(2019版)牛津译林版必修第一册英语Unit2 Reading 语言点学案.docx

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1、Strangers under the same roof? Reading (2) language points Para. 1-2A. Grammar points Does every dinner with your parents seem to turn into 1_battle? Have your once warm and open 2_ (conversation) become cold and guarded? Do you 3_(A.invent B. touch C. find D. address) that you just cannot see eye t

2、o eye with them 4._ anything? You are not alone. Heated 5_ (argue) and cold silences are common between 6 _(teens) and their parents. Teenagers physical changes may7._( A.result from/B.contribute to/C.bring in/D.call in) such family tensions. You may feel 8_ (anxiety) that you are developing at a di

3、fferent rate to your friends, 9_ (shoot) up in height or getting left far behind. You might worry about your changing voice, weight problems or spots. When it (10. “it” means: A. physical changes, B. anxiety C. developing at different rate. D. spots) all gets too much, your parents are often the fir

4、st targets of your anger. B. Words, phrases and sentences 1. battle: _a battle 转变成一场争论_a(n).battle 打.的仗!_the battle 应战 _a battle 取得战斗的胜利;battle _sb./sth. (_sth.) (为某事)与某人/某事战斗, The battle_ womens rights still goes on. No agreement was reached and both sides prepared to _battle. (2018北京卷阅读) When I st

5、arted running in my 30s, I realized running was a battle _myself, not about competition or whether or not I was athletic. (2019全国 I 卷阅读)Theres tension and anxiety from the beginning as Nick andAmy battle _your trust. She won the admiration of many people in her battle _ cancer. 答案:turn into/fight/ a

6、ccept/,gain/win/,with/against/for/for/do/against/for/against 2. eye. be all eyes_, an eye for an eye_have an eye for sth._ have your eye on sb._shade ones eyes_遮住某人 的眼睛以防(的伤害) _ ones eye 吸引某人的注意, keep an eye _sb./sth.照看;留神;留意 But I dont see eye to eye with them and I insist that the secrets behind t

7、he magic should not be disclosed. =But I dont _ their opinions/_ with them and I insist that (词汇复现) Ive never had much of an eye_ calligraphy. Weve asked the neighbors to keep an eye _the house for us while we are away. 3. argue have an argument _sb _ sth. 和某人为某事争论/争吵 an argument_支持/反对 的理由或论据 argue

8、_sb _sth.和某人为某事争论/争吵 argue that.= think that_ argue _(doing) sth. 赞成/反对(做)某事 argue sb. _/_ doing sth. 说服某人做/不做某事(说服某人做 talk sb _doing; persuade sb _doing; convince sb to do; persuade sb to do) (2019江苏卷任务型阅读) A chimpanzee cant win _ argument with a modern man, but it can tear the man apart like a rag

9、 doll. She had a long _(argue) with the man who was selling the tickets. Were always arguing_ each other_ money. (2017浙江卷阅读) The governments argue_ this will help foreigners better join the society and promote understanding across cultures. he is very stubborn and it is impossible to argue him _ doi

10、ng what he doesnt want to. Parents argued _reducing the rest of children.(休息) 4. deal with See to/attend to 料理,处理 take care of 负责,处理(尤为他人作出 安排、完成事情) tackle 解决,处理(难题)handle 应付,对付,处理(问题或困境) cope with 成功地应付,妥善处理(生活/工作/人际关系上的难题) get over 克服 approach 着手处理,开始对付(困境)sort out 解决,处理(零碎而棘手的 难题) 比. deal with 常与

11、 how 搭配使用; do with 常与 what 搭配使用。 (2019天津卷阅读) I must have always known reading was very important because the first memories I have as a child deal _ books. Ill join you laterthere are a few things I need to see _ at the office first. Shall I take care_ your mail for you while you are away? 5. tensio

12、n tenser and tenser_ tense situation/atmosphere/moment_/_/_ reduce/relieve tension _, muscle tension_ pressure 压力;压强(心理);stress 精神心理负担紧张;strain 压力压出问题,under /cope with(应付)之后; Different views can result in many social_( tense).As the movie progresses, the_ (tense) builds. (2019全国 1 卷七选五) It turns out

13、 that just looking at green, growing things can reduce_, lower blood_, and put people into a better mood. 结果证明,只是看绿色、生长着的东西就可以减轻 压力, 降低血压,使人心情更好。 The transport service cannot cope with the _of so many additional passengers.运输部门无法应对, 临 时增加这么多乘客所带来的紧张局面。 6. result in sb./sth. doing sth.导致某人/某 物做某事 cau

14、se sb./sth. to do sth. / lead to/contribute to/ bring about 导致 (2019北京卷阅读) Positive thinking and action _ _success.正向的思维和积极的行动造就了成功。 7. be anxious /_ sth.渴望做某事 /_ sth.渴望得到某物 /_.to do.盼望某人做 about.对 忧 虑/担心 /that. (should) do. 渴望做 anxious 可指较强烈的担忧和不安,且较正式;worried 对某个问题或可能发生的不, 幸有所担忧; nervous 较常用来形容重要事情

15、(如考试面试)前的紧张不安 get nervous 变得紧张 (2019天津卷阅读) She was_(anxiety) to know what had happened. (2018浙江 11 月卷写作) Im very anxious_ it and wondering if it was left aboard. (词汇复现)The host was anxious_ he should meet his guests. If youre worried about your health, share your _(anxious) with your doctor. 8.句型: 1

16、. I dont know what home is, = I dont know the _of home 2. Unhappiness and worries melt away once there. = Once you are at home, _Or:_ 3.His health caused a lot of _(worry) for his parents.= his parents _ his health Para3 Agrammar points Balancing your developing mental needs can also be a big headac

17、he. You enter a strange middle ground 1._ youre no longer a small child but not quite 2_ adult. You have both a new desire for3_ (independent) and a 4_ (continue)need for your parents love and support. You feel ready to be more responsible and make 5_ (decision) on your own. 6_ (fortunate), your par

18、ents do not always agree and7 _ makes you feel unhappy. Why cant they just let me go? you may wonder. On the other hand, when you are struggling8_ (control) your feelings, you wish they 9_ (can) be more caring and patientsometimes they forgot that 10_ (grow) up is a rough ride. It can be difficult w

19、hen your parents treat you like a child but expect you to act like an adult.All of this can lead to a breakdown in your relationship. Wordsphrasessentences: 9. breakdown A breakdown in sth./of sth.某方面的破裂 a breakdown recovery service 车辆抢修服务 have a breakdown 发生 故障;抛锚; breakdown 故障;破裂 break down 出故 障;失

20、败;垮掉;消除;分解 类似的还有: break through 突破breakthrough n. 突破break out 爆发,突然发生outbreak n 爆发,突然发生 put out 生产,制造-output n.产量; burst out 突然喊叫outburst n.爆发, 迸发 come out 结果是一 outcome n.结果, 效果 (2019天津卷阅读天津卷阅读) Ideally, the system would tell us when to adapt human activities that are pushing an ecosystem toward a b

21、reakdown or would even allow us to pull an ecosystem back from the borderline. _ Always carry a phone with you _ you have a breakdown on the motorway.(以防) He made a breakthrough _computer engineering. 10. concern Show/express/ concern _ sth./sb. 对某事/某人的担心 have no concern _with 与-无关 concern oneself _

22、为担心, concern sb. that.让某人担忧 be concerned _ sth.与有关 be concerned _ sth.关心某事; as/so far as sb./sth. is concerned 就而言 (2020 山东模考卷阅读)Across the country, sports injuries are a _ _ for young athletes.在全 国 各地,运动损伤是年轻运动员的安全问题。 There is growing concern _violence on television. (2020 全国 11 卷阅读) Scientists in

23、Louisiana were so_ (concern) that they decided to pay hunters $5 a tail. In her last days the poet expressed concern _her father. 单句语法填空/同义句转换 The teacher looked at her student_ concern. As a manager, he knows what he should be concerned _well. _ (concern) about his sons safety, he called the police

24、 for help. From my point of view, the red one is better. _, the red one is better. Many people are concerned about the pollution of the environment. Many people_ the pollution of the environment. Para4-5 Although sometimes 1_ may seem impossible to get along as a family, you can take action to impro

25、ve the situation. The key to 2_ (keep) the peace is regular and honest 3_ (communicate). When you disagree with your parents, take a minute 4_ (calm) down and try to understand the situation 5_ their point of view. Perhaps they 6_ (experience) something similar and do not want you to go through the

26、same pain. After you have thought 7_ through, explain your actions and feelings 8_ (calm), listen carefully, and address their 9_ (concern). Through this kind of healthy discussion, you will learn when 10_ (back)down and when to ask your parents 11_ (relax) their control. Just remember that 12_ is c

27、ompletely normal to struggle with the stress 13_ parent-child tensions create, and that you and your parents can work together to improve your14_ (relation). The good news is 15_ this stormy period will not last. Everything will turn out all right in the end, and the 16_ (change) and challenges of y

28、our teenage years will prepare you for adulthood. 单元测试: I 单词拼写 1.Apair of seabirds are _(筑巢) on the nice quiet spot on the cliff. 2. The position of the classroom with its_ (视野)made me feel like I was dreaming as an adult. 3. The two sides will_(争论) it out in the forum next week. 4. The problem can

29、result in many serious social_(紧张关系). 5. These tips explained how to cut the death _(率)from having and caring for babies. 6. It was amazing that he disappeared from the _(地 点,现场) in such a short time. 7. Well reach the sales _(目标) in a month which we set at the beginning of the year. Im positive. 8.

30、 Fortunately, all teachers were skilled at helping them stay _(镇定) then. 9. Early people made their own clothes from animal_ (皮), which was a kind of advance. 10.Admission is at _(正常的) charges and you dont need to book in advance. II.短语填空 think through, point of view, back down, calm down, shoot up,

31、 result in 1. He _the conflicts between the teen- agers and adults, and agreed the proposal. 2. The battle _many thousands of deaths. 3. She refused to_ on her struggle. 4. The argument in the book is written from the fathers_. 5. Their kids have _especially in senior high school. 6. We stopped movi

32、ng forward until everything_. III 单句语法填空 1. Having _(shoot) already at the target, the soldier was taken away by a taxi. 2. Let them struggle to adapt to _ (adult) world from childhood. 3. Not feeling good about myself, I have no desire_ (play) rugby. 4. That two _ (editor) are debating their target

33、. 5. Tom was struggling _ (climb) out of the crashed car when I came to the spot. 6. I was told the Learning Centre provides help for students and Im_ (anxiety) to get help from experts. 7. What_ (concern) me is that you tend to argue with others instead of solving the problem. 8. From his point of

34、view, it has the ability to relax people both_ (mental) and physically. 9. If you work out_ (regular), you can win the battle. 10. If youre the person who is in the wrong, just back down! This is the easiest and best way to avoid an_ (argue) IV 单句写作 1.如果我足够幸运有这样一个好机会,我将不遗余力地, 完成这项任务。(形容词+enough to d

35、o.) _such a good chance, I will spare no effort to finish the task. 2.新技术的目的是使生活变得更加容易,而不是变得更! 加困难。(make+宾语+宾补) The purpose of new technologies is to_, not to_. 3.我希望你明天会同我们一起去有规律地锻炼。(wish) I_ regularly with us tomorrow. 4.那天海上波涛汹涌,很难控制船只。(it 作形式主语) The sea was rough that day and_. 5.我很荣幸在这里和你们分享我对在

36、高中要学习什么的, 看法。(疑问词+不定式) It is my honor to be here to share with you my opinions on_. 参考答案 课文填空 para1-2 1.a. conversations, C, on, arguments, teenagers, B, anxious, shooting, B. 答案:1a 2 conversations 3C4.on 5.arguments 6teenagers 7.B 8.anxious 9.shooting. 10B 2.答案:目不转睛/以眼还眼;以牙还牙对/有鉴赏力(或识别力、眼力) /密切注视;盯

37、住; 监视 /from/against/catch/on/share/agree/ for/ on 3.答案:with/about/over;for/against;with/about/over;主张/认为 for/against; into/out of; into/into; an; argument; with/about; that; into; against; 4 答案with toof 5.答案:tensions; tension; stress, pressure; strain; 6.答案:result in7 答案:to do/ for/ for sb/ anxious/

38、 about/ that/anxieties 8.答案:meaning/definition;all your unhappiness and worries will disappear you will feel easy and relaxed;worries; worried about/ were worried about 课文填空 para3 1.where, an, independence, continued(连续的,频繁的,定语;continuous 持续不断的(无中断的过程)) decisions, unfortunately, that, to control, co

39、uld, growing. 9.答案 崩溃;in case; in 10 答案:about /for ; with; about/for; with; about; safety concern ; about; concerned; about with; about /for; concerned; As/So far as Im concerned; show concern for; 课文填空 para4-5 1. it, keeping, communication, to calm, from, experienced, it, calmly, concerns, to back,

40、 to relax, it, that, relationship, that, changes. 测试题: I. 1. nesting 2. view 3. battle 4. tensions 5. rate 6. spot 7. targets 8. calm 9. skins 10. normal II 1. thought through 2. has resulted in 3. back down 4. point of view 5. shot up 6. calmed down III 1.shot 2. adults 3. to play 4. editors 5. to climb 6. anxious 7. concerns 8. mentally 9. regularly 10. argument IV. 1. If I am lucky enough to have 2. make life easier, make it more difficult 3. wish you would work out 4. it was difficult to handle the boat 5. what to learn in senior high school


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