(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 2 A Magic Day-Lesson 6-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:60419).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 A Magic Day_Lesson 6_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:60419)
    • A Parade Day.ppt--点击预览
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Unit One1 What did they do in the parade? They played the trumpet. He sang in the parade. What did he do in the parade? They danced in the parade. They played the violin. They played the trumpet and drum. They walked and danced. A parade in Gogos city Parade 2 Parade 1 A parade in Changlong Ocean Kingdom P8 Watch and Answer 1.What did people do in the parade? 2.What did Gogo do in the parade? Some people played the trumpet and played the drum. Some people sang and danced. Gogo ran after the parade. And he watched parade. 变一变! (对话变短文) On a Sunday, we ____ to the park. On the way to the park, we _____ a parade. There ____ many people in the park. Some people____ the trumpet. And some people _____ and ____. Gogo ____after the parade. We ___ very happy. went watched played sang danced ran were were A parade in Gogos city Parade 2 Parade 1 A parade in Changlong Ocean Kingdom Lets make our parade! 1.食物类巡游队 2.体育类巡游队 3.音乐类巡游队 4.卡通人物类巡游队 5.交通工具类巡游队 6.陆空动物类巡游队 7.海洋动物类巡游队 Homework 将改编的语段贴在作业本,在背面抄一 次。 有错的把该单词抄一行。 Im Amy. Im from America. Im Mike. Im from Canada. Im Bai Ling Im from China. 表表 演演 对对 话话 Listen and match New word 新的 从;从 起 美国 欢迎 热身 /复习 呈现新知 趣味操练 巩固与扩展 唱一唱 学新词 介绍自己传球游戏 小 结听力练习了解美国 说一说 学对话 对话表演教学内容教学内容 Unit 1 A Parade Day 课时课时 1 1 课型课型新授课新授课 教学教学 目标目标 语言知识目标语言知识目标: :Students will be able to grasp the vocabulary as follow:use,used study,studied,play,played,etc. 语言技能目标语言技能目标: : Students will be able to get the skill of talking this topic and communicate . 情感态度目标:情感态度目标:To stimulate students interest in learning English, Cultivate students sense of cooperation and team spirit. 学习策略目标:学习策略目标: With games, activities and other teaching methods, try to create language learning environment, and students interest in learning. 文化意识目标文化意识目标:Enable students to learn the some details of life, willing to learn . Let students learn culture of English-spoken countries. 重点重点 难点难点 教教学重点:学重点: Grasp the vocabulary. 教学难点:教学难点: Students will be able to understand the drills step by step. 教学教学 准备准备 cards,CD-Rom,PPT & computer 二次备课二次备课 教教 学学 过过 程程 (一)(一)Warming-upWarming-up复习热身 Greetings. Anounnce the requirement of the new term. A song. A chant. Review What we learned last clsss. (二)(二)PresentationPresentation 1.创设情境 Lead in. We are fine now,but sometimes we maybe feel sick. 2.呈现新知 Learn the vocabulary with relative sentences. use,used study,studied, play,played, run ran, Last night,etc. (三)(三)PracticePractice 1.机械操练 A.Practising reading the vocabulary. B.Drive a train. 2.2.意义操练意义操练 A.Listen to some sentences which are made with this units new words and judge according to the teacher. B.Guess the words and make sentences. (4 4)ProductionProduction 1.1.创设情境创设情境 Look at the pictures and try to understand the target. What did you do yesterday? I played basektball/ 2.2.布置任务布置任务 learn to talk about the pictures. I studied/ 3.3.合作交流合作交流 Play a relative game to help the students to master the above words . 4.4.汇报展示汇报展示 Look at the pictures and write down the expressions and see who is the best. (5 5)SummarySummary 1.1.总结归纳总结归纳 Conclude what we have learned. Lets go over the above. 2.2.学习评价学习评价Praise the students who did a good job during this class. (6 6)HomeworkHomework 听说读写作业 1. Write the new word 4 times and recite them. 2. Read the new words. 3.Correct the mistakes on your Exercise work.
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