Unit 7 Memory-Grammar how to use conditional sentences -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-牛津深圳版八上(编号:40517).zip

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SingthesongWhatwillyoudoifyourehappy? IfImhappy,Iwill_. IfImangry,Iwill_. IfImscared,Iwill_.clapmyhandsstompmyfeetsay“No”Name If you are happyIf you are angryIf you are scaredActivity1:A:Whatwillyoudoifyouarehappy?B:IwillA:Whatwillyoudoifyouareangry?B:IwillA:Whatwillyoudoifyouarescared?B:IwillIts your turn to give a report!Myfriendis.Ifhe/sheishappy,he/shewillIfhe/sheisangry,he/shewillIfhe/sheisscared,he/shewill1.IfImhappy,Iwillclapmyhands2.IfImangry,Iwillstompmyfeet3.IfImscared,Iwillsay“No.”.If 条件状语从句中条件状语从句中主句主句时时态态一般现在时一般现在时一般将来时一般将来时时态:主将从现时态:主将从现ClapyourhandsifIdonttellyoutostop.=ClapyourhandsunlessItellyoutostop.unless=ifnot意为:除非 study hard.fail in the exam.Ifhedoesntstudyhard,hewillfailintheexam.=Unlesshestudieshard,hewillfailintheexam.Hewillfailintheexamifhedoesntstudyhard.Hewillfailintheexamunlesshestudieshard.Ifshedoesntfinishherhomework,shewontgotobed.Unlessshefinishesherhomework,shewontgotobed.= finish her homework go to bedunless 条件状语从句中条件状语从句中主句主句时时态态一般现在时一般现在时一般将来时一般将来时1.Ifhedoesntstudyhard,hewillfailintheexam.=Unlesshestudieshard,hewillfailintheexam.2.Ifshedoesntfinishherhomework,shewontgotobed.=Unlessshefinishesherhomework,shewontgotobed.Summarize:1.2.时态:主将从现时态:主将从现unless=ifnot意为:除非unless可放在句_或句_(首/中/末),放在句_(首/中/末),主句和从句要用“,”隔开。首末首Activity2:MyEnglishstudyProblems(1)Student1Englishstudyproblemisabout_.(2)Student2Englishstudyproblemisabout_.(3)Student3Englishstudyproblemisabout_.EnglishhandwritingEnglishwordsEnglishexamGroupwork:Matchthemainsentencesandtheclausesentencestogether.Everygroupwillgetsomepaperandmakethembecomecorrectsentences.Ifyoudontpracticeyourhandwriting,yourhandwritingwontbebetter.Youwillfailintheexamifyoudontstudyhard.Unlessyouunderstandthewordswell,youwontrememberthewords.Activity3:BrainstormHowtoimproveyourEnglishreadinglisteningspokenEnglishwritingothersListentoEnglishspeechesWatchEnglishprogrammesReadmoreEnglishnovelsKeepanEnglishdiaryGivesomeadvice.(1)SpokenEnglish:UnlessyoulistentoEnglishspeeches,youwontimproveyourspokenEnglish.(2)listening:_,youwontimproveyourlistening.(3)reading:Youwontimproveyourreading_(4)writing:Youwontimproveyourwriting_(5)_(6)_Activity4:MakeadialogueS1:Excuseme,doyouhavetroubleinlearningEnglish?S2:Yes.IdontknowhowtoimprovemyspokenEnglish.S1:UnlessyoulistentoEnglishspeeches,youwontimproveyourspokenEnglish.S2:Thankyouforyouradvice.S1:Excuseme,doyouhavetroubleinlearningEnglish?S2:Yes.IdontknowhowtoimprovemyspokenEnglish.S1:IfyoudontlistentoEnglishspeeches,youwontimproveyourspokenEnglish.S2:Thankyouforyouradvice.HomeworkSomestudentshavesomeproblemsinlearningEnglish.Forexample,_._._.HowcanyouimproveyourEnglish?If_Unless_._.8A Unit 7 Memory Grammar Conditional sentences (2)Teaching contents Conditional sentences (2) (unless and ifnot)Teaching Aims 1.Make the students the review the usages of “if” .2. Make the students master the usages of “unless” and “ifnot”.3. Make the students learn to use “unless” and “ifnot” to make some activities to solve the problems about English study.Teaching emphasisMake the students master the usages of “unless” and “ifnot”.Teaching difficulties Make the students learn to use “unless” and “ifnot” to make some activities to solve the problems about English study.Teaching designProcedureTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesTeaching aimsStep 1Warning-upAsk the students to sing the song “If you are happy”.Sing the song together and do the actions. Make the students review “if” and create a happy atmosphere.Step 2 Activity 1Let the students do a survey and make a report.Do a survey and make a report.Make the students review the usages of “if”. Step 3Lead inShow some pictures and present the usages of “unless” and “ifnot”Look at the pictures, answer the teachers questionsMake the Ss learn about the “unless” and “ifnot”.Step 4 .conclusionS Show some sentences and present the construction of s “unless”. Try to conclude the construction of ”unless”Make the students summarize the usages “unless” .Step 5 Activity 21.Ask three students to act out their English study problems.2. Group work: give some paper to each group and let them make two paper become correct sentences.1. Look at the actions and talk about the problems.2. Make the main sentences and clause sentences into correct sentences.Make the students master the usage of “unless” and“ if not”.3. Ask the students to choose and write down the correct advice for each problems.3. Choose and write down the correct advice for each problems.Make the students master the usage of “unless” and“ if not”.Step6Activity 3Brainstorm:1. Ask the students to think how to improve your English.2. Use “unless” and “ifnot” to make sentences about advice.1. Think how to improve your English.2. Use “unless” and “ifnot” to make sentences about advice.Make the students use “ifnot” and “unless” to talk about advice on how to improve English.Step 7Activity 4Ask the students to use the advice to make a dialogue about how to improve your English.Make a dialogue about how to improve your English.Practice their spoken English and consolidate the usage of “unless” and “ifnot”.Step 8 HomeworkAssign homework Use “if” and “unless” to write an article about how to improve your English.To consolidate what the Ss have learnt.Step 9Reflection8A Unit 7 Memory Grammar Conditional sentences (2)Teaching contents Conditional sentences (2) (unless and ifnot)Teaching Aims 1.Make the students the review the usages of “if” .2. Make the students master the usages of “unless” and “ifnot”.3. Make the students learn to use “unless” and “ifnot” to make some activities to solve the problems about English study.Teaching emphasisMake the students master the usages of “unless” and “ifnot”.Teaching difficulties Make the students learn to use “unless” and “ifnot” to make some activities to solve the problems about English study.Teaching designProcedureTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesTeaching aimsStep 1Warning-upAsk the students to sing the song “If you are happy”.Sing the song together and do the actions. Make the students review “if” and create a happy atmosphere.Step 2 Activity 1Let the students do a survey and make a report.Do a survey and make a report.Make the students review the usages of “if”. Step 3Lead inShow some pictures and present the usages of “unless” and “ifnot”Look at the pictures, answer the teachers questionsMake the Ss learn about the “unless” and “ifnot”.Step 4 .conclusionS Show some sentences and present the construction of s “unless”. Try to conclude the construction of ”unless”Make the students summarize the usages “unless” .Step 5 Activity 21.Ask three students to act out their English study problems.2. Group work: give some paper to each group and let them make two paper become correct sentences.1. Look at the actions and talk about the problems.2. Make the main sentences and clause sentences into correct sentences.Make the students master the usage of “unless” and“ if not”.3. Ask the students to choose and write down the correct advice for each problems.3. Choose and write down the correct advice for each problems.Make the students master the usage of “unless” and“ if not”.Step6Activity 3Brainstorm:1. Ask the students to think how to improve your English.2. Use “unless” and “ifnot” to make sentences about advice.1. Think how to improve your English.2. Use “unless” and “ifnot” to make sentences about advice.Make the students use “ifnot” and “unless” to talk about advice on how to improve English.Step 7Activity 4Ask the students to use the advice to make a dialogue about how to improve your English.Make a dialogue about how to improve your English.Practice their spoken English and consolidate the usage of “unless” and “ifnot”.Step 8 HomeworkAssign homework Use “if” and “unless” to write an article about how to improve your English.To consolidate what the Ss have learnt.Step 9Reflection
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