(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 5 Being Helpful-Lesson 5-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:07bec).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 5 Being Helpful_Lesson 5_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:07bec)
    • Unit5:More reading and writing.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案07bec.docx--点击预览


The 5th Period Check and warm up Whos she? She is Zhou jieyi. Whats she doing? She is cleaning the wall. She cleaned the wall yesterday,too. Check and warm up Whos he? He is lv linxuan. Whats he doing? He is sweeping the floor. He swept the floor yesterday ,too. Check and warm up Whos he? He is Huangshen. Whats he doing? He is watering the plants. He watered the plants yesterday afternoon,too. A: Can you water the flowers? B: Sure. Ill water them later. 当然。我稍后将会给他们浇水。 A: Can you clean the furniture? B: Sure. Ill do it later. 当然。我稍后将会做的。 A: Can you sweep the floor? B: Sure. Ill do it after class. 当然。下课后我就打扫。 1. Who are they in the passage? 2. Where should Ben put the red cup? 3. Who proud of Ben? 1. Who are they in the passage? Mr.White and Ben. 2. Where should Ben put the red cup? Put it on the table. 3. Who proud of Ben? Mr.White proud of Ben. Lead in-Intensive Reading (精读) A. Find out what does Ben do in the passage B. Read and judge (1)Ben didnt help Mr.White. ( ) (2)Ben put the pencils in the bathroom. ( ) (3)The trash bin is full. ( ) A. Find out what does Ben do in the passage Ben puts the red cup on the table; puts the pencils in the bedroom; gives the pen to Mr.white; throws the paper away; puts the trash in a bag and take it outside; turns off the lights and close the door. B. Read and judge (1)Ben didnt help Mr.White. (F ) (2)Ben put the pencils in the bathroom. (F ) (3)The trash bin is full. (T) Now, lets finish exercises . 1、Read the passage after radio 2、Turn to page 65 and finish the questions. 3、Finish the test paper Summery. In this class we talked about helping others. Which person is the most beautiful? I think thats the helpful person, do you? So please give your hand to help others as you can. Homework: 1. Read the passage twice. 2. Copy the new words for four times.Unit 5 Being helpful 1、教学内容与学情分析: 本单元的主题是 Being helpful ,本课时是阅读课,是一节很好 的辅助教学的课型,有助于帮助学生巩固语言知识和词汇。学生已 经学过了一些表达如何帮忙做家务的单词和句型,学会了如何表达 乐于助人。本课时通过让学生带着任务阅读,限时阅读来培养学生 在阅读材料中捕捉关键信息、总结阅读材料的主题、梳理阅读材料 的脉络的能力。 2、教学目标: (1)通过故事的教学,帮助学生理解文章大意,培养学生在故 事材料中获取处理信息的能力。 (2)能够提炼文章的关键信息并回答问题。 (3)能够完成相关练习。 三、教学重点和难点: 教学重点: 1、be 动词+动词-ing 形式的使用语境和句式表达。 2、通过故事从文章中获取和处理故事材料的信息。 教学难点:理解故事及其脉络。 4、教学准备:PPT、学生练习纸等。 5、教学过程: Step 1. check 1.Free talk. 2.look and say Step 2. Ask 1.Teach some more words about housework 2.Ask some dialog with target Can you turn on the light? Sure.I will turn it on later. / Sorry .I am busy now. Step3. Lead-in 1.Point to the ppt and say:read the story in page 64 in 3 minutes and answer these questions: A. Who are they in the passage? B. Where should Ben put the red cup? c. Who proud of Ben? 2.Listen to the tape and follow the teacher read the passage 3.Intensive Reading A. Find out what does Ben do in the passage B. Read and judge (1)Ben didnt help Mr.White. (F ) (2)Ben put the pencils in the bathroom. (F ) (3)The trash bin is full. (T) Step4.practice Now, lets finish exercises . 1.Turn to page 65 and finish the questions. 2.Finish the test paper Step 5.Summery. In this class we talked about helping others. Which person is the most beautiful?I think thats the helpful person, do you? So please give your hand to help others as you can. Step6.Homework. 1. Read the passage twice. 2. Copy the new words for four times.
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