(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 4 Feeling Excited-Lesson 6-ppt课件-(含视频)--(编号:10427).zip

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Unit 4 Feeling Excited 1 Free talk What did you do last Sunday? Guess 猜一猜 What did I do last Sunday? Did you. ? Lead-in Watch a video about pandas. The Panda Base 5 熊猫基地 1.通过阅读短文,了解熊猫以 及熊猫基地。 2.掌握阅读理解的技巧与方 法。 3.了解濒临灭绝的动物以及如 何保护动物。 自学检测 Lets check check ( )1. Whats the text talking about? A. The lovely pandas. B. The Panda Base. ( )2. Who work in the Panda Base? A. Scientists. B. Farmers. ( )3. How many pandas were there in the Panda Base in 2011? A. 6 B. 108 B A B Where When Who 1. Where is the Panda Base? 2.When did the Panda Base start? 3.Who take care of the twin pandas? 学法指导一:快速阅读,找出表格中的信息。 Fast- reading:read the passage ,fill in the blanks. 9 1. Where is the Panda Base? Where When Who Its in Sichuan. 10 2.When did the Panda Base start? Where When Who It started in 1987. Its in Sichuan. 11 3.Who take care of the twin pandas? Where When Who Its in Sichuan. It started in 1987. The scientists 3.Pandas were always born at the same time.( ) 4.The scientists hope to have many giant pandas. ( ) 1.Scientists save pandas in the Panda Base. ( ) 2. There were many pandas in 1987. ( ) T 12 Discuss in group, and judge “Discuss in group, and judge “Discuss in group, and judge “Discuss in group, and judge “T T T T” or “” or “” or “” or “F F F F”.”.”.”. 学法指导二:小组讨论问题,判断正误。 13 1.Scientists save pandas in the Panda Base. 1.Scientists save pandas in the Panda Base. Who is a scientist? Einstein is a scientist. 14 What does the word save mean in the picture? A.save water C.save the tiger B.save the dog 14 1.Scientists save pandas in the Panda Base. 15 be + dying out F 2.There were many pandas in 1987. ( ) True or false( T/ F ) 16 1100 1970 2500 1980 17 dying out 濒临灭绝 Chinese Alligators (扬子鳄) Golden Monkeys (金丝猴) Yangtze River Dolphins (白鳍豚) Chinese Tigers (华南虎) 18 What other animals are dying out ? 3. born at the same time.( )FalwaysalwayssometimesPandas areSometimes pandas are twin pandas Sometimes there were ___ born at the same time. twin sisterss True or false( T/ F ) 19 T True or false( T/ F ) 20 4.The scientists hope to have many giant pandas. ( ) giant panda ? one-week-old panda 21 22 学法指导三:仔细阅读短文,小组讨论,回答问 题。 Reading carefully , discuss and answer the questions. 1. Whatdo the scientists do in the Panda Base? 2. Why did the scientists start the Panda Base? 3. How do the scientists take care of the twin pandas in the Panda Base? 23 1. What do the scientists do in the Panda Base? They work there to save the pandas. Because Pandas were dying out for many years. 24 The scientists work hard to take care of the pandas. 25 3. How do the scientists take care of the twin pandas in the Panda Base? Group work: Make a summary 小组合作:各小组采用思维导图方式总结。 26 27 The Panda Base A:Where is the Panda Base? B:The Panda Base is in Sichuan. A:When did the Panda Base start? B:It started in 1987. A:What do the scientists do in the Panda Base? B:The scientists work there to save pandas. A:Why did the scientists start the Panda Base? B:Pandas were dying out for many years. A:How do the scientists save the pandas in the Panda Base? B:The scientists work hard to save the pandas. 2.When 3.What 4.Why 5.How 1.Where The animals are crying. 28 The earth is crying. 29 Maybe someday you are crying ! 30 No trading. No killing. 31 What can we do for animals? 32 Goodbye! 33
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