(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 5 Being Helpful-Lesson 6-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:e0231).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 5 Being Helpful_Lesson 6_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:e0231)
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    • Unit 5 Being Helpful (period 6.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案e0231.doc--点击预览


Exercise Group work 小组学习 Listen, read and choose (细读对话,找一下 Ben 帮 Mr. White 做了哪些事?并按并按顺序将 Ben 做的事情贴在相应的表 格里) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ben is a helpful boy. : take the trash outsideput the red cup on the table put the pencils in the bedroom put the trash in the bag throw the paper away give the pen to Mr. White turn off the lights close the doorThe third Sunday in June. 六月第三个星期天。六月第三个星期天。 What will you do? What will you do for your father? I will make the bed.wash the dishes.clean the car.cook dinner.wash the clothes. Can you take out the trash? Can you hang up your clothes? Can you clean up your room? Yes, Ill do it later. Can you take out the trash? helpfulunhelpful He is helpful. He is a helpful boy. How about you? Are you a helpful child? at home Im helpful at home. Whos the best helpful child ? Ben is helpful, too. 1.Where are they ? First Reading - B. In the bedroom.A. In the living room Look, and answer C. In the bathroom. D. In the classroom. Ben Mr.White Ben Mr.White Ben Second Reading -P65-Part2 Listen ,read and answer the questions They are cleaning things up. He should put them in the bedroom. He helps his dad clean things up. What things does Ben do? 限时限时3分钟分钟 The Third Reading - Share your idea. Ben is a helpful boy. He can help Mr. White clean things up before they go. He puts the red cup on the table. He puts the pencils in the bedroom. He gives. Mr. White is proud of him. Ben: Where should I put the red cup? Mr White: Put the red cup on the table. Role Play Ben: What should I do with the pencils? Mr. White: Put the pencils in the bedroom. Role Play Ben: What do you want me to do with the paper? Mr. White: You can throw the paper away. I dont need it anymore. Role Play Ben: How about the paper ? Mr. White: You can throw it. I dont need it anymore. Role Play The trash bin is full. trash bin trash bin The trash bin is full. What should you do with the trash? I should . Ben is helpful. Mr. White is proud of Ben! Ben is the best helpful child at home. Is Ben the best helpful child ? Im the best helpful child at home. Pair work (情景对话情景对话) Where should I put the ? You should put it them . (情景对话情景对话) What should I do with the ? You should . Im proud of you. Write more about you. I usually clean up the room. I usually . I usually . I usually . I usually . What housework do you usually do at home? I usually sweep the floor. water the flowers. wash the dishes. wash the clothes. take out the trash. You are helpful. Im proud of you ! I am good at cleaning up the room. Be good at doing sth 擅长做某事擅长做某事 Writing Im Helpful at Home Level 1(一级难度)(一级难度) Level 2(二级难度)(二级难度) I am helpful at home.I usually . . . . Writing If(假如假如) you help others(其他人其他人 ), others will be happy. And youll be happy, too. Be a helpful people. the best helpful child. 1. Read the dialogue for 2 times.(P64) 2. Write down more housework you can do.教学教学 内容内容 Unit5 Being Helpful (More reading and writing) 教材教材 分析分析 本单元是开心英语Book 8 Unit5 My Being Helpful 第六课时 More reading and writing 的内容。本课以 To be helpful at home 为 话题,阅读与学习有关做家务的英语知识,内容贴近学生生活实际,语 言材料真实具体。通过本单元的学习,学生能掌握一些阅读技巧,从而更 好地提高阅读能力,并以阅读文本作为基础铺垫,引申口语交际和话题 写作训练,多方面地提高学生听、说、读、写的能力和发展思维。 学情学情 分析分析 六年级的学生经过前几年的学习,已经掌握一定的语言的基础和具 备简单的英语表述能力和交际能力。但是他们对英语语法了解不多,并 且注意力不容易集中。 在学习本课之前,学生对相关 housework 的词组表达已经很熟悉了, 并会对相应的句型结构有一定的了解和懂得回应,为本课的学习和讨论 奠定了基础,但学生不够自信,不敢用英语表达自己的想法。因此,在 本节课的学习中,教师主要设计大量情景交际活动,鼓励学生开口说英 语,并通过层层设问培养学生的思维能力,让学生乐于学习,敢于参与 课堂活动。 知识目标知识目标 1.理解句型 What should I do with the .? 2.理解并模仿对话进行情景表达。 3.学习词汇 do with,trash bin 技能目标技能目标 1.能通过图片理解对话内容。 2.能流利朗读文本并运用阅读策略从文中获取相关的信息 并正确回答题。 3.能用英语完成短文写作。 教教 学学 目目 标标 学习策略学习策略 本课时的教授以情景交际法、任务型教学法和合作学 习为主,主要完成阅读与写作的任务;通过设问提高学生 的思考能力及英语口头表达能力;通过合作学习体验到集 体荣誉感从而树立信心,发展自主学习的能力。 情感态度情感态度 与价值观与价值观 1.能积极参与小组合作,能运用所学语言进行交流,共同完 成学习任务。 2.学会乐于助人,积极做家务,争取做家人的好帮手。 教学教学 重点重点 1.阅读策略和技巧的培养; 2.能运用句型 What should I do with the .进行简单的情景交际。 教学教学 难点难点 1.新词汇的理解学习:do with,trash bin; 2.写作:I am Helpful at Home. 教学教学 准备准备 多媒体设备,PPT,练习单 教学过程教学过程设计意图设计意图 Step 1. Pr-Reading 1.Warm up 1)Free talk: Fathers Day 2)Revision: What can you do for father? (review some key phrases) 3)Sing a song 2.Lead in 1)Try to find the best helpful child at home in our class 2)I am helpful at home. Step 2.While Reading 1.The1st reading. 1)Look and choose Where are they ? A.Living room; B. Bedroom Whos the man? .The 2nd reading. 1)Read again and answer 2)Discussion 3) Check . 1. 以学生熟悉的 父亲节作为 free talk 的话题,既达 到了复习的效果又 起到了德育渗透的 作用。 2. 歌谣的引入既 活跃了课堂气氛又 引入了本节课的主 线。 3.在 first reading 中回答 Where are they ?时以选择的 形式减轻学生的难 度。 3.The 3rd reading Group work: What things does Ben do? Step 3. Post Reading 1.Pair work: situation dialogues .Make a list of housework 3. Make a list of housework you are good at 4.Writing: I am Helpful at Home Step 4. Moral education Be helpful at home. Step 5. Homework Write down more housework you can do. 4.在 second reading 的第二环节加入讨 论环节,主要引导 学生先自学获得新 知,并提出疑问。 5.情景问答环节主 要是要给学生创造 更多时间思考空间, 并引导学生用英语 表达和解决生活中 的问题。 板书板书 设计设计 Unit5 Being Helpful -More reading and writing Ben is a helpful boy. put the pencils in the bedroom give the pen to Mr. White throw the paper away put the trash in the bag take the trash outside turn off the lights put the read cup on the table close the door
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