(新教材)高中英语外研版必修第三册练习:Unit 6 Section B Using language.docx

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1、Unit 6Disaster and hope Section B Using language 课后篇巩固提升 基础夯实 .单句填空 1.The company wanted to lay claim the copyrights. 答案 to 2.The police could have charged them with (threaten) behavior. 答案 threatening 3.Nobody knows (precise) how many people are living in the camp. 答案 precisely 4.We did nothing but

2、 (watch) TV last night. 答案 watch 5.Tom is an honest and (rely) student. 答案 reliable 6.Thank you very much.I couldnt finish the work your help. 答案 without 7.He suffered one failure after another before he succeeded. 答案 from 8.The way a persons head is through his heart. 答案 to 9.He is very (exception)

3、 to most of the people. 答案 exceptional 10.The distant school (threaten) with being closed in the 1980s. 答案 was threatened .短语填空 composed of,result from,leave out,be sure to,consist of,leave for,suffer from,on the way 1.He the important information on purpose when asked about the case. 答案 left out 2.

4、Our country is like a big family, fifty-six nations. 答案 consisting of 3.Many health problems what you eat. 答案 result from 4.We should never lose a hope even if we failure. 答案 suffer from 5. to school,I came across my former maths teacher. 答案 On the way 6.The program is recitation,singing,word spelli

5、ng,story telling and so on. 答案 composed of 7. make efforts to save the heros life. 答案 Be sure to 8.The manager another city 2 hours ago. 答案 left for .语法专练 1.If I were you,I would apply for the project. ,I would apply for the project. 答案 Were I you 2.Though he was tired,he decided to finish his homew

6、ork. ,he decided to finish his homework. 答案 Though tired 3.If it is necessary,Ill ask the teacher for help. ,Ill ask the teacher for help. 答案 If necessary 4.The workers just carried out the order as they were told. The workers just carried out the order . 答案 as told 5.Generally speaking,if the drug

7、is taken according to the directions,it has no side effect. Generally speaking, according to the directions,the drug has no side effect. 答案 if taken 素养提升 .七选五 Keeping Safe in Your House During a Fire Though you may not think youll ever fall victim to a house fire,its better to be prepared to avoid p

8、anicking.To increase your chances of survival,just follow these steps. 1.React as soon as you hear your smoke alarm go off.On hearing your smoke detector or alarm going off and seeing a fire,exit your home as safely as possible. 1 2.Safely exit through doors.If you dont see smoke at the door,open it

9、 slowly and pass through it after making sure the door feels cool.If there is a fire preventing you from exiting the room,close the door. 3.Protect yourself from smoke inhalation(吸入).Get low to the floor and crouch or crawl on your hands and knees to avoid the smoke. 2 Cover your nose and mouth if y

10、ou have to walk by or through a heavily smoke-filled room. 4. 3 If your clothes catch fire,immediately stop what youre doing,drop flat to the ground,and roll around until you put the fire out. 5.Prevent the smoke if you cant get out. 4 Close your door and cover all vents(通风口)and cracks(缝隙)around it

11、with cloth or tape to keep the smoke out. 6.Call for help from a second story window. 5 You can take a sheet or something elsewhite preferablyand hang it out the window to signify that you needed help when the first responders get there. A.If you are trapped in your second story room,get to an area

12、where people can find you. B.Do not try to get your phone,valuables,or your other important possessions. C.Smoke inhalation causes people to become unconscious. D.Escape from a second story window if you can. E.You are probably a lot safer by closing doors. F.Stop,drop,and roll if your clothes catch

13、 fire. G.If you cant escape your home,dont panic. 答案与解析 【语篇解读】本文是说明文。作者通过这篇文章主要向我们讲述了如何在火灾期间保持安全 地待在屋子里的一些方法。 1.B 根据前文“React as soon as you hear your smoke alarm go off.On hearing your smoke detector or alarm going off and seeing a fire,exit your home as safely as possible.”可知,要尽快离开,不要管你的财物; 故选 B项。

14、2.C 根据前文“Protect yourself from smoke inhalation(吸入).Get low to the floor and crouch or crawl on your hands and knees to avoid the smoke.”可知,要避免吸入烟雾,吸入烟雾会使人失去知觉;故选 C项。 3.F 根据后文“If your clothes catch fire,immediately stop what youre doing,drop flat to the ground,and roll around until you put the fire

15、out.”可知,如果你的衣服着火了要停下来;故选 F项。 4.G 根据前文“Prevent the smoke if you cant get out.”可知,如果你不能逃离你的家,不要惊慌;故选 G项。 5.A 根据后文“You can take a sheet or something elsewhite preferablyand hang it out the window to signify that you needed help when the first responders get there.”可知,你可以把一个床单或别的东西 挂在窗外,最好是白色的,来表明你需要帮助。

16、故选 A项。 .完形填空 I shared one of the lifeboats with the chief engineer,Tom Fenton.I dont 1 the exact circumstances,but the storm continued into the second night.In some ways,we were able to avoid being 2 into the sea.Then as quickly as it had come,the 3 passed.The wind died down and the stormy sea becam

17、e 4 .The clouds drifted away,and the stars came out in the clear sky above.We didnt know where we were or what would happen to us but it was a marvelous(令人惊异的) feeling,just being 5 .At night the little boat drifted in the open sea while Tom and I 6 soundly.We were both exhausted.The next morning,I w

18、as 7 by brilliant sunshine.At first the bright sun made it impossible to see,but as my 8 became used to the light,I was able to look around.There was nothing but the deep blue 9 of the Pacific in all directions.The other lifeboats were gone. Now that the danger of the storm was over,I began to 10 ou

19、r other problems.All our supplies were 11 .We had no food,no fresh water,and we were somewhere in the South Pacific, 12 hundreds of miles from land.Perhaps we would drift here in the quiet 13 for weeks.It was a frightening thought.My companion was still sleeping.I was about to 14 him up when I saw s

20、omething in the distance. 15 away from the sun towards the west,I thought I saw the blue shape of land in the distance. 【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述作者和汤姆 芬顿在大海中漂流,毫无目的,也没有获得 援助的可能,最后却突然发现有陆地的影子。 1.A.remember B.recognize C.doubt D.see 答案 A 解析 remember“记得”;recognize“认出”;doubt“怀疑”;see“看见,明白”。根据文章语境可知,是我回忆的 一次经历,

21、所以推断本句话意思是“我记不清楚具体的情形”,故选 A项。 2.A.pulled B.carried C.thrown D.put 答案 C 解析 pull“拉”;carry“搬运”;throw“扔”;put“放置”。暴风雨持续到第二天晚上,从某方面来说,我们能够 免于被卷入大海,故选 C 项。 3.A.shadow B.cloud C.wind D.storm 答案 D 解析 shadow“阴影”;cloud“云”;wind“风”;storm“风暴”。由“the storm continued into the second night”可 知,“正如它来得快一样,暴风雨过去了”,故选 D项

22、。 4.A.quiet B.unusual C.rough D.deep 答案 A 解析 quiet“安静的,平静的”;unusual“不同寻常的”;rough“粗糙的”;deep“深的”。从 The wind died down 可知,暴风雨过后,汹涌的大海变得“平静下来”,故选 A项。 5.A.crazy B.bored C.sad D.alive 答案 D 解析 crazy“疯狂的”;bored“厌倦的”;sad“悲伤的”;alive“活着的”。在波涛汹涌的大海中我与汤姆同乘 一个救生艇,不知道在哪儿,也不知道会发生什么事,所以推断“只是感到还活着”,故选 D项。 6.A.slept B

23、.talked C.played D.ate 答案 A 解析 sleep“睡觉”;talk“交谈”;play“玩”;eat“吃”。由后文“We were both exhausted.The next morning,I was by brilliant sunshine.”可知,我们非常疲惫,睡着了,而且睡得很沉,故选 A 项。 7.A.shocked B.hurt C.awakened D.heated 答案 C 解析 shock“使震惊”;hurt“伤害”;awake“醒来”;heat“加热”。由本句的 by brilliant sunshine可知,被明媚 的阳光唤醒,故选 C 项。

24、8.A.body B.face C.ears D.eyes 答案 D 解析 body“身体”;face“脸”;ear“耳朵”;eye“眼睛”。由句子“当我的眼睛适应了光,我能够向四周望去”, 推测“起初耀眼的阳光使得我无法看清”,故选 D项。 9.A.shape B.water C.bank D.sky 答案 B 解析 shape“形状”;water“水”;bank“岸边”;sky“天空”。我们漂泊在太平洋中,所以能看到的只有太平洋 中的蓝色水域,故选 B项。 10.A.get around B.worry about C.work out D.give up 答案 B 解析 get arou

25、nd“四处走动”;worry about“担忧”;work out“锻炼”;give up“放弃”。由后文可知,“吃的没 有了,所以为此担忧”,也就是开始为别的事情担忧,故选 B 项。 11.A.important B.ready C.gone D.broken 答案 C 解析 important“重要的”;ready“准备好的”;gone“消失了的”;broken“坏了的”。由“We had no food,no fresh water.”可知,我们的食物供应中断了,故选 C 项。 12.A.possibly B.successfully C.luckily D.mostly 答案 A 解析

26、 possibly“可能地”;successfully“成功地”;luckily“幸运地”;mostly“差不多”。由句子“we were somewhere in the South Pacific”可知,作者不能准确猜测目前的位置,所以判断与陆地的距离只是一种 猜测,也就是一种可能的距离,故选 A 项。 13.A.forest B.island C.ocean D.river 答案 C 解析 forest“森林”;island“岛屿”;ocean“海洋”;river“河流”。由“There was nothing but the deep blue of the Pacific in al

27、l directions.”可知,“目前我们还在太平洋,可能会在这儿漂泊几个星期”,故选 C 项。 14.A.ring B.wake C.dress D.bring 答案 B 解析 ring“打电话”;wake“唤醒”;dress“给穿衣”;bring“带来”。由句子“My companion was still sleeping” 可知,我想唤醒他,故选 B 项。 15.A.Keeping B.Turning C.Getting D.Looking 答案 D 解析 keep“保持”;turn“转向”;get“获得”;look“看”。能看到远方陆地的蓝色轮廓,是遥望的结果,所以用 lookin

28、g,故选 D项。 .语法填空 In many films,whenever Earth faces a disaster,the 1.(solve) is always fleeing the planet 2. spaceship.But now the Chinese sci-fi movie,The Wandering Earth 3. (offer) a different and 4. (encourage) idea.In the film,Earth is being destroyed by the dying sun.In response,humans around the

29、 world work together 5. (build) a giant engine system,6. will push Earth away from the sun.This“ambition” didnt come from nowhere.Up to now “homeland” 7. (have) a soft spot in the hearts and minds of Chinese people.This special cultural background 8. (probable) makes The Wandering Earth different fr

30、om other films. The film was released on Feb 5,the first day of Chinese New Year of 2019.It was 9. time when many people had just made the hard journey back to 10. (they) hometowns.So there is only one possible way to tell the story: Earth goes wherever humans go,because its our home. 答案与解析 【语篇解读】本文

31、是说明文。主要介绍了电影流浪地球相关的内容。 1.solution 考查名词。根据前文的定冠词,可知此处应为名词,所以填 solve 的名词形式 solution。故 填 solution。 2.by 考查介词。句意:地球有灾难的时候通过宇宙飞船逃离这个星球。by“通过的方式”,故填 by。 3.offers/is offering 考查动词时态和主谓一致。主语是 The Wandering Earth,单数,后面动词应该是第 三人称单数形式,所以是 is offering 或者是 offers。故填 offers/is offering。 4.encouraging 考查动词-ing 形式作

32、定语。句意:流浪地球这部电影提供了一个与众不同并且鼓 舞人心的想法。idea缺少修饰词,所以用 encouraging作定语修饰。故填 encouraging。 5.to build 考查动词不定式的用法。前文已经有 work 作谓语,此处用不定式作目的状语。故填 to build。 6.which 考查非限制性定语从句。句意:全世界的人一起工作来建造一个可以把地球发射出太阳系 的巨型机械系统。先行词是 system,为物,非限制性定语从句只能用 which 在从句中作主语。故填 which。 7.has had 考查现在完成时。句意:时至今日,家园这个词已经成为中国人心里最柔软的地方。时间 状语 up to now“直到今日”,这是典型的现在完成时时间状语。故填 has had。 8.probably 考查副词。句意:这个特殊的文化背景或许使得流浪地球与其他电影不同。 probably为副词修饰后面的动词 makes。故填 probably。 9.a 考查冠词的用法以及固定句型。句意:这是许多人经过辛苦的旅程回到自己家乡的时候。It is a time when.为固定句式,意为“的时候”应该用不定冠词 a。故填 a。 10.their 考查形容词性物主代词。hometown前面缺定语,所以应该用形容词性物主代词 their作定 语。故填 their。


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