(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 4 Feeling Excited-Lesson 4-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:510dd).docx

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1、小学六年级英语(小学六年级英语(阅读阅读)教案)教案 教学内容教学内容 Unit4 Feeling Excited 课时课时 3 3 课型课型 阅读课阅读课 教学教学 目标目标 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: (1)要求学生会听、会说、会认读的目标语言有:有关于圣诞节 的词语 (2) 要求学生会听、 会说、 会认读的词汇有: : Santa Claus, stocking, jingle bell, a red hat, living room,kitchen,suddenly 语言技能目标:语言技能目标: (1) 学生能用英语描述自己有感受并询问别人的感受。 (2)学生能理解整篇文章的意思;通

2、过学习,学生了解了一个孩子眼 中的圣诞节及相关的知识。 情感态度目标:情感态度目标:通过听做、说唱、玩演、读作等活动的设计,使学生 在玩中学,在语言交际活动中,培养学生合作精学习策略目标 文化意识目标:文化意识目标:知道西方国家如何过圣诞节。 策略目标:策略目标: 重点重点 难点难点 教学重点:I was scared. 教学难点:Exercise 教学教学 准备准备 PPT 教教 学学 过过 程程 (一)(一)WarmingWarming- -up(Before reading)up(Before reading) 1.Sing the Christmas song. 2.Talk abou

3、t Christmas.(PPT) How do you know about Christmas? What do people do durning Christmas? (二)(二)Presentation Presentation 1.创设情境 Look at the boy. Why was the boy scared? 2.呈现新知 Read the passage and try to understand the new words with the pictures. Santa, suddenly, living room(What can we see in the l

4、iving room? ,kitchen, look around(Can you show us how is look around) (三)(三)PracticePractice 1.机械操练 Read the passage one by one/with the partners. 2. 意义操练 Did Santa put the presents under the tree? Was there any Santa in the kitchen? 3. Finish the exercise on P51. Check the answers with the partners

5、. (四)(四)ProductionProduction 1.创设情境 We know something about the Christmas. 2.布置任务 Ask and answer with the partners. 3.合作交流 (1)What do the people do during the Christmas? (2)Why was the boy scared and excited? (3)Why do the children like Christmas? (4)Is Santa Claus real? 4.汇报展示 (五)(五)SummarySummary

6、1.总结归纳 Today we learn something about the Christmas and sing the Christmas songs. We can see the movie in spare time. 2.学习评价 I think studentread the passage fluently. (六)(六)HomeworkHomework Listen and read the passge on P50.Listen and read the passge on P50. Answer the questions.Answer the questions

7、. (1)What do the people do during the Christmas? (2)Why was the boy scared and excited? (3)Why do the children like Christmas? (4)Is Santa Claus real? . 板书板书 设计设计 Unit4 Feeling ExcitedUnit4 Feeling Excited (1)What do the people do during the Christmas? (2)Why was the boy scared and excited? (3)Why do the children like Christmas? (4)Is Santa Claus real? 教学教学 反思反思 (后记)(后记)


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