(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Review 1-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:90a26).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Review 1_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:90a26)
    • Review 1 教学资源
      • Gogo短文.mp3
      • Jenny 短文.mp3
      • Miss Li 短文.mp3
      • Review 1 练习.docx--点击预览
      • U1.swf
      • U2.swf
      • U3.swf
      • 夜的钢琴曲.mp3
    • Book 8--Review 1.flv
    • Book 8--Review 1.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案90a26.doc--点击预览


Unit 1 - Unit 3 Song 1: What did you do ? Song 2: I had a lucky day . play-played visit-visited talk-talked use-used study-studied jump-jumped run-ran sing-sang go-went ride-rode make-made write-wrote read-read eat- ate drink- drank win- won have-had lose-lost get-got forget-forgot wake-woke What did you do yesterday? I played basketball. What did you do this morning? I went to the park. What did she do last night? She read a book. What did he do last weekend? He made a modle plane. What did they do last Sunday? They won the game. Did Lily clean a window yesterday? Yes, she did. Did Tim miss the bus this morning? Yes, he did. Can you read What did you do the day before yesterday I visited my grandmother. What did they do last Saturday They had fun with friends. Did he pack his schoolbag last night Yes, he did. Did Gogo clean up his room yesterday No,he didnt clean up his room . Model : What did you do yesterday? I went to the park. Tony and Gogo last week you last night Jenny yesterday he this morning he / this morningthey / last Monday you / yesterday she / last night Model : Did you go to the beach this morning? Yes, I did. No, I didnt. No No Yes Yes What diddid Jenny do yesterday? She sang a song. What diddid Tony and Gogo do last week? They made models. What did you do yesterday? I ate some cotton candy . What diddid he do this morning? He wrote a letter. DidDid he get a haircut this morning? No, he didnt. DidDid they win a game last Monday ? Yes, they did. DidDid you watch TV yesterday? No, I didnt . DidDid she write a letter last night? Yes, she did. A busy day. I am Miss Li. I _________ a busy day last Sunday. In the morning, I _______ shopping with my friend in Wanda plaza. We bought a dress and _________ some tasty food. The food ______ spicy, but we _______ it very much. In the afternoon, we ______ up the room. We _______ tired. likediked had wentwent ate cleaned was were He rode his bike . They ate some salad . They drank some juice . 动词不规则变化动词不规则变化 ( ) 1. What happened to Jenny? A. She had a great day. B. She had a bad day. C. She had a busy day. ( ) 2. What did Jenny do first? A. She watered the flowers. B. She cleanned the windows. C. She got up early. C A ( ) 3. Who did Jenny help? A. Mom B. Dad C. Grandma. B Gogo like playing basketball. Last Monday Gogo play basketball with his friends in the playground. Suddently Gogo hurted his foot. They went to saw the doctor. Gogo should stayed in bed. What a bad day! likes played on see stay hurt Gogo likes playing basketball. Last Monday Gogo played basketball with his friends on the playground. Suddently Gogo hurt his foot. They went to see the doctor. Gogo should stay in bed. What a bad day! likes played on see stay hurt L ets write. First, Next, After that, luckybadhappybusy Tell your busy day to your friend.1 Book 8 Review Unit 1Unit 3 1、教材分析:教材是小学英语开心学英语第八册,教学内 容是 Unit 1 至 Unit 3 的 Review,主要带领学生复习巩固目标单 词和重点句型。 二、学生分析: 六年级的学生活泼好动,表现欲强,擅长模仿,乐于表演。根 据六年级学生的特点,我设计了充分的“听、说、读、写、唱、玩” 等练习来巩固和强化学生对知识的掌握。 三、教学目标分析: 1、知识目标: 1)能听、说、认读、拼写 unit 1 至 unit 3 的单词和短语。 2)能听、说、读、写 unit 1 至 unit 3 的重点句型。 3)能熟练运用 unit 1 至 unit 3 的单词和句型。 2、技能目标: 1)通过学习,学生能够运用 unit 1 至 unit 3 的句型。 2)通过学习,学生听力、阅读水平、写作能力得到进一步提高。 3、学习策略: 1)运用情景教学法,为学生的学习营造真实的语言环境。 2)运用游戏教学法,激发学生的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。 4、情感态度目标 2 1)努力创造一种和谐平等、轻松愉快的学习氛围,激发学生爱 英语的情感。 2)培养学生敢于大胆开口,积极参与的学习态度,使学生在学 习活动中得到成功的体验,建立学习英语的自信心。 四、教学重点、难点: 重点:本单元四会单词和句型。 难点:一般过去时动词的不规则变化。 五、教学过程: Step 1. Warm up 1. Greetings. 2. Sing the songs: 1) What did you do? 2) I went on a trip. 为了吸引孩子们的注意,我想到了一个有趣的办法,就是假装 出现电脑故障,导致文件丢失,再引导学生唱歌来找回复习文件。 这样,既激发了学生的学习兴趣,也为下一步的复习热身。 Step 2. Presentation 1. Lead in: review the words 在找到文件后,呈现的第一个复习计划是 review the words。 在这个环节中,我采用的是快速读单词的方法,非常的简单直接复 习动词原形和动词的不规则变化。其实这样,也为接下来的看图回 答做了铺垫。 3 2. Look and say T: What did you do yesterday? Ss: I (教师在 PPT 上呈现图片) 学生对书本的单词图片已非常熟悉,他们也能快速地把词组说 出来,当他们说出词组时,我会呈现问句来让学生回答问题。这样 既复习了词组,又巩固了句型。如下图所示: 3. Guessing game T: All of you did a good job!? So this little star is for you! But can you guess what is behind the star? 用小星星遮挡关键知识点,让学生来复原句子。其实这部分和 平时的填空题是异曲同工的。但是换一种形式来呈现会更吸引学生 的注意,他们会更感兴趣。当学生还原问句后,通过闪现短语来引 导学生作答。学生的兴趣又一下子提高了。如下图所示: 4 当出现第四幅图时,我采用了 Gogo 正在睡觉, Gogo 没有清洁 房间,Gogo had a busy day yesterday, he played games.从而引 出下一个环节,也就是大转盘。 T: Look! Do you like games?Lets play a game with Gogo! Ss: OK! 4. The turntable 通过玩游戏的方式来让学生完成仿例造句的练习,孩子们的注 意力又一下子被抓住了。如下图所示; 在玩转盘游戏最后一题后,引出下一个环节(Lets read)。 T: Look!This is Mary.She wrote a letter yesterday. Yesterday I wrote a letter,too. Lets see. 5. Lets read 在第五部分,短文阅读。一共有 4 篇阅读训练,包括我、Tony, Jenny, Gogo 的一天活动情况的阅读材料。阅读练习题包括听音填 词、回答问题、听音选择、改错。通过用听、说、读、写,不同的 形式,全方面提高学生的阅读能力。阅读训练为写作文做好了充分 的准备。如下图如所示: 5 6. Lets write 通过以上的从单词、词组、句子、文段的由浅到深复习,最后 的小作文写作也就是水到渠成,学生也不会感到困难。 T: Yes,everybody was busy last week.But what about you? How did you feel? Lets write. Step 3. Homework 6 Write a letter to your friends.Tell them about your busy day. (创设贴近学生生活的情景,让学生在真实的情境中使用语言。 ) 板书设计: Review U1 U3 What did you do yesterday? I played basketball. I went to the park.小作文小作文
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