(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 3 A Lucky Day-Lesson 6-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:901b4).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 A Lucky Day_Lesson 6_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:901b4)
    • U3 Helen Keller.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案901b4.doc--点击预览


U3 More reading and writing Look and guess What happened to them? Maybe they won______. Maybe they got_______. Maybe they had _______. Maybe they ate _______. Maybe they ___________. Look and guess What happened to her? Maybe she lost______. Maybe she missed_______. Maybe she forgot _______. Maybe she hurt _______. Maybe she ___________. A good cook could cook good cookies. Can you read fast? (Tongue twister绕口令)绕口令) When I was a baby.I couldcouldnt Who is she? What happened to her? Shes Helen Keller. Whos she? Shes Helens teacher, Anne Sullivan. She couldnt see or hear. Listen to the tape. Read the passage, answer the questions. 1.What did Helen do? 2.Whats the name of the book? famous著名的著名的 still 仍旧仍旧 Paragraph1(第一段)第一段) She is a writer. The Story of My Life 1、What happened to Helen when she was nineteen months old? Paragraph2(第二段)第二段) couldnt hear -deaf couldnt see-blind She was very sick and she became deaf and blind. become-became Paragraph3(第三段)第三段) 1、Did she go to school? 2、How many books did Helen write? Yes, she did. She wrote 12 books. She learned to read, also learned to write. 1.Read in groups loudly. 2.Write T for true and F for false. 1. The Story of My Life is about Helen Kellers life. 2. Helen could not hear or speak. 3. Anne Sulivan was Helens teacher. 4. Helen did not go to school. 5. Helen could not read or write. T F T F F 1.Read loudly. 2.Read and discuss. What do you think of Helen Keller? Name: Helen Keller Place: America Can: writeread Cant: seehear Name: Zhang Haidi Place: Shandong Can: write Cant: walk Name: Tai Lihua Place: Hubei Cant: hear or speak Can: dance and draw pictures Write a passage about My Day My Day Today, I read a story about . She couldnt or . But she could and with her hands. She was a woman. I her. I want to read more books. Write the names of the books you like most The names of the books . . . Who wrote them? . . . Close your eyes ImIm soso lucky,lucky, I I cancan seesee YoureYoure soso lucky,lucky, youyou cancan hearhear WeWe areare soso lucky,lucky, wewe cancan talktalk WhenWhen lifeslifes becomingbecoming NeverNever givegive upup hope.hope.(不要放弃希望)(不要放弃希望) TheThe worldworld isis soso colorfulcolorful LetsLets saysay “thank“thank you”you” WithWith allall mymy heartheart(衷心地)(衷心地) Homework 1. Read the passage . 2. Read the story Three Days to See. Love the world, Love our life Goodbye!第六课时 Helen Keller 1. 知识目标: (1)能听懂,会说,会读单词:famous, writer, still, deaf,blind, became, could, couldnt. (2) 能听懂、读懂功能句:could/couldnt. She was very sick and became deaf and blind. She could not hear on see. 2.语言技能目标: (1) 能根据运用功能句:could/couldnt.根据实际情况进行口头交流,能 描述自己或他人的能力。 (2)能借助图片或文字听懂、读懂课文,并尝试复述Helen Keller的故事。 3、情感目标: 通过学习 Helen Keller 这位世界上著名身残志坚有志之人的优 秀事迹,让学生学有所得,学有所悟,希望她的精神能激励和教育我们的学生在 任何时候遇到艰难永不退缩。 二、教学重难点:二、教学重难点: 1.学习重点:通过阅读从文章中了解 Helen Keller 的事迹。 2.学习难点:famous ,still, deaf,blind, become 等词的发音。 三、教学准备三、教学准备 PPT 课件、词卡等 四教学过程四教学过程 Step1 Warm-up 1.Free talk 2.Lets chant: I had a lucky day. 【设计意图:教师通过与学生自由交谈,让学生描述自己愉快的一天或糟 糕的一天,复习旧的知识,通过歌谣,活跃气氛,激起学生的学习兴趣。 】 Step2 Lead-in & Presentation 1)Look at the screen. Lets have a tongue twister.(绕口令) A good cook could cook good cookies. I can read it quicklyCan you? Who wants to try? OK, Id like to invite a boy and a girl to have a PK. 2)There is a word “could” in this sentence. can-could Let make sentences with it.( for example) I can jump. Ican When I was a baby, I could cry. When I was baby, I couldnt jump 【设计意图:通过绕口令,引出 could, 吸引学生的注意力,从学生生活实际出 发,描述自己过去的能力的热身方式轻松有趣,又自然地引出 could 与 couldn t。 】 Step3 Practice Look at these pictures. (ppt 出示 Helen Keller and her teacher 的照片) Any question? What do you want to know? 1. The First Reading 教师在学生听录音的基础上,引导学生进行第一次课文阅读。 Q1:Whos she? Q2: What could she do? 【设计意图:第一次听录音与阅读让学生为问题找到答案,帮助学生整体了解 课文的主题背景,从而为下一环节做准备。同时给学生的阅读确定一个目标, 实现对阅读过程的监控。 】 2.The Second Reading 整理出同学们还想知道的关于 Helen Keller 的事情。引导学生通过“where , what , when , why , who , how” 等疑问词进行提问。 请学生再次阅读课文并对以上问题进行回答,对于无法在文中找到答案的问题, 教师予以回答。 【设计意图:第一个阅读环节的问题是老师提出来的,是老师希望学生理解并 掌握的。而第二个阅读环节的问题是学生提出来的,是学生想知道和了解的内 容。这激发了学生的阅读愿望,发挥了学生学习的自主性,也培养了学生善于 提问的能力。 】 3.The Third Reading 教师引导学生一段一段学习课文。 Paragraph1(第一段) 1.Read after the tape and underline the new words. famous 著名的 still 仍旧 2. answer the questions What did Helen do? Whats the name of the book? Paragraph2(第二段) 1.Read after the tape and underline the new words. couldnt hear -deaf couldnt see-blind become-became 2.answer the question What happened to Helen when she was nineteen months old? Paragraph3(第三段) 1、Read after the tape and underline the new words. 2、answer the questions Did she go to school? How many books did Helen write? 【设计意图: 第三次阅读环节通过每一段的学习,先跟读,画出不会的单 词,解决阅读难题,解决问题,层层递进,降低阅读的难度,培养学生阅 读的能力。 】 4. The Fourth Reading Read again. Write T for true and F for false. (P Excise 3) Step 4 Extension 1. More writings by Helen Keller: The Story of My Life 2. Know more about other persons. 1)Tai Lihua She was born in Hubei in 1976. When she was a baby, she became deaf. She couldnt hear and she couldnt talk. When she was five years old, she learned to dance. In 2005, she danced Qian Shou Guan Yin. She is a model for us. 2) Zhang Haidi She was born in Shandong. She cant walk.But she can write. She is a writer.She writes many books. 【设计意图:通过介绍其他身残志坚有志之人的优秀事迹,让学生学有所得, 学有所悟,希望她的精神能激励和教育我们的学生在任何时候遇到艰难永不退缩。 】 3.Write a passage about My Day My Day Today, I read a story about . She couldnt or . But she could and with her hands. She was a woman. I her. I want to read more books. 【设计意图:通过作文,提高学生的写作能力。 】 Step 5 Summary T: What do you learn from Helen Keller? Lets enjoy the passage. Close your eyes Im so lucky, I can see Youre so lucky, you can hear We are so lucky, we can talk When lifes becoming Never give up hope.(不要放弃希望) The world is so colorful Lets say “thank you” With all my heart(衷心地) Step 6 Homework 1.Read the passage . 2. Read the story Three Days to See. 【设计意图:通过完成作业,将课本的知识向课外延伸。 】 五、板书设计五、板书设计 Helen Keller see=blind hear=deaf talk learn read write Couldnt Could sad great
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