人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 3My weekend plan-A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:90e3d).zip

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图片 go to the supermarket (tomorrow) 小学英语 小组活动素材 Look at the pictures and talk about your friends weekend plan. Tips(提示):What is going to do? He / She is going (to) What are going to do? They are going (to) the Forest Park of Xixian What are you going to do in the forest park? Make up a dialog with your partner. 突破重难点口诀 be going to 用法口诀 be going to 很简单,说来说去表“打算”。 “打算做某事”,动词原形加后边。 be 的选择看主语,am/is/ are 定有一个要出现。 be going to do 是一般,还有 be going to+地点。 学好玩好也不难,合理规划时间是关键。 A Lets talk Look and say 用“be going to+动词原形” 或 “be going to+地点”表达 seesee a a filmfilm (tomorrow)(tomorrow) 小学英语 go to the supermarket (tomorrow) 小学英语 Listen and answer the questions: 1.What is Sarah going to do tomorrow? She is going to have an art lesson. 2.What is Mike going to do tomorrow? He is going to see a film. 3.What does Mike have to do now? He has to do his homework. Listen again and follow. Correct your pronunciation.(跟 读,正音) Read the dialog all by yourself, and mark something you dont know.(自己读对话,标记你不会读或者不理解 的地方) Work in groups, and help each other.(组内互相帮助) If necessary, the teacher explains the difficulties.(需要 时,师解惑) Translate the following phrases and sentences. (翻译下面的短语和句子。) 1.上美术课 have an art lesson 2.画画 draw some pictures 5.听起来好极了! Sounds great ! 4.祝玩得开心! Have a good time ! 6.你打算明天干什么? What are you going to do tomorrow? 3.不得不 have to Pair work:Read the dialog in pairs and then act it out.(读对话,然后两 人一组表演。) Look at the pictures and talk about your friends weekend plan. Tips(提示):What is going to do? He / She is going (to) What are going to do? They are going (to) Attention 在表达“打算做某事”时,以go 开头的 短语比较特殊,直接用“be going”或者 “be going to +地点”表示。如 1.我打算明天去购物(go shopping)。 I am going to go shopping tomorrow. () I am going shopping tomorrow.() 2.他打算今天下午去公园(go to the park)。 He is going to go to the park this afternoon.() He is going to the park this afternoon.() Tip:不能同时出现两个go the Forest Park of Xixian What are you going to do in the forest park? Make up a dialog with your partner. Phrases Sentences ride my bike What are you going to do? go for a picnic I am going to meet friends Sounds good. walk Have a good time. draw pictures I have to fly a kite What are you going to do in the forest park? Make up your own dialogs in pairs. 可能用到的词、句: Choose the best answers. ( )1.- he going to do tomorrow? -He is going to see a film. A. What B. What are C. What is ( )2.I have to _my clothes. A. wash B. washing C. washes ( )3.-Have a good time. - _ A. Me, too. B. OK. C. Thank you. ( )4. -What are you going to do this Sunday? - I am _. A. going to ice- skating B. going ice- skating C. going to the ice- skating 1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B be going to 用法口诀 be going to很简单,说来说去表“打算”。 “打算做某事”,动词原形加后边。 be的选择看主语,am/is/ are定有一个要出现。 be going to do 是一般,还有be going to+地点 。 学好玩好也不难,合理规划时间是关键。 An hour in the morning is worth two in the afternoon. 把你和同伴刚刚编的对话写在作业本上 。 小学英语 Unit 3 M y weekend plan A Lets talk The first period of this unit Teaching aims: 1. Use the key sentence patterns: What isgoing to do? / What aregoing to do? to talk about the recent plans.(Ability aim) 2. Use“be going to do/be going to sp./be going”to communicate with others in some real situations.( Ability aim) 3. Know about the following words, phrases and sentences: lesson; have an art lesson, draw pictures, have to, go ice-skating; Sounds great! and Have a good time.(Knowledge aim) 4. Train the students to arrange the time in their daily life.(Emotional aim) Teaching important points: Teaching aims1 Teaching difficult points: Teaching aims2 Teaching preparation: ppt, pictures of Mike and Sarah and recorder Teaching procedure: Step1 Warming-upRevision 1. Greetings. 2. Sing the songGood morning to youbetween the teacher and the students. 3. Free talk. T: What day is it today? Ss: T: What do you often do on ? S1/S2: T: Today is The weekend is coming. What are you going to do this weekend?(Lead to todays subject: Unit 3 M y weekend plan A Lets talk) T: Im going to see a film this weekend. What about you, class? S3/S4/S5: T: Sounds great! Tomorrow is What am I going to do? Do you want to know? Please ask me. Look and say. Use“be going to do/be going to sp.”to express. (ppt2) S6/S7: What are going to do tomorrow?(PPT3,4) T: OK, you are doing a good job. I have two good friends, Mike and Sarah. What are they going to do tomorrow?(Lead into the new lesson) Step2 PresentationPractice Presentation 1. The teacher sticks the pictures of Mike and Sarah on the Bb. 2. Watch the flash about the dialog between Mike and Sarah, just enjoy it. 3. Listen and answer the questions:(ppt5) What is Sarah going to do tomorrow? (She is going to have an art lesson.) What is Mike going to do tomorrow? (He is going to see a film.) What does Mike have to do now?(He has to do his homework.) Before listening, have the students know about the questions. If necessary, play the listening material once more. 4.Read after the tape and correct your pronunciation. 5.Read the dialog all by yourselves and underline something you dont know. 6.Group work. Work in groups and help each other. 7.If necessary, the teacher explain the difficulties. 8.Check them.(ppt7) Practice(ppt8,9) 1.Pair work:Read the dialog in pairs and then act it out. 2.Look at the pictures and talk about your friends weekend plan. Tips(提示):What is going to do? He / She is going (to) What are going to do? They are going (to) 3.Attention(ppt10):在表达“打算做某事”时,以 go 开头的短语比较 特殊,直接用“be going”或者“be going to +地点”表示。如 (1)我打算明天去购物(go shopping) 。 I am going to go shopping tomorrow. () I am going shopping tomorrow.() (2)他打算今天下午去公园(go to the park) 。 He is going to go to the park this afternoon.() He is going to the park this afternoon.() Tip:不能同时出现两个 go Step3 Consolidation(ppt11,12) Create a real situation, have the students make up their own dialogs in pairs. And then act them out. T: The weekend is coming. I have a good place to go. Would you like to go with me? Present some pictures of the Forest Park of Xixian, ask: (1)What is it? (2)Where is it? Provide the target language: Phrases : Sentences: ride my bike What are you going to do? go for a picnic I am going to meet friends Sounds good. walk Have a good time. draw pictures I have to fly a kite Step4 Exercises(ppt13) Choose the best answer. ( )1.- he going to do tomorrow? -He is going to see a film. A. What B. What are C. What is ( )2.I have to _my clothes. A. wash B. washing C. washes ( )3.-Have a good time. - _ A. Me, too. B. OK. C. Thank you. ( )4. -What are you going to do this Sunday? - I am _. A. going to ice- skating B. going ice- skating C.going to the ice- skating Step5 Summary(ppt14): be going to 用法口诀用法口诀 be going to 很简单,说来说去表“打算”。 “打算做某事”,动词原形加后边。 be 的选择看主语,am/is/ are 定有一个要出现。 be going to do 是一般,还有 be going to+地点。 学好玩好也不难,合理规划时间是关键。 渗透情感态度价值观教育(ppt15): An hour in the morning is worth two in the afternoon. 一年之计在于春。 Step6 Homework(ppt16): Write down your own dialogs that you have made with your partner on the exercises book. 教后反思 李单远 这是一节会话课,是在学完 Lets learn 的基础上进行的本单 元第二课时的教学。我认为会话课教学应注重培养学生运用所学 进行合作与交流的意识,并在有效的输入到顺利模仿或者有创造 性的输出的过程中达到用英语做事情的目的。故本节课,我尽力 的为学生创设适宜的语境,从而激发他们张口说英语及与同伴用 英语交流的兴趣。在学生做任务的过程中,让他们体验与参与, 在互助与合作中掌握 be going to 表将来的 3 种表达,生成了知识 进而形成了技能。用几句口诀总结本节课所学重点,起到了画龙 点睛的作用。但人无完人,课无完课。我应该再把课堂活动设计 的活跃点,比如在 warming-up 环节,可以播放节奏欢快的且与 本节课相关的歌谣“What are you going to do?”,这样更能引生入 胜。在小组互助解决疑难时,如果我能多走近一些学生与小组, 给予他们面对面的指导,对他们学会对话会更加有利。 2016.10.27
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