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1、高三英语押题卷二之英文报道第二节书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,上周你校举办了中华优秀传统文化周活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:1.活动目的;2.活动内容;3.大家的反响。Excellent Chinese Traditianal Culture Week In order to make us students know more a b o u t C h i n e s e t r a d i t i o n a l c u l t u re,a n excellent Chinese traditionalculture week was held in our scho

2、ol last week.During the whole week,we held a number of activities,including Chinese paintings,food cooking,costume shows and so on.Our forcign friends took great interest in these activities and took an active part in them.They admired Chinese traditional culture very much through these activities.T

3、he activities have been a great success.We a re a t t r a c t e d t o t h e b e a u t y o f C h i n e s e traditional culture.which will encourage us to further spread Chinese culture in the future as well.为了让我们学生更多地了解中国传统文化。上周我们学校举办了一个优秀的中国传统文化周。在整个星期里,我们举办了许多活动,包括中国画、烹饪、服装表演等。我们的外国朋友对这些活动非常感兴趣,并积极

4、参与其中。他们通过这些活动非常欣赏中国的传统文化。活动取得了巨大的成功。我们非常重视中国传统文化的美丽。这也将鼓励我们在未来进一步传播中国文化。高三英语押题卷三之英文通知第二节书面表达(满分25分)假定你是学生会主席李华,请为你校英语宣传栏写一则通知,组织学生观看电影。内容包括:1.时间与地点2.注意事项3.要求写观后感NOTICE In order to enrich students school lives,an English film will be shown in the school lecture hall.It starts at 18:30 this Sunday.You

5、 are supposed to gather in the hall 15 minutes earlier.While watching the film,you arenot allowed to talk with others loudly or eat things.Please keep the hall as clean as possible.Moreover,you arerequired to write a movie review after watching it.Everyone is welcome to attend it!为了丰富学生的学校生活,学校演讲厅将放

6、映一部英语电影。本周日18:30开始上课。你应该提前十五分钟到大厅集合。在看电影的时候,你不允许和别人大声说话或吃东西。请尽可能保持大厅的清洁。此外,你还需要在看完电影后写一篇影评。欢迎大家参加!高三英语南宁二中卷之建议信假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter来信就下周三要参加孔子学院(the Confucius Institute)的面试征询你的意见。请你写封回信,内容包括:1.写信目的:2.提出建议;3.表示祝愿。Dear Peter.I am delighted to receive your letter asking me for some advice on the intervie

7、w for the Confucius Institute scheduled next Wednesday.Im writing to remind you of what to prepare for.First,youd better read some books about Confucius,which is of great benefit for you to understand traditional Chinese culture beter.lt would also be helpful to learn a few Chinese greetings.Additio

8、nally,wearing Han-style clothes during the interview will make you stand out among the candidates and impress the interviewers greatly.Finally,remember to give a big smile and be confident about yourself.I do hope my advice can be useful to you.Wish you good luck!Yours,Li Hua 我很高兴收到你的来信,就下周三孔子学院的面试征求意见。我写这封信是为了提醒你要准备什么。首先,你最好读一些关于孔子的书,这对你更好地了解中国传统文化有很大的好处。学习一些汉语问候语也会很有帮助。此外,面试时穿汉服会让你在求职者中脱颖而出,给面试官留下深刻印象。最后,记得面带微笑,对自己充满信心。我希望我的建议能对你有用。祝你好运!


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