(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 2 A Magic Day-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:f03e7).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 A Magic Day_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:f03e7)
    • U3 A Lucky Day.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案f03e7.doc--点击预览


U3 A Lucky Day had fun with friends lost my keys won the game missed the bus woke up late ate some cotton candy forgot my homework I had a lucky day. First, I ___________________. Next, I ________________. After that, I ____________. Wow!Thats really lucky. ate some cotton candy had fun with friends won the game Gogo had a lucky day. First, he ___________________. Next, he ________________. After that, he ____________. Thats really lucky. ate some cotton candy had fun with friends won the game First, I woke up late, and missed the bus. Next, I forgot my homework. After that, I lost my keys. Thats really bad. and _____________. I had a bad day. First, I ___________. Next, I _________________. After that, I ____________. Thats really bad. woke up late missed the bus lost my keys forgot my homework Jenny had a bad day. First, ______________. Next, ____________________. After that, _______________. Thats really bad. she woke up late she missed the bus she lost her keys she forgot her homework and ________________. got a kitten played games got a good grade went shopping got a present had some candy stayed up late got a poor grade saw a snake broke my glasses saw the doctor hurt my arms fell into the hole . . . . . . great daybad day I had a ____ day. First, I ___________. Next, I _________________. After that, I _________ ___________. I was ____. Thats really ____. Write more sentences about your great day or bad day.Unit3Unit3 A A LuckyLucky DayDay 第一课时 教学目标:教学目标: 1知识与技能:(1)学会句型 I had a lucky day.并能用 该句型结合情景做对话。 (2)学习动词过去式的运用。 (3)掌握 以下单词的读音和意义:won the game, ate some cotton candy, had fun with friends, got a gift, woke up late happened, First Next, After that。 2过程与方法:通过网上查找资料,听课文录音和请教高 年级学生等方式,初步掌握掌握课文背景和句型。通过小组合作 学习进一步提高单词的拼读能力。通过全班展示和教师点拨熟练 掌握课文知识并能在实际中运用。 3情感、态度与价值观:培养学生敢于用英语自己要去的 地方,加深学习英语的兴趣。 教学重难点:教学重难点: 教学重点:学习句型 I had a lucky day.并能用该句型进行 交 际。掌握以下单词的读音和意义:won the game, ate some cotton candy, had fun with friends, got a gift, woke up late。 教学难点:had fun with friends。 课时安排:课时安排:2 课时 教学过程教学过程 一、预习一、预习导学导学 写出下面单词含义。 won the game(赢得比赛), ate some cotton candy(吃一 些棉花糖), had fun with friends(和朋友一起玩), got a gift(得到礼物), woke up late(起床晚了)happened(发生), First(首先) , Next(接着), After that(在那之后) 。 二、学习二、学习研讨研讨 1导入新课。 同学们:今天我们将要学习的是如何表达自己幸运的一天, 谁来说说幸运的一天。 小组展示: 各小组合作完成前置作业。 小组合作: 1用自然拼音拼读单词。听录音正音,小组合作认读单词。 各小组展示成果。师生评价。 2听录音学对话 A: I had a lucky day . B: What happened. A:First, I had fun with friends. Next, I won the game . After that, I got a gift. 并说说他的意思。 教师点拨:针对学生不理解的句型和不会读的单词进行深入 的教读和讲解。 三、拓展三、拓展延伸延伸 用所学的句型进行交际,呈现本课单词卡片。 1Pair work.用 target 句型自编对话并练习对话。 2检查效果,鼓励学生勇敢表演对话。 四、作业四、作业 基础题:抄写 vocabulary。 五、板书设计五、板书设计 Unit 3 A Lucky Day A: I had a lucky day . B: What happened. A:FirstFirst, I had fun with friends. NextNext, I won the game . AfterAfter thatthat, I got a gift.
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