(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Review 1-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:c0151).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Review 1_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:c0151)
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1 Activity4Activity4 复述故事复述故事 2 PracticePractice 阅读短文,选择最佳答案。阅读短文,选择最佳答案。 One day a wolf had a bone(骨头) in his throat(喉咙). He hired(雇) a crane(鹤) to put her head into his mouth and draw out(伸出) the bone. The wolf promised(承诺) the crane that if she drew out the bone, he would give her a lot of money. When the crane had drawn out the bone and demanded (要求) the payment (报酬). The wolf shouted,” Why? You have got the payment. You have drawn out your head from the mouth and jaws(下巴) of a wolf safely(安全地).” ( )1. One day had a bone in his throat. A. a crane B. a wolf C. a tiger ( )2. The wolf hired to draw out the bone. A. the crane B. the wolf C. the tiger ( )3. Did the crane put her head into the wolfs mouth? A. Yes. B. No. C. We dont know. ( )4. Did the wolf give the money to the crane? A. Yes. B. No. C. We dont know.广东人民出版社广东人民出版社 义务教育教科书六年级下义务教育教科书六年级下册英语册英语 Review 1 Reading and writing Review 1 授课教师:连州镇实验小学授课教师:连州镇实验小学 胡学林胡学林 Reading and writing 广东人民出版社广东人民出版社 义务教育教科书六年级下义务教育教科书六年级下册英语册英语 Look and say the past tense of the verbs go/ jump/ use/ visit/ study/ went jumped used visited studied sing/ sang Look and say woke up late won the game ate some cotton candy forgot my homework Look and say 1. What did Gogo do yesterday? He his bike. rode Look and say 2. What did he do yesterday? He basketball. played Look and say 3. What happened to him? He his keys. lost Look and say 4. What happened to him? He the bus. missed She a book. Look and say 5. What did Jenny do this morning? read Do you like reading story books? Which one do you like best? Did you read the story? 1. The story is about a boy who shouted_____. A. “Bored!” B. “Wolf!” C. “Help!” 2. How many times did Peter shout? A. One time B. Two times C. Three times Reading in 30s Page40 Read and choose 1 2 3 A boy who shouted “Wolf!” Peter worked on a farm. He took care of the sheep. One day, Peter was bored. He had an idea. “Wolf! Wolf!” he shouted. Many people came to help him, but there was no wolf. Peter laughed. All the people were angry and went home. The next day, Peter did it again. “Wolf! Wolf!” he shouted. Again, people came to help, but not many. They saw Peter laughing, so they went home. On the third day, when Peter was working, a big wolf jumped out and hurt his sheep. “Wolf! Wolf!” shouted Peter, but nobody came this time. When liars tell the truth, nobody believes them. Circle the past tense of the verbs One day Peter People Wolf was bored had an idea shouted laughed many people came to help were angry went home no wolf Complete the structure chart1 The next day Peter People Wolf Complete the structure chart2 Wolf People The third day Peter Complete the structure chart3 The next day Peter People Wolf did it again shouted came to help, but not many laughing saw went home no wolf Complete the structure chart2 Wolf People was working The third day Peter shouted jumped out hurt his sheep nobody came Complete the structure chart3 Listen again and answer but nobody came this time. “Wolf!Wolf!”shouted Peter, Activity1 He took care of the sheep. Because he was bored. On the third day, a big wolf jumped out and hurt his sheep. Reading in 90s Reading tips( (阅读小贴士阅读小贴士) 1.1. 根据根据问题问题快速浏览文章。快速浏览文章。 2.2. 画出画出对应词句对应词句,获取,获取相关信息相关信息。 Activity2 hurt took shouted came laughed hurt took came shouted laughed Reading in 60s Activity3 Pair work 2 6 3 4 5 9 8 7 10 Reading in 60s Retell the story Activity4 Group work Peter worked on a farm. He took care of the sheep. The first day One day, Peter was . He an idea. 1 had bored “ ! !” he shouted. 2 Wolf Wolf Many people to help him, but there was no . 3 came wolf Peter . 4 laughed All the people were , and home. 5 angry went The next day Peter it again. “ ! !” he shouted. 1 did Wolf Wolf Again, people came to , but many. 2 help not They Peter laughing, so they home. 3 saw went The third day When he was working, a big wolf out and his sheep. 1 jumped hurt “ ! ! ” shouted Peter, 2 Wolf Wolf but came this time. 3 nobody What do you learn form the story? Summary When liars tell the truth, nobody believes them. 当说谎者讲真话时,没有人相信他们。当说谎者讲真话时,没有人相信他们。 Lies have short legs. 谎言是站不住脚的。谎言是站不住脚的。 Be honest rather than clever. 诚实比聪明更重要。诚实比聪明更重要。 We shoud tell truths. We shoudnt tell lies. Practice B A A B Reading in 120s Homework 1.Share the story with your families. 2. Review the past tense of the verbs.1 Review1Review1 ReadingReading andand writingwriting 教学设计教学设计 1 1、教学内容教学内容 广东人民出版社义务教育教科书六年级下册 Review1 的 Reading and writing。 二、教材分析二、教材分析 本课教学围绕故事“狼来了”的话题展开,主要是动词过去式的使 用。本节课为复习和阅读课。 三、学生分析三、学生分析 本节课的教学对象为六年级的学生,他们已学习英语三年多,掌握 了有上百个英语单词和词组,在听、说方面有一些基础,但是在短文阅 读和句子写作方面还很薄弱,需要老师的指导和训练。 四、教学目标四、教学目标 1. 语言知识: 1) 复习一般过去时的用法; 2) 掌握一定的阅读技巧和基本的写作策略。 2. 语言技能: 能够简单的复述故事。能运用所学内容进行情景交 际,提高阅读能力和写作能力。 3. 情感态度:通过这个故事,培养学生为人诚实的人生态度。通 过小组活动使学生敢于、乐于开口,积极参与交流,并让学生在学习的 过程中,培养他们的小组合作意识。 4. 学习策略: 通过创设情景和小组合作等形式培养学生的英语思 维。 2 5.文化意识:在教学过程中,融入“为人诚实”的德育教育。 五、教学方法五、教学方法 1. 通过听、说、读、写活动,运用情景的创设,开展小组活动,培 养学生在阅读中提取所需信息,与同伴进行交流和沟通,帮助学生理解 阅读材料并有效运用语言。 2. 采用多媒体课件辅助教学。 六、学习策略六、学习策略 采用任务型、小组合作的学习方法,培养学生的独立阅读、小组合 作能力。 七、教学过程七、教学过程 Step.Step. WarmingWarming upup 1. Greeting: T:Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Mr. Hu. 2. Free talk. 3. Chant. Washed, washed, washed my face. Brushed, brushed, brushed my teeth. Ate, ate, ate my food. Drank, drank, drank my milk. Went, went, went to school. Came, came, I came home. 3 设计意图设计意图 :通过师生一起对话、歌谣,活跃课堂气氛,创设浓厚 的英语学习环境,并为下一步教学奠定基础。 StepStepReviewReview andand presentationpresentation 1. 复习动词过去式:wentjumpedusedvisitedstudiedsang 2. 复习句型:What did.do? What happened? 3. 出示短文 PPT 图片,快速阅读,选出短文课题。板书课题。 设计意图设计意图 :通过第一次读,让学生初步感知本文。 4. 出示 PPT 故事图片,配合录音再次阅读,要求圈出过去式,然后 完成思维导图。 4 5. 再听一遍短文录音,进一步理解短文内容。 设计意图设计意图 :结合图片,生动形象,视听结合,容易理解故事内容。 通过听录音,帮助学生理解。 StepStepPracticePractice 1. 仔细阅读,根据短文内容回答问题,完成活动一。 2. 找到短文中正确的动词的过去式填空,完成活动二。 3. 给句子排序,完成活动三。 设计意图设计意图 :通过精读,培养学生阅读和写作能力。 5 StepStepConsolidationConsolidation 1. 复述故事。 2. 进行德育教育,强调“为人诚实” 。 设计意图设计意图 :通过复述故事,给学生一个自由的平台,巩固所学知识 并运用到实践中去,充分展示自我,体验成功,收获快乐。 StepStepExtensionExtension 完成一篇课外阅读题。 Step.Step. HomeworkHomework 1. Share the story with your family. 2. Review the past tense of the verbs. 设计意图设计意图 :巩固所学,将课内的学习延伸到课外。 板书设计板书设计 Review 1 Reading and writing A boy who shouted“Wolf” Peter People Wolf One day The next day The third day 设计意图设计意图 :板书设计简洁,突出本课重点,可以帮助学生理解、 记忆所学知识。
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