教科EEC版五下Unit3 What Are You Going to Do -Class 4 Textbook p.28-29-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:e17c0).docx

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教科EEC版五下Unit3 What Are You Going to Do -Class 4 Textbook p.28-29-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:e17c0).docx_第1页
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1、Unit 3 What are you going to do?教学设计教学设计 Teaching content: textbook p.28-29 Teaching Aims: 1.学习字母组合 pl 和 tr 的发音并掌握规律。 2.通过阅读故事,提升学生的口语水平和阅读能力,培养学生用 英语进行交流的技能。 Teaching points: 1 字母组合 pl 和 tr 在单词中的读音. 2. 以活动的形式,练习本单元的重点表达。 Teaching methods: 讲授法、练习法 Teaching tools: ppt 课件 Teaching steps : Step 1. Warm

2、-up 1. Greetings. 2.Ask and answer. 复习有关职业的单词,并出示图片,运用 What does he/she do? 进行问答。 Step 2.New lesson Sounds and letters 1. 屏幕出示 pl 的发音要领,教孩子们如何发音,并列举出含有这两 个字母发音的单词,写到黑板上。 2. 反复练读单词。熟练掌握其发音。 3. 用相同的方法讲解 tr 的发音要领并让同学们列举含有这些字母的 单词写到黑板上。 4. Open your books turn to page 28. A listen and repeat. B. Listen

3、and fill the missing letters. 1)look at the pictures and guess the meaning. 2)Do it by yourselves,then check them with your partner. 3)Listen to the tape and check the answer. Read and Role-play 1. Read this story by yourselves. Then tell me how many people are there in this story. 2. 屏幕出示表格。 3. Lis

4、ten to the tape,then fill in the blanks. 4. Check the answer. 师问: What is Tino going to do? What is 3PO going to do? What is the girl going to do? What does her uncle do in Australia? Is she going to feed animals there? 5. listen to the tape again,repeat loudly. 6. Practice this dialogue with your partner. 7. Role play. Step 3 practice 1.屏幕出示许多学过的动词词组。用提问的方式进行复习。 2.运用这些动词词组进行小调查 What are you going to do this weekend? 3 调查后完成表格。 Step 4. summary and homework Blackboard design Unit 3 What are you going to do? /pl/ plan plant(种植)(种植) player(选手)(选手) /tr/ trip train truck (卡车卡车)


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