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1、2023届四川省宜宾市高三下学期第二次诊断考试英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解TAYKA HOTEL DE SALYouve stayed at hotels made of brick or wood. But salt? Tayka Hotel de Sal,Tahua, Bolivia is made mostly of salt, including some bedsthough youll sleep with regular mattresses and blankets. The hotel, about $130 a night, sits on the

2、border of Salar de Uyuni. Its a prehistoric dried-up lake and the worlds biggest salt flat. Builders use the salt from the over 4,000-square-mile flat to make the bricks and glue them together with a paste of wet salt. The wet salt will harden when it dries. When rain starts to dissolve the hotel, i

3、ts no problem: the owners just mix up more salt paste to strengthen the bricks.COOL THINGS ABOUT BOLIVIADuring rainy summer months, Bolivias Salar de Uyuni salt flat looks like a giant mirror.The bus station in La Paz was designed by Gustav Eiffel. He also designed the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of

4、 Liberty.Every August in Bolivia, dogs are honored during the Feast of St. Roch.THINGS TO DO IN BOLIVIAEnjoy a saltea baked pastry filled with spicy meatfrom a street vender in Cochabamba.Take a boat to Isla del Sol, an island in Lake Titicaca. Motorized vehicles arent allowed there.Walk up to the G

5、ate of the Sun, a huge stone doorway built by the ancient Tiwanaku culture.Dance with thousands of masked and costumed performers at the Carnival de Oruro.1What kind of feature does Tayka Hotel de Sal have?AIt is built largely out of salt.BIt is at a very high altitude.CIt is firm in rainy days.DIt

6、is attractive in price and quality.2What can we learn about Bolivia?ABolivia is abundant in natural resources.BThe people in Bolivia probably respect dogs.CMotor vehicles are prohibited everywhere.DBolivian buildings were designed by Gustav Eiffel .3What can visitors do in Bolivia?AThey can study Ti

7、wanaku culture.BThey can cook local cuisines in person.CThey can travel to Isla del Sol by boat.DThey can sing with natives at the Carnival.Sachin oza always seemed to catch whatever cold and flu germs were flying around. Despite being only in his mid-thirties, he felt out of shape and out of sorts.

8、 He realized that if he didnt make some changes, his immune function would continue worsening with age. “I have a family background of diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart disease,” adds Oza. “I had to take action.”But Ozas lifestyle stood in the way. He clocked long days working in finance in Lond

9、on, with little opportunity to be active or focus on his well-being. His commute from his home in Orpington, Kent, to the office was stressful and time-consuming, and he was spending far too many hours stuck behind his desk.Ozas increasingly sedentary (久坐不动的) lifestyle had repercussions. In addition

10、 to catching bugs easily, he lacked energy, his body ached, and he felt lethargic. “My immune system was really weak,” recalls Oza. “I knew that I shouldnt be feeling this way before even hitting 40.”So he began a 15-year journey to examine his health fully. He conducted some changes to his diet, in

11、troducing more raw fruits and vegetables and cutting down on junk food. He started going for runs and began regular training, resistance training, and stretching. He also became interested in mindfulness, practising deep-breathing and meditation.Now 49, Oza feels like a new man. “I catch colds far l

12、ess frequently than before,” he says. His aches and pains have eased, his stress levels are lower, and he sleeps soundly. “I no longer wake up in the early hours, which has made a huge difference in how I feel.”There are many factors affecting the immune system that we cant control ageing weakens ou

13、r immune function, for example, and we have individual genetic differences that affect how we deal with diseases.4What was the barrier for Oza to make changes before?AHis immune system.BHis family background.CHis unfavourable lifestyle.DHis weak health situation.5What does the underlined word “letha

14、rgic” mean?APuzzled.BSleepy.CUnconfident.DEnergetic.6How has Oza regained health?ABy taking a 15-year journey.BBy giving up his job in London.CBy eating raw fruits and vegetables.DBy changing diets and keeping training.7What do you think of Oza according to his experience?ABusy.BDetermined.CIntellig

15、ent.DDull.Noise pollution is one of the serious yet least recognized health threats of our time. Noise increase risks of heart disease, cognitive damage and developmental delays. Now, scientists are revealing that non-humans, too, suffer from noise pollution and that they are far more sensitive than

16、 humans. Also, marine animals see and sense the world through sound, which travels farther underwater than light. But scientists are now revealing that a vast range of marine creatures are extremely sensitive to sound. The range of negative effects caused by marine noise pollution is astonishing: de

17、layed development, slow growth etc.Aquatic (水生的) plants are highly sensitive to sound. Take marine seagrass for example, just like forests on land, seagrass is a carbon sink, contributing to stabilizing our global climate. In the past few decades, seagrass meadows the size of the Amazon have vanishe

18、d. Climate change, pollution, boat anchors and the building of seawalls and harbors are all likely factors. As researchers at the Technical University of Catalonia have recently discovered, we can now add noise pollution to this list of threats. When the scientists exposed a sample of Mediterranean

19、seagrass to powerful blast-level sound, the seagrass was severely damaged.Their sensitive hearing is an advantage in the dark depths of the ocean, but it makes aquatic organisms very vulnerable. Loud underwater sounds can damage or destroy their hearing ability. These effects occur at much lower int

20、ensities (强度) of sound than are known to be damaging to animals on land.These findings stress the vast threat that marine noise pollution poses to our oceans. As offshore operations - from seabed mining to oil and gas and renewable energy construction - are increasing, little thought has been given

21、to noise pollution. While exposure limitation levels havent yet been determined, it is clear that this emerging science will lead to new restrictions on the permitting and operations of marine industrial and shipping activities.8Whats the main idea of paragraph 1?ANoise pollution is the most serious

22、 pollution.BNoise pollution hardly influences marine creatures .CNoise pollution is regarded as the cause of diseases.DNoise pollution harms humans and marine creatures.9What is the function of marine seagrass?AIt has high sensitivity to light.BIt can keep global climate stable.CIt can adjust aquati

23、c organisms.DIt has weak hearing ability.10Why is aquatic plants hearing ability easily damaged?ABecause its sensitive to the intensities of underwater sounds.BBecause humans have developed oceans quickly.CBecause there is lack of light in the deep ocean.DBecause aquatic plants grow rather slowly.11

24、What can be inferred from the text?AMarine noise pollution will probably be improved.BThe restrictions on marine noise has been operated.COcean transportation and fishery will be forbidden.DThe ocean will be sharply threatened by noise pollution.Over the years I have been fascinated to read about st

25、udies into the power of touch. One famous study examined video footage of how people responded to those near them who had been the victim of a crime. Observing their reaction and comparing their behaviors in non-human primates, researchers found that there are striking similarities between the ways

26、that humans and primates such as chimpanzees comfort one another and demonstrate compassion and care.But to me, it also speaks about the importance of closeness and intimacy. Another study found that holding hands to comfort a loved one can actually reduce their pain. It found that when people who a

27、re close to one another hold hands, their bodies synchronize (同步) their heart rate and breathing rate. Perhaps we shouldnt be surprised, as we have known for many years about the importance of touch. It symbolizes safety and love which is one of the most important aspects for development as a child.

28、 Is it any wonder that, when we are upset, distressed and vulnerable as adults, we seek out the same thing?The value of touch was demonstrated by a series of disturbing experiments on monkeys back in the 1950s by Harry Harlow, an American psychologist. His work showed the incrediable drive for warmt

29、h and intimacy that we have. In his experiments, he took young monkeys and placed them in different enclosures. When given a choice between a surrogate (替代) “mother” to cling to made of wire mesh that had a ready supply of milk or a warm, soft mother that didnt provide any food, they chose, to every

30、ones astonishment, the comfort over food. This flew in the face of what was expected. Yet this appeared to show that it was not food, but being comforted and intimate, that was the most important. The experiments showed for the first time how vital the feeling of being loved is to us.12What can be l

31、earned from paragraph 1?AHumans have different behaviors from chimpanzees before violence.BComparing behavior of humans and primates is necessary.CComforting the victims of violence is important.DHumans and primates resemble in some way.13Which example shows the importance of closeness and intimacy?

32、AGiving an upset child candies can comfort him.BObserving a victims reaction releases his pain.CTouching a patients hands can make him less distressed.DHolding the same heart rate illustrates the close relationship.14Why did the people feel surprised at the experiment results?ABecause they found the

33、 monkeys were not hungry at all.BBecause the monkeys could comfort the surrogate mother.CBecause the soft mother didnt provide any food for the monkeys.DBecause they always assumed that food was most likely to be chosen.15What can be the most suitable title for the passage?AThe Power of TouchBHow to

34、 Comfort a Loved OneCHolding Hands Reduces PainDLove and Safety is Essential二、七选五Developing friendship with other people is essential in our lives due to our own very nature. _16_ Therefore, we need to love and to be loved to become fully human beings, as love is the highest form we can relate with

35、others and one of the most distinct features of our species.Here are 4 key points to develop and sustain a true friendship.Take responsibility of your own emotions._17_ Sometimes we cant realize that we are presenting the bad power to him /her. Being aware of that, we would be better if we take resp

36、onsibility and embrace the emotions that come up in our inner world instead of stopping the relationship or blaming the other for what we are feeling._18_The primary goal of friendship is to love, because this is our most inherent need. But love has no other object than love. Therefore, the value of

37、 our friendship with others is not because of the usefulness of the relationship. Our love for a person should not depend on their capacity to improve the conditions of our life. On the contrary, feeling the joy of having a true friendship is what we need.Seek the good of the other person.When we lo

38、ve another person, we seek the good of the other because we rejoice in their own happiness. Therefore, our seeking for the other persons good is totally disinterested. _19_Acts of love are made for its own sake.Embrace the differences.Friendship doesnt mean having the same interests, opinions and mi

39、ndset as the other person.Friendship is therefore a practice of unconditional love, an opportunity to grow together towards fulfillment, and a journey to unfold the most precious capacities of a human being. _20_AHuman beings are relational beings.BWhy not cherish it with your own heart?CLook at the

40、 other as an end not as a means.DRecognize the necessity of the close relationship.EWe usually blame the other person for what we feel.FThe mode of friendship differs from person to person.GWe serve the other without expecting anything in return.三、完形填空One well-below-freezing morning, I walked throug

41、h the grounds of Ontario Place. Trees were frosted sculptures, and large chunks of ice _21_ in the lake. I stopped to take a photo, and thats when I saw them: a group of people _22_ up and down in the water.I didnt quite believe my eyes. The ice warriors emerged from the lake, their skin_23_.They we

42、re laughing and hugging each other. Watching them, I felt a surge of_24_. I called out: “You guys are awesome!” One woman smiled back and said, “Come and join us! You can _25_ online.” When I got home, I did that and received a(n) _26_email telling me what to bring.The night before my first dip, I w

43、as excited and nervous. I checked the _27_: it was -14 C, or -20 C with Torontos well-known wind chill. But there wasnt a cancellation message._28_, the dip was on. The next morning, a young man first led us through _29_ and breathing exercises. Then, along with the others, I ran in my bathing _30_

44、and water shoes. Together we bounced up and down, and then dashed into the _31_. We dipped down until just our heads and hands were _32_ water, and yelled into the sky.Knowing it was my first time, people _33_ me a lot. When we swam back out of the water, my skin was bright red. It felt _34_. After

45、wed all _35_, we met back on the beach, and danced and sang by a small fire to warm up. I could _36_ remember the last time Id felt so delighted.There are times when you can try to get out of comfort zone. It wont _37_ everything in our lives, or the world at large but for _38_ reason, it helps. Not

46、 only was I stronger and more _39_ than I had thought, but also discovered a strong interest and a world I hadnt known existed. As another winter sets in, Im more than _40_ to embrace the cold again.21AlandedBfloatedCdroppedDfaded22AjumpingBwalkingChidingDjogging23AburningBsteamingCrollingDaching24A

47、excitementBcalmnessCconfusionDsorrow25Adrop outBpick upCsign upDstand out26AapplicationBrealizationCoccupationDconfirmation27AriskBexpenseCsituationDforecast28AApparentlyBTemporarilyCSuitablyDOccasionally29AracesBcommentsCintroductionsDoptions30AsuitBtypeCbrandDnumber31AriverBlakeCoceanDstream32AaroundBawayCaboveDalong33AprotectedBobservedCimpressedDencouraged34AdemandingBdisappointingCamazingDamusing35AbouncedBadjustedCpredictedDchanged36AhardlyBusuallyCpa


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