 eye/eyes, ear/ears, nose, mouth, hand/hands, arm/arms, leg/legs, foot/feet,以及用 This is 和 These are来描述身体部 位。 教学对象为我校四年级学生,从三年级开始已学习了一点英语发音知识。 在学习词汇时仍主要采用老师给出元音发音,学生练习用辅音去拼读单词, 以初步掌握单词读音,然后在接下来的学习活动中运用单词,巩固读音。 II. Teaching aims: 1. 通过前置作业里的拼读练习和课堂发音练习,学生能用拼读法掌握生词 的发音; 2. 能用 This is和 These are句型来描述身体部位; 3. 通过小组合作完成观察统计数据,提高学生的观察能力,发展逻辑思维, 培养科学发现精神; 4. 通过小组思考、讨论和涂色,培养学生发散性思维,让学生知道男女性 别差异,提高自我保护意识。 III. Key points and difficult points: 1. 用拼读法掌握单词发音 2. 用 This is 和 These are来区分并描述身体部位的单复数 Teaching aids: PPT,模型,模型 IV. Teaching Procedures: Step1. Warm up and lead in Step2. Presentation and practice 1) Learn new words 2) Group work 3) Observe and describe 4) Do an oral report Step3. Consolidation and development 1) Discuss and color 2) Share the opinion Step5. Summary Step6. Homework 1) Observe an animal and talk about its body 2) Remember the following sentences: Dont touch me! Go away! I call the 110! I tell my mom! I tell my teacher! Blackboard design Unit5 Body hands These are his/her arms. eyes ears feet head This is his/her nose. mouth
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