(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 6 Feeling Fun-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:e01ca).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Feeling Fun_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:e01ca)
    • unit6 Feeling Fun Reading and writing
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    • Unit 6 Reading and writing.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案e01ca.doc--点击预览


Unit6 Feeling Fun Reading and writing Pre-reading Lets watch a short video. Pre-reading Whos in the story? While-reading Listen,read and circle. 听录音,圈出答案听录音,圈出答案。 Monkey King can turn into . turn into turn into Monkey King can turn into . turn into Monkey King can turn into . What else can Monkey King do? Monkey King monster Monkey King can fight the monster. Where were they? a big mountain Were they hungry and thirsty? Yes, they were. 2. What did Monkey king do before he went away? Monkey King drew a magic circle on the ground. Dont walk out of the circle. turned into a pretty girl took some food White-Bone Monster Guess! Choose the right answer. Tangseng started to ______________. A. stay in the circle B. C. run away (逃跑) leave the circle Tangseng started to leave the circle. At that moment(瞬间瞬间), Monkey King came back. He________Monster. This madeTangseng ________. beat down angry beat down beat - beat 击打击打 (V.) (V-ed) The White-Bone monster didnt give up. . = The monster came back for two times more. The monster came back twice more. 放弃放弃 Ill come back again ! Read Para.5, fill in the blanks. White-Bone Monster turned into_____________, and again,_____________. Both times(两次都是两次都是),Monkey King _______________. the girls mother the girls father hit them to death killed them Three times. 1. How many times did Monkey King hit White-Bone Monster? 2. Tangseng became so______that he ____ Monkey King _____. send away sent away 赶走某人 angry sentaway Monkey King, go away! sent away 3.Why was Tangseng very angry? A. Because Monkey King didnt come back. B. Because Tangseng was very hungry and thirsty. C. Because he thought that Monkey King killed the girl and her parents. What happened to Tangseng? He was caught by Monster. catch caught He knew he was wrong. know knew Luckily, Monkey King _______, and he _______ Monster. came back returned killed be caught by被抓住被抓住 He was caught by the police officer. Look at the pictures and listen to the story. Task 1: Groupwork, order the pictures. 小组合作,给图片排序小组合作,给图片排序。 Post-reading 限时讨论限时讨论1分钟分钟 Task 2: Number the sentences. 给句子排序。 ( )Monster turned into an old man, and Monkey King beat him to death. ( )White-Bone Monster turned into a pretty girl and came with food. ( )Monkey King killed the pretty girl. ( ) Tangseng, Pigsy, and Sandy were in the magic circle. ( ) Monster turned into the girls mother, and Monkey King hit her again. ( ) Tangseng, Monkey King, Pigsy, and Sandy came to a big mountain. Post-reading 1 2 3 4 5 6 Task 3 Read and retell 朗读并复述故事朗读并复述故事 Monkey King fights White-Bone Monster Post-reading wanted to eat turned into came back beat down sent away was caught by returned killed We should keep a sense of justice. 我们应该保持正义感。我们应该保持正义感。 One shouldnt have the heart to harm others, but must be vigilant so as not to be harmed. 害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。 What do we learn from this story? 1.听录音,朗读故事,和同学一起复述听录音,朗读故事,和同学一起复述 故事。故事。 2.尝试小组分角色表演故事。尝试小组分角色表演故事。 Dont walk out of the circle. I want to eat Tangseng. Let me turn into a girl. I can give you some food. Wow. Youre so nice. Yummy! Yummy! Be careful! Pigsy! Monster! Let me beat you down! Monkey King! Dont kill her! I am so angry! Act out the first beat with your group members. 与你的组员一起表演一打白骨精。与你的组员一起表演一打白骨精。1 Unit 6 Feeling Fun Reading and writing Monkey King fights White-Bone Monster 一、一、教材分析教材分析 本课选自广东版开心学英语六年级下册 Uni6 Feeling Fun 的 Reading and writing,内 容是中国四大名著之一的西游记里的“孙悟空三打白骨精” ,故事里渗透了中国的经典 文化。本课是一节阅读课,围绕着 Monkey 三次打败白骨精的过程展开教学。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1.知识目标: (1)阅读并理解文章脉络及获取文中主要信息。 (2)能够按照正确的语音、语调、意群朗读故事。 (3)能在语境中理解新词 turned into, beat down, hit them to death, sent away, was caught by, returned 等。 2能力目标: (1)通过阅读,培养学生能通过上下文理解词意的能力。 (2)通过阅读,学习如何组织文章主要信息并用自己的语言复述。 3. 学习策略: (1)通过个人阅读,小组阅读等阅读方式来开展阅读。 (2)能利用思维导图辅助阅读,培养梳理文章思路的能力。 4文化意识: 通过阅读文本故事让学生感受中国经典文化的魅力,并且从中懂得做人要保持正义感,要 敢于和恶势力作斗争;害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。 三、教学重难点三、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: ( 1 )理解文章脉络及获取文中主要信息,完成相关练习。 ( 2 )正确朗读故事并理解新词汇 turned into, beat down, hit them to death, sent away ,was caught by, returned 等。 2. 教学难点: 1. 掌握动词过去式 caught, knew, returned, killed 的读音。 2. 能根据思维导图,尝试用所学内容来复述故事。 四、教学准备 PPT、人物图片、思维导图等。 五、教学过程 Step 1: Pre-reading 1. Greetings. 2. Watch a short video. Step 2: While-reading (一)整体呈现,初步感知文本 1.Listen to the story, and answer the question:Whos in the story? 2 (目的:让学生说出故事主要人物和故事的主题) 2. Provide assessment method. 宣布奖励机制。 3. 谈谈故事主要人物 Monkey King, 引出短语 turn into. Monkey King can turn into , he can fight the Monster. (二)分段阅读,获取核心信息 教师通过图片和板书演示,提出问题:1. Where were they? 2. Were they hungry and thirsty? 3. What did Monkey King do? (引导学生描述和理解第一、二段。) The 1st fight 一打(第三、四段) (PPT 播放恐怖音乐)引出 White-Bone Monster 1. T: White-Bone Monster turned into a ______. What did she take?(学生看图回答) What did she say to Tangseng?(模仿跟读录音) 2.Guess and choose, Tangseng started to _________? What did Monkey King do? (看图回答)学习短语 beat down。 (播放录音,逐句跟读,注意模仿语音语调。 ) The 2nd fight & the 3rd fight 二打和三打 1. Listen to paragraph 5,fill in the blanks, and answer the question: How many times did Monkey King hit White-Bone Monster? 2. Read and choose: Why was Tangseng very angry? 3. T: Tangseng sent Monkey King away. What happened to him later? (引导学生回答,学习 was caught by, knew, returned 和 killed) Listen to the story again. Step 3: Post-reading (三)回归语篇,扩展语用能力 Task 1: Groupwork, order the pictures. Task 2: Number the sentences. Task 3: Read and retell. Summary: 1.Which group did a good job? 2. Moral education. Homework: 1. 听录音,朗读故事,和同学一起复述故事。 2. 尝试小组分角色表演故事。
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